Down The Primrose Path

Update: And it’s reportedly over.

I’ve had my morning taken up by a project deadline, so it’s easier to just shortcut you to these accounts: @JackPosobiec,@KimDotcom, @Johnrobb, War Room on Rumble. More here (Mario Nawfal) on Spaces.

I’ll add to the links above as time permits.

The hero the West’s been waiting for.


I would strongly caution people against celebrating what is happening in Russia. There have been fewer harsher critics of Putin’s invasion but chaos is very rarely a good thing.

Prigozhin is not the only one with a private army in Russia. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has a large force under his command who have 0 loyalty to Russia or Putin. They hate Wagner but if Putin has to be rescued by them, why not take him out as well as take over the country?

Will the national guard fight for Putin?

We don’t have answers to any of these questions ..and an armed mutiny in a nuclear nation is a big deal.

Update: Konstantin Kisin

Evgeny Prigozhin has announced that having moved his units to within 200km of Moscow he is turning around “to avoid spilling Russian blood”.

He claims his “March for Justice” was triggered by an attempt to disband Wagner.

It’s hard to describe how NOT over this is.

You can’t lead an armed mutiny which has allegedly shot down a number of Russian MoD helicopters and threatened Moscow and then just turn around and go home.

This will run and the pressure will be on Putin for heads to roll.

Remain skeptical: The information war is peaking. Social media is a huge battlefield today.

By the way, if you want to know what I think, this is what I think.

I’m old enough to remember when Trump was a Russian asset, the Truckers Convoy was the work of Russian actors, and Putin was falling down stairs and dying of a mystery disease.

But hey, lets set aside their track record for lying, and skip along behind Biden and Trudeau into a confrontation with a nuclear armed Russia like good little citizens, while we eagerly await the next round of gun confiscation and internet speech laws to take effect. Kiss your old vaccine passes for good luck! Do it for democracy.

That’s what I think.

145 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path”

  1. Prigozhin is the best chance for peace between Russia and Ukraine. I don’t know why anyone could oppose that?

    1. Yeah, he can cause a civil war in Russia giving the Ukrainians the opportunity for a counterattack to liberate their lost territory.

      1. Rusty
        That MAY be why the CIA tried this schitt, butt don’t hold yer breath waiting, as some one may have moved yer fainting couch!

    2. “Prigozhin is the best chance for peace between Russia and Ukraine. I don’t know why anyone could oppose that?”

      Because The Simpletons ™ tell us that that the instant Ukraine enters into peace negotiations the subhuman Orcs will immediately begin exterminating them.

      (seriously…they believe that…)

      So you see the valiant Ukrainians have no choice but to continue to fight and die until they exterminate themselves instead. Because freedom, or something…

  2. Maybe Nuland figured out she just needed to outbid Putin? A miillion a pop for 25000 mercenaries is only 25 billion. Pocket change for the ruling class.

    1. Be careful what you wish for.
      Putin is the moderate.
      The Wagners want to turn Kiev into a Sea of Glass from Day One.
      The irony, is that you are cheering for the Wagners, the same military outfit that has just wiped out over 200,000 Uke/Banderite soldiers in the past year.
      The Cognitive Dissonance is electrifying!

      1. And here we go, DanBBC manages to miss the point yet again, like clockwork:

        “The irony, is that you are cheering for the Wagners,”

        No, you were cheering for Wagners for sixteen months where they were murdering and raping their way through Ukraine. You have only noticed that a pet alligator is still an alligator when they turned on Pootinistan. We are cheering for the collapse of russia and this is great step in that direction.

        “…wiped out over 200,000 Uke/Banderite soldiers…”

        And predictably this number, like every other number you have ever posted, is bullshit.

        1. Yeah, sure, keep believing your CBC. Getting away from the propagandized MSM, the Uke army has been decimated. If not, why did the much vaunted “spring offensive”, take far too long to get underway, and, when it finally did, fell flat, and ended unceremoniously?

