The “W” Word

Coffee giant Starbucks has been ordered to pay $25.6 million to a former store manager who a jury determined had been fired because she was White.

The former regional manager, Shannon Phillips, who oversaw dozens of Starbucks coffee shops, was fired by the company in the aftermath of a 2018 incident that took place at a Starbucks in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia.

The incident involved two Black men in their 20s who were awaiting a third party for a business meeting at the Rittenhouse Square Startbucks when one of them, Rashon Nelson, was denied permission to use the restroom, because he hadn’t purchased anything. […]

Phillips, the regional manager, was fired, while the manager of the Rittenhouse Square coffee shop, who was Black, kept his job. Phillips sued Starbucks in 2019, alleging that race had been a determining factor in her termination.

Her lawyers argued that “upper management of Starbucks were looking for a ‘scapegoat’ to terminate to show action was being taken” following the incident involving the two Black men.

A federal jury in Camden, New Jersey, on Monday agreed with their claim and awarded Phillips $600,000 in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages after finding that Starbucks violated her federal civil rights in addition to a New Jersey law that prohibits discrimination based on race.


15 Replies to “The “W” Word”

  1. ” Starbucks in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia.”
    overtones of Kyle Rittenhouse….another whitey who got paid

  2. Finally, people are fighting back, whether they be Conservative, Christian or white.
    I truly feel as if we are living in the “end times” with the way the western world has spiraled downward these last 20 years.

  3. She wasn’t even in the store when it happened. The employee who called the cops was following corporate policy, not this woman’s policy. This woman was in charge of a few stores in the area, not just this one. The direct supervisor of this store is a black woman. Starbucks found a white scapegoat and they deserve to lose. I wish there was a way to double it if they appeal and drag it out.

    1. They will definitely appeal, over and over. Doubtful she will ever see a dime of it.

      1. A bakery in Oberlin, Ohio sued Far Left Extremist Oberlin College in Ohio in a similar situation. There were appeals and the college did pay the $35 million awarde by the court. The school learned nothing.

        The funny part was that the Communist woman who ran Oberlin resigned but was hired on as the head of another Left Wing Extremist College in Georgia.

    2. Greg – it is my understanding that the store supervisor testified on the fired employee’s behalf, saying she (the store supervisor) knew she was safe because of her colour.

  4. Just provide a “non-paying customer, public, alphabet soup non-gender” washroom.
    Since when is it a privilege to use the privy?
    If its too much work clean it once a day after hours.

    1. Using a washroom in a store which sells food isn’t a privilege. Gov’t has mandated this to be a right. Even while free speech is a right, and local gov’t jurisdictions have enacted legislation banning the use of free speech in public areas.

      The federal and provincial gov’t have mandated public washroom facilities in AB everywhere that food is sold for immediate consumption. They mandate that washrooms are kept clean, sanitary, and operational. It doesn’t mention that cleaning takes place once a day, after hours.

      There are a few stores in downtown Calgary which have had “out of order” signs placed in front of the washrooms since the winter of the beginning of the covid plandemic. For a few years if I passed through this shopping area prior to covid times there’d be a local drug addict (one of a few hundred) who recently stumbled out, and they’ve left toilet paper and piss on the floor. But they don’t get away with this where food is sold for consumption. The rules here are clear.

  5. That payout will be reduced on appeal, and is insufficient to make the rubble bounce (including making those responsible for the racist decision to fire her to pay any sort of consequences)

  6. I’ve been to Camden. It is an extremely dangerous effed up place often ranking #1 on the most dangerous “citys” in America list. I can’t imagine why this woman would even want to be anywhere close to this hole. I almost feel like they were trying to do her a favor and it backfired.

  7. So Starbucks is out the price of a few dozen frou-frou drinks that taste like somebody substituted cigarette ashes for coffee grounds… I don’t think they’ll learn much from this.
