46 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Below Net Zero”

  1. Hahahaha ha ha … stop using “luxuries” like heated blankets or gaming consoles …

    Hahahahahaha ha … most moms will give up their heated blanket before separating their kids from the gaming console. They stand a better chance of freezing and surviving than getting strangled with the gaming console power cord.

  2. “Canstar Blue’s Utilities Editor Tara Donnelly” – I bet she isn’t being force to cut her heating usage…

    though she is getting paid to come up with gems like “Boiling water once a day and putting it in a thermos will save $2 a month”

      1. I saw it cited somewhere else, and copied it…

        Being a law-abiding Aussie, I have my heater on in here, and I’ll put the bathroom one on soon so I don’t freeze solid later…

  3. Aussies feeling the pinch have been urged to just die.
    That is what the end goal is anyway.

    1. Now if Blackie can export a copy of our MAID system there would be absolute nirvana Down Under.
      For him anyways, he and his WEF friends can fap to the excess death numbers.

      1. He doesn’t need to. ‘Assisted Dying’ is now legal here, I think. Won’t be long before it becomes ‘Insisted Dying’; you don’t want to be a burden on your family or the state, do you?!

    2. 600,000 customers face the significant price hikes over 2023-24.
      These hikes are expected to bring even further pain to Aussies already struggling.
      But, Isn’t 2023-24 Already the hottest year ever to be recorded ?

    1. In any religious cult, there is always vastly different standards between the priests and the congregation. AGW like Communism or National Socialism is just another religious cult intended to constrain the freedom of its believers. All religions do this.

      In the case of AGW, the ‘experts’ are the ‘priests’. Of course they get different treatments. Like the elite in Plato’s Republic or the Elect for the Baptists, they are the preferred ones to be honoured and emulated.

      1. I can think of 3 meanings for “fire” off the top of my head. To what are you alluding? Does it involve a cannon and/or gasoline?

  4. A lot of Aussies don’t even have heaters to turn on. I expect it’s the aircon bills that will kill them.

  5. They don’t need to breath either right? Surely that will save some carbon footprint too!

  6. The role of governments now, is to make citizens miserable in order to save the sacred tree frog or something.

  7. Heated blanket only uses 100-200w.

    I rarely use it, but the GF does. Much cheaper than cranking the heat up

  8. Australia comes in at no.5 on the world’s LNG export list, so go figure. But like a lot of countries intent on committing suicide they’re winding down their coal fired plants and putting the focus on renewables while exporting coal to China and India who don’t suffer from fossil fuel angst.

    1. We are told in Australia that the amount contracted to be exported on long term contracts that are pre-war exceeds total supply minus domestic use.
      We are assured that their are no new contracts that are put in front of the domestic market

      in the meantime the lpg companies and the government are making a ton of money and they keep on shutting down the coal fired stations.

  9. “ You will freeze and you will like it “ can be be added to the lexicon “ You will eat bugs and you will like them “ . If the sane don’t take charge soon our future looks bleak.

  10. Just imagine the savings piling up here in Canada during the -40c winters. Be able to retire early.

  11. If global warming was real,why would they want heating?.
    Just as every Canadian Homeowner is grateful for a mild warmer Winter ,that keeps our heating bill lower.
    Of course ,with sufficient modifications,Gang Green can be used to heat your home..
    Which is about all they are good for anyway.

  12. Hey Commies! Yeah, that’s right. The government…you know who you are,

    Leave me alone.

  13. Turn down your thermostat. Wear a sweater. Save hundreds. What a *&^%$*g crock.

    The electric power supply company has a budget to meet. The money that pays for that budget comes from only one source: electrical power consumers.

    So, if the consumers cut their power consumption by, let’s say twenty percent, that would mean a revenue shortfall that could only be addressed by … you guessed it … raising the dollars per kwh to compensate.

  14. (1) I was in Oz in early April, 2019. Early fall there. The temperature was 18 degrees Celsius one day…what would be a very pleasant fall day in Sask. I saw some Aussies wearing parkas…!
    (2) My brother, a transplanted Sask prairie boy, was out doing yardwork on a winter day in Sydney….15 Celsius, wearing shorts and sandals. Locals walking by asked him if he was cold.
    (3) He and a friend from Sweden, were visiting a local friend in Sydney. Outside was 12 Celsius. The Aussie friend was putting away his barbeque, because it was winter.

    I guess it has a lot to do with what you grow up with.

    1. I was driving to work in Riyadh one winter’s day – no jacket, window rolled down. Passed a security guard outside a building, ankle length army style greatcoat, hat with ear flaps down, gloves……and he’s clapping his hands together to ‘stay warm’.

      As a guy I loaded trucks with part time in Toronto, when I went back to school, used to incorrectly say “It’s all relevant”.

