25 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. Freeland looks devastated 🙂 Of course, all replies today from fed gov will be PM Scumbag style: “in hindsight we should have not go with this partnership but from now on…” etc.
    And this dumpster fire will pass too.

    1. Friedhead is also shocked:
      1) to find all this money in her banks account, none of which she earned without being on her back. “I don’t know where it came from, I thought we were just having a good time.”

      2) to find all the boys in her neighbourhood are now dead girls. “They were such quiet kids, no-one thought anything was amiss. They waved their little rainbow flags with such vigour I thought they were so happy. Shocking to hear they started cutting and just kept cutting.”

      3) to see all the frozen people in their homes. “They were so peaceful, so serene. I just assumed they loved being still. Who could have known they couldn’t afford to turn the heat on.”

      I could go on, but wife says I should stop now….

  2. Bureaucrats likely failed to pass the memo along that China was infiltrating Canada. smh

  3. The biggest thing China has infiltrated in this country is Trudeau’s bank account. Actually inflated is a more accurate word in this context.

  4. Wow, integrity. This is what it looks like. Have they assigned him security detail yet?

  5. “… one of the most toxic cultures imaginable.”

    Speaking of which … where is Trudeau traveling today?

      1. With respect, cgh, it isn’t really a “catch.”
        All is in plain sight, for those that have eyes to see.
        Many of us are just too caught up in real life to look at what these ‘humans’ are up to.
        For example, Freeland is also on the WEF board, which is troublesome to say the least. In fact, it is tantamount to a 2 billion dollar conundrum.
        Also, take time to peruse other entities and their boards and funders.
        They all hide in plain sight.
        Big Club. You don’t have a wrist band to get back stage.
        WEF spelled backwards is FEW.
        We, meanwhile, are the disenfranchised Many.
        And thus, and evermore, there is nothing new under the sun.
        Saith the Preacher.
        But have a nice day.

  6. Many Liberals are China Communist Party sycophants…..Allan Rock, Chretien, PM Al Jolson of course, Maurice Strong and the list goes on. They are all CCP puppets and need to be publicly outed. I am sick to death of these traitors.

    1. Art

      Don’t have to worry bout Maurice…Dead n buried in …..????


      He was one of many proteges of the Rockefellers, the Laurentien Elite being the perfect “breeding” group to enlist from – GM Butts another one. Pretty sure we can add Nenshi & Calgarys GoneDyke to the Chicom bought n paid crowd as well.

  7. “Canada joining in 2018 and contributing US$995 million”

    Another billion borrowed and flushed down the toilet

  8. Christa didn’t know, so she must be incompetent , or she did know, and that makes her questionable as a people’s rep and a liar!

    1. Agreed. Either way she should have joined Maurice Strong in the ‘past tense’ club.

  9. ” …. let’s hope her card is up now and she (Freeland) slithers back to the hole she came from.”

    Now that would be a pustule that even Dr. Pimple Popper wouldn’t touch.

  10. “As the world’s democracies work to de-risk our economies by limiting our strategic vulnerabilities to authoritarian regimes, we must likewise be clear about the means through which these regimes exercise their influence around the world.”

    Says a Cabinet Minister in Trudeau’s Government.
    Or Evil?

    I say so stupid as to be criminally evil.

  11. AIIB stands for ??

    all Indians in bandanas

    all idiot insider bank

    ask if it bends

    any interest is banned

    1. After the failed Canada Infrastructure Investment Bank. JT can’t understand no capitalist will “invest” when his goal is to bankrupt Canucks.
      Politics like radio is for the ugly…