          Along with that, losses run 10:1 with the Ukes taking the vast majority of losses, losses they can no longer afford. Losses so bad, they are kidnapping young teens for the meat grinder.

          The truth hurts, and you can’t handle the truth.

          And that truth is just about the logic about what’s going on. You can call Putin all the names you want, I don’t care. This is being reviewed dispassionately, just by the facts that led up to this, and, the reality of warfare and historical Russian tactics. the Obama CIA backed Maidan revolution. The Minsk agreement, that the West betrayed. The Donbas genocide, where the Uke Nazis killed 14,000 Russian ancestry residents since 2014, while the west remained silent.
          The USA funded bio labs.
          The corruption endemic to Ukraine.
          The Biden corruption. The US politicians also involved in corruption, Mittens, Pelosi, Graham, etc with Burisma and other companies.

          But, sure, ignore all that and let your racism and bigotry decide for you instead.

          Russia is Russia, but Ukraine takes the cake for a corrupt and untrustworthy “nation”. We can be assured on one thing. Zelensky will fight until the last Uke “soldier”, then retire to Miami.

  3. Funny thing is, a quick, near bloodless takeover is what the Russian government had in store for Ukraine, but it didn’t work out. In Russia, however, it’s working out just fine, by all accounts. Maybe Russians just judged Ukrainians by their own standards?

    1. B-2-scarp
      Bullschitt, and this proves you are as STUPID as the COLON rectumus .
      That quick take over was a fig of fool’s imagination, just like snake island and the ghost of kyiv.
      Also , a propose cease fire agreement stated that Putin would pull back from Kyiv, which did , and then the BULLSHITTERS like you tried to convince people that it was the Uke’s who effected that. Now quit yer effing lying A55HOLE!

      1. “a propose cease fire agreement stated that Putin would pull back from Kyiv, which did”

        Yeah, right. Also, their withdrawal from the Snake Island was a gesture of good will, LOL. Apparently, you will just swallow and regurgitate everything the ruϟϟicheschweinen propaganda will put into your mouth.

  4. Its like cheering for Hienrich Himmler over Adolf Hitler. Careful what you wish for….

    1. The singleminded, idiotic, cheering for this coup attempt by Putin-hating Westerners PROVES that Ukraine has always been a proxy War to remove that awful “homophobe” Putin. And wouldn’t it be nice *gawwwd* … to get RID of Putin by the end of PRIDE month … you know … just like leaving Afghanistan by 9-11. We The People have ceded our government to VERY dangerous, short-sighted, EVIL men (and mostly womyn).

      1. Yawn. Exactly the kind of mindless drivel I expected from the senile old man who declared “war is OVER, Russia has WON” before the ruϟϟiche schweine were routed in the Kharkov region, before they withdrew from Kherson to avoid a rout there, before their defectors launched an invasion into the Belgorod region and before Wagner stared this civil war in their country. Do you never tire making of a fool of yourself?

        1. I’m still waiting for the mass media reports of Ukraine’s sweeping counter-offensive WIN … dum dum de dum dum dum … OK … I guess Plan B is a coup attempt. Sayyyyy … where DID Biden send that $6 Billion he found in the Pentagon’s couch cushions!? Please tell me AMERICA didn’t fund this coup attempt! Because as bad as the streets of San Francisco are these days … I don’t want to see them turned to glass.

          1. Oh look you found another strawman and have valiantly defeated it. Congrats.

          2. The f*****g stupidity continues Kenji. I am not sure there is a single word that can be believed surrounding any of this “war”.

      2. Correct Kenji .. amazing how the liber-left have become pro war !

        The US/UK are intent on breaking up Russia for its resources. Assuming the Wagner (UK,US , Ukraine ) inspired coup fails , Putin will be forced to respond in kind , and may well move Russian troops to the Polish border.

        Scott Ritter has some current info …
        Civil War in Russia? Wagner Troops Rebellion – SCOTT RITTER

        1. LOL go ahead. Move the remains of your army to the Polish border, and out of Ukraine including Crimea.

          It’s over. Putin’s regime, it’s whole paradigm, is shattered. So is Russia in all likelihood.

