First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out …

US Holocaust Museum

This column talks about how Pipeline Online has now seen evidence of its links being silenced by Facebook to a small number of Facebook users. On the same day, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s Facebook account was banned from posting content.

This is 1984 in real time, folks. Whether you like or don’t like my content, soon all news content, including that which you do like, may soon be banned from Facebook, and possibly Google, too.

46 Replies to “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out …”

  1. The curse of perpetually spoiled children who don’t want to have a civil and rationale discussion about issues of importance. Dr. Spock be cursed

  2. you’re a little late to the party if you just had this epiphany after it’s affected you

    1. I’ve been aware of it for a very long time. It was one of the reasons I struck out on my own, before I got cancelled from previous employment for perhaps saying something like questioning climate change made by man. But it was Wednesday that active blocking started.

    2. This has been going on for a long time , but has become worse since COVID repression. Basically if what you are searching with Google , if it is political , medical , climate or anything contrary to the current narrative , Google will filter it in various ways. There are other search engines but how can you really trust any of them … you really can’t , but you can use them in reverse … if they are all mostly supporting the narrative … then there is a reasonable chance the true story is elsewhere.

      It is necessary to find web sites independently of search engines that over time you come to trust , and authors who are trustworthy.

      1. The problem is – how do you get them to come to your site? That’s why everyone, and I mean everyone, posts their content to social media. To draw them in. When a person is waiting in line, they go to their phone, and open social media. Sitting on the crapper. Social media. Eating lunch. Social media. That’s why this is so important. Everyone, myself included, can have independent sites, but drawing people to your site is absolutely crucial, otherwise you’re standing on a mountaintop, yelling into the wind.

        1. Brian Zinchuk …

          Yes I fully understand your problem. I was speaking from the perspective of gathering information. I am certain you know how Google operates , unless you pay for Google Analytics , your search will go to the bottom of the pile and lately may never even get to the pile.

          The only other way is to emulate how Trump received over $1B in free advertising for his 2016 campaign … say things which trigger the left and the fake media so much they inadvertently provide free advertising trying to discredit you. Dr. John Campbell (COVID issues) on Youtube is an example . In true British fashion , he takes it to the edge so Youtube can’t shut him down.

  3. You can apply this reasoning for the whole AGW climate change debate Brian

    Nobody on our side stood up and challenged it or spoke against it.

    Now it’s entrenched, and like your freedom of speech, hydrocarbon industries are about to be destroyed

    Like bankruptcy, very slowly then all of the sudden

    1. I have been. I have been that voice, asking the questions others have not. Raising arguments others in the media have not. As far as I know, I’m the only person in Saskatchewan media who has. It’s one of the reasons I prepared to go on my own when the writing was on the wall with my previous newspaper. And it’s why I did. So I have literally put my money where my mouth is on this. For others, it’s just a talking point. For me, it’s how I feed my family.

    1. Lots of people say that. But the reality is Facebook has 2 billion followers around the world. And in my marketing space, older people are the decision makers, not the followers of TicTok or other things. Fish where the fish are, and my fish are largely on Facebook and LinkedIn.

      1. Well said, Brian.

        And we are all blithely shrugging off the destruction of the cornerstone of Democracy … Free Speech … and a Free Exchange of ideas. Ironically … these leftists and their leftist corporations have risen to power on the tides of Free Speech … however, once they attain POWER … they shut it down and shout down all dissenting opinions. It is ONLY Free Speech that checks the POWER of Tyrants. Yes, including the Mark Zuckerberg’s of our warped society.

        And don’t start in with the “corporations aren’t bound by the US Constitution” nonsense. I’m not discussing narrow, legal, definitions of what POWERS corporations have to ignore Constitutional protections. I’m talking about our culture. We are no longer a culture of Freedom. We are a culture of scolds and know-it-alls whose eco-religion (among their multi-denominational faiths) must be proselytized at all cost. At the cost of our Liberty and Freedom. Talk about your book burning … this is 1,000x worse.

        1. That’s exactly it. And I’ve pointed out in other forums, it doesn’t matter if the censorship or blocking of access is by government or corporations, the net result is the same. Voices are silenced.
          And you’re absolutely correct about the Church of Climate Change. Heretics are to be cancelled or burned at the stake.
          We may not be at 1984, yet, But 1984 didn’t happen in a day. We might figuratively be at 1978, or 1979. Maybe even 81. And whether its government or Facebook or Google, all are merging to become big brother. Your phone monitoring you constantly, Alexa, it’s freaking scary.

        2. well kenGee
          Democracy is sustained by voting, and if you have the most votes you “win”, or that is how it used to be, but over time the right lost many voters, why?, because of people bashing others, who differed from them. And you are one of those bashers, now learn to STFU, when you have only emotional BS (religious) to spew. I get sick and tiered of gay bashing, muslum bashing, Chinese bashing, and racist crap. Al,l of which I’v witnessed in here over time. When I point out that a Jew is a Jew, the religious rectums go bonkers, and that is a form of anti antisemitism, as is Arty’s “real Jews” comments, or Joe’s (from years ago) that secular Jews he refered to as atheists . Time some of you learned what Christianity actually is, and practice it. And quit judging things you does like or understand!