    2. Yes was in Brazil a few years ago in November. Stayed with a local family. Lovely spring weather and maybe 15C at night. They were concerned I didn’t have enough blankets !

      Ditto in Barbados. The locals will not go in the water if it is below 23C.

      … it does matter where you grow up.

      1. Yep, number yrs ago was in N Carolina, Florence.

        23C and us Canadians sittin by the pool in shorts…black women cleaners walking by looking at us like we were nuts…them all wearing down parkas and ear muffs.

        We just smiled..and laffed.

  15. Freezing to death ends the need for medical care where the first line of cost saving is killing patients. Everything seems to be about death.

  16. The Aussies don’t believe it ever gets cold there. I was in Canberra in June and July many years ago; it snowed!
    The motel I stayed in was not designed for cold weather, there was a huge air conditioning unit on the ceiling that would grudgingly provide some heat, but only the upper half of the room was affected. My feet froze. The bathroom was even worse, the “window ” was permanently open so I used to turn on the shower at max temp and let it run until I could sensibly use the bathroom.

    I have been to Australia three times, every time I saw snow – even in November.

  17. Careful my Canadian/American brothers and sisters…this kind of shit is headed our way.
    Making it unaffordable to keep yourself warm in the winter regardless of latitude/longitude is what they have planned for all of us.
    I had a woodstove installed for precisely this reason…but that’ll only last till they pass California style laws prohibiting that as well.
    Know your psychopaths.

  18. This is why it is important to vote for a political party that gives unambiguous promises; if you vote for a “conservative” party that just hints that it “might” maybe do something, pass on by and vote for somebody who says, no b.s., this is what we will do …

    … people in Manitoba have that opportunity and should take advantage of it.

    We should ditch the green agenda and all of the associated b.s., not just slow down our rush to the lemming jumping cliff.

    “A bit slower to extinction” is not much of a program.

  19. The coldest I’ve ever been was in southern Queensland in their winter: minus 2 deg C outside, single pane glass, no central heating, “space heaters” that looked like a hair dryer blowing in the corner and in some houses one could see through the clapboards to the outside. They never heard of a windbreaker — the answer was always more sweaters — one kid was a Babushka doll – I counted twelve layers of sweaters and shirts until I could listen to his chest with my stethoscope! In short, it gets cold there and everyone needs a source of heat. Having said that ritual seppuku saves one hell of a lot of money on the heating bill.

  20. It’s over 40 years ago, but was connected with an Aussie family over here while Dad pursued PhD in Education (and that’s another story). They thoroughly embraced Canadian culture during the couple of years (even – as I recall – hosting a Thanksgiving dinner complete with turkey) and took a long hard look at how we insulated our homes and had proper outdoor gear. As I recall, was advised that – back in Australia where it’s NEVER COLD – they would get chilblains. Didn’t happen here as all properly clothed.
    Family returned to Australia where they promptly refitted their home – suspect serious insulation – to both repel heat and ward off cold.
    As an aside, had to figure out what “chilblains” were back in the day as had never been subjected to same. Mum was a Prairie girl, so we were always properly clothed for the season.

  21. These mandates,nudges and government decrees as to what kind of use of energy you shall make…All coming from “The State”.

    Who is “The State”?

    For currently these tax thieves,wrap themselves in an illusion.
    They are “Foreseeing the future”.
    Professing superior wisdom and an ability to predict future events..
    And interfering with every productive individuals lives ..now.

    Hubris does not even come close to the absurdity of current affairs.

    The most incompetent persons known to mankind,now insist all must obey..them.
    This is Fool Worship.
    We have made Gods of Stupidity.

    This is the equivalent of that ner do well relative,who has moved into your home on your charity,now demanding you run your affairs to their benefit and schedule…

    Think about it.
    People known for their incompetence,their willingness to obey idiotic orders and who contribute nothing of value to our lives ..
    These people are telling us,that they shall dictate our choices in transport..
    Our home heating methods..And how we shall keep the lights on..

    With their record of accomplishment and success.

    On top of this utter arrogance.

    They now insist that they shall be the “arbitrators of truth” in our public discussions.
    “Disinformation” they chant..The very same people who cannot cite one example of themselves ever telling the truth..For the truth ain’t in them.

    My considered opinion,being that.
    Yes,they really are as stupid as they present themselves.
    Manifest in evil outcomes.
    Actions being the only valid way to evaluate the motives of serial liars.
    That what we call “Evil” is actually compound stupidity.

    There being no civil cure for stupid.
    Prepare yourselves accordingly.

  22. Government is evil. The more government, the more evil. It’s a power relationship.

  23. The tradeoff of freezing to unalive state is not mentioned. Just think of the lost tax revenue! /sarc