        2. “Scott Ritter has some current info …”

          On missing prepubescents boys?

      3. Putin’s no homophobe. He’d gladly provide gender-affirming care by castrating child molesters who wear women’s clothes so they can be free to enjoy their fundamental right to feel like a woman.

      4. Beware the aftermath and be careful what you wish for. No one seems to think that there could be someone worse than Putin because, as we all know, Putin is evil and crazy.

      5. I wonder if all this is just a psyops on the part of Russia to bring into the open what Putin has been saying all along, ie. NATO is fighting a war against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy.

        1. Thank you my friend. I like it when we agree … which, honestly we do on most topics.

    2. More like Stalin over Hitler. Say what you want about ol’ Adolph, he didn’t make his numbers killing HIS OWN people. He mostly killed -other- people.

      The one thing I’m sure of in all this is that none of us has a single clue what’s going on. The events of the last 24 hours prove that, if they prove anything.

      I’m praying for an asteroid. Can’t they all lose?

      1. Panty Boi
        Hitler killed about 20 million German citizens.
        Jews, about 7million of them, Gypsy’s and gays, and any one he thought opposed him.

  5. And now, with this ‘resolution’, every FSB officer and other malcontent will be thinking ‘can I just get whatever I want with a march to Moscow?’. And goodness knows what Kadyrov is thinking. But please please don’t stop the supply of Posobiec’s delicious tears. His anguish and yours sustain me.

    1. More likely … Putin detailed how he would wipe out his 5,000 men in the blink of an eye. Yeah … march on Moscow … sheesh. The things people believe because they want them to be so … ?

      :(. Sad face … boo hoo no coup

      1. “More likely … Putin detailed how he would wipe out his 5,000 men in the blink of an eye. ”

        Putin probably texted a picture of a half-dozen TOS-1As arranged on the road to Moscow, with the caption “Go ahead…take JUST ONE more step…”

        1. Where? What evidence is there that Putin had anything but lightly armored Rossgvardia and riot police?

          1. If what you believe about the Russian military response is true, that Russia had no cards to play, why ON EARTH would Prigozhin fold so quickly, agree to exile, and the Wagner boys agree to return to barracks? Hint: Strat bombers were launched, were in the air, and those Wagner boys were about to get NUKED to a man.

            Look, I knew North Americans were getting dumber and more gullible by the year (something to do with lack of reading, addiction to porn and social media, and the collapsing standards of education, maybe?), but DAAYUMMM some of the nutters round here take the bacon.

          2. “Hint: Strat bombers were launched, were in the air, and those Wagner boys were about to get NUKED to a man.”

            Nope, orcs were not going to nuke their own country, their own towns and their own key supply routes over a coup they could contain conventionally. You’re delusional as usual. Maybe (hopefully) next time, but this time they were nowhere near.

    2. Tell me sir. Do you -like- it when the Western media en-masse call for blood in foreign countries?

      This is insurrection and mass death we’re talking about. Does that sound good to you?

      1. “Do you -like- it when the Western media en-masse call for blood in foreign countries?”

        Depends on the country.
        Russia? Yes.

        Muscovy delenda est, … don’t forget the salt.

  6. A sub goes down looking for the Titanic and now the Hunt for Red October is happening on dry land.

      1. You know what really steams me, Kenji? We lived in fear of the dreaded Soviets for my whole young life. My old man nearly had a nervous breakdown during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I remember all that. Going outside for air raid sirens, the whole thing.

        And now we find out how amazingly useless they’ve been, this whole time. Paper tiger. It doesn’t matter which a-hole runs that place, it’ll still be a paper tiger, and they’ll still be useless. The stupid !@#%s don’t even have container shipping. Murderous cretins too stupid to come in out of the rain.


  7. Here’s my humble prediction. A lot of people are going to look stupid tomorrow. And that won’t stop them from being more circumspect in the future.