          1. Your screed is tired, old, and predictable. But you are confused. You see, I USE my FREE SPEECH to express my opinions. Opinions such as: “stay the hell away from my Primary school children with your hormone suppressing drugs”. “Leave the kids alone”. But I haven’t prevented the Libs of TikTok from spreading their Death culture on the fiber cables. No. Just the opposite … I WANT everyone the SEE and HEAR their depravity. ALL of it. Show us who you truly ARE.

            You see … those who believe in human and scientific TRUTHS … are never concerned about a FREE EXCHANGE of IDEAS. But if YOUR ideas are malignant TRASH … then suddenly … you must “control the conversation”.

            But I still Love you, man … and pray for you … because the Love of Christ passes all understanding. And I even … like you … because I’m not the kind of Christian you think I am. Few of us are the kind of Christian you think we are. We are far more complex than the straw you build us from.

      2. Funny how I know who you are, and farcebook had nothing to do with it.
        Farcebook would have shriveled up and died a long time ago if it were dependent on my patronage.

        And yes, I get the “2 billion followers” argument, but all that means is you’re fighting against human stupidity. I like you, but I know how that fight is going to turn out. Not to mention the Fiends who exploit the Stupids for their own gain. There’s a great deal of congruity between Zuker and Jim Jones.

      3. While I agree with you 100 percent I don’t know what is to be done. Facebook is pure indoctrination. I am a rancher who eats meat three times a day, but every other “targeted” post on my FB is vegan or vegetarian.
        Only fools are influenced by this of course, but given modern parenting it seems most young folks are just that, fools.

    2. Build your own platforms.
      Then, when PayPal kicks you, build your own payment processor.
      Then, when MasterCard kicks you, build your own credit card.
      Then, when Bank of America (of BoC, in this case) kicks you, build your own bank.
      Then, when the government regulates you out of existence…

  4. Never had Facebook. It’s like buying a membership in the communist party or buying bud light. Rule#1: Know your enemies.

  5. You are conflating two issues.

    Your links are not showing up because of Canadian government legislation to force facebook to pay for those links to your site. Facebook has chosen not to do that. This is not a case of being “silenced”. This is a case of facebook being extorted by the Canadian government. You cannot blame facebook for this, you can blame the liberals.

    The Danielle Smith issue is different – she was silenced by facebook. I personally find this very concerning and until Musk bought twitter it has been an issue with all the big social media platforms. Alternative platforms like rumble are one possible answer but I still find it very concerning.

  6. Haven’t had a Fakebook account since they started censoring over the plandemic and the jab. I’ve noticed that this site is getting hard to access through Google. Going further down the page.

  7. The dangers of the “walled gardens” on the internet were predicted in the early 2000’s.

    As we see today it’s all about who mans the garden gate and who has the garden shears.


  8. In the words of horse trainer and recent Belmont Stakes winner Jena Antonucci – If you can’t find a seat at the table…build your own table…
    If you have a product people want…they’ll come for it.
    That’s all I got.

  9. It appears that Neimollers original speech referred to “Communists”. The US Holocaust Museum knew that would not fly with an American audience so they went with “Socialist”.

    1. You attempt to give him zero business. They are so entrenched in everything that if you have the internet you are giving them business. Yes – I realize this is pretty much a useless comment, but just understand that every website you visit may be using g cloud and they are making a buck when you visit. that’s the least of it. I haven’t used google for search for at least 10 years. Started with DDG, now on Brave

    2. John
      Suckerberger is a Marxian Jew, married to a Chinese woman (is she CCP connected?)

  10. First they came for the Socialists, but because they were also Socialists, I just laughed and counted my ammunition.

  11. Brian, most of us here are familiar with this problem. Farcebook, Twittler, Instantgram, Gloogle, they all censor. (And they all track, which is why I’m spelling the names wrong. At least make them work for it a little bit, right?)

    That’s why we come here. You’re already on the biggest megaphone in Canada. Congratulations.

    However if you think this can’t get worse, let me direct your attention to China which is banning Apple Airdrop. With Apple’s help, of course. China is banning the use of any cell-to-cell ad-hoc networking technology from Bluetooth to wi-fi, because people are using peer-to-peer meshes to get around government censorship and government tracking.

    They’re going to do that here too. Probably pretty soon, given the Freedom Convoy.

    Solution? Get yourself a remote server in a freedom-friendly offshore location and start building from there. If you want to question the Canadian government and its policies, you may want to do it from Florida. You can pretty much forget it about those millions of users on social media. Social media companies aren’t even pretending to be fair anymore, the joke is over. This is government policy too, so good luck with any lawsuits.

    And maybe buy a whole bunch of cheap thumb drives. That’s how they do it in Cuba, and that could be how we end up doing it here.

    1. Brian … some suggestions

      * Set up a web site on a Florida server.

      * Contact Viva Frei (Canadian ex-Lawyer on Youtube , Twitter who extensively covered the Freedom Convoy) He is very outspoken about the Liberals which is presumably the reason he is physically located in Florida. Get an interview on his Youtube channel , he has a lot of visibility.

      1. One of the scariest things to happen since 2020 was Frei decamping to Florida. You see things like that happen, the guy -bails- on the whole country to protect his kids, and you think holy cr@p, it might really be on like Donkey Kong already and we just don’t know it yet.

        Super fun times, campers.

  12. First they came for the tenth of never, no wait, the seventh. I forgot a few of those red lines we ignored.