    1. RedPop

      Yes for tomorrow. Quite a few are looking stupid right now. They just don’t see it yet. Thanks.


  8. Since I believe that All of the mainstream media are a “bunch of sluts and jiggers” who lie all the time, I will wait for the “fog of war” to clear before judging.

    1. Big Mom … all I can say is …

      I got a girlfriend that’s better than that
      Oh, everybody’s getting involved
      As we get older and stop making sense
      You won’t find her waiting long
      Stop making sense, stop making sense…stop making sense, making sense
      I got a girlfriend that’s better than that
      And nothing is better than this
      Oh, is it?

  9. Its a psy- op to cover a redeployment. Recall their bitching about the lack of support from Russian regular forces around Bahkmut and then a few days later they have the city. And can someone tell me how all that western armour is doing in the great offensive? Awfully quiet after so much hype..

    1. Cha-ching…that CIA payment was delightful for the Wagner Group.
      Not a shot fired.
      As units return to their bases.
      And immunity is declared.

  10. What a shambles.

    A “superpower” that cannot even control its own hired henchmen. The fact that there even is such a thing as the Wagner Group roaming around armed for bear demonstrates what a mess Russia is in.

    Failing seems to be about the only thing the Russians do well these days.

    1. ?????
      Google :

      I can go on,but that should be enough for you to check out for a start

      1. Sorry, Novosti, but unfortunately you Russians lied your way into your present debacle in Ukraine, so we have to assume you’re still being economical with the truth now.

    2. @JJM – looks like they controlled them. Everyone uses mercenaries these days including the US and Ukraine. In fact many consider the Ukrainians nothing more than a mercenary army for a US proxy war against Russia.

  11. I don’t believe anyone knows what’s going on and opinions are like, you know what, everyone has one. Only time will tell. Personally, I’m against war and find it very remarkable that a generation of left leaning people who adamantly opposed Viet Nam are all in on this one.

  12. Prigozhin reaches an agreement with Putin?

    Why would he trust Putin?

    I don’t think this is over.

    1. One will be dead soon, possibly both, they both know it. There is no way it will end peacefully. Wagner will not go to the front lines and follow orders from the armed forces. Wagner will not disarm. A pet alligator is still an alligator.

  13. If it’s strictly a psyop, what does Russia have to gain?

    Also, Kimdotcom, LOLOLOL

  14. “I would strongly caution people against celebrating what is happening in Russia.”

    You miss the point. People are not cheering for Prigo, they are cheering for dissolution of Orgrimmar. A weak tsar that allows for a rebellion to go unpunished and rebels getting to keep their heads is a dead tsar.

    1. I’m old enough to remember when Trump was a Russian asset, the Truckers Convoy was the work of Russian actors, and Putin was falling down stairs and dying of a mystery disease.

      But hey, lets set aside their track record for lying, and skip along behind Biden and Trudeau into a confrontation with a nuclear armed Russia like good little citizens, while we eagerly await the next round of gun confiscation and internet speech laws to take effect. Kiss your old vaccine passes for good luck! Do it for democracy.

      1. You can’t be serious. This is so lazy Kate. You honestly believe that the entire OSINT crowd forms their opinions by the dicta of MSM?

          1. What entities? And army of nerds, analyzing every bit of open source intel for the last sixteen months? The retired military running their own media platforms? The weaponized autists geolocating every car and soldier? Yes, they are absolutely independent of MSM, they tend to despise MSM and delight on proving MSM wrong.

        1. OSINT crowd: Most, by their own admission, are myopic semi-autistic comorbid marine manimals of exceptional girth, who consistently reason incorrectly from data they do not posses. Out sourcing ones critical thinking to pundits or princes is to consume the dialectical ejaculate yet again. You know. Like that coronazisim thing.
          This is not to say that OSINT is worthless. Raw ‘take’ is available in quantity and quality that was once just a fever dream of intelligence agencies, and recently only accessible to state entities with national funding and technical resources.
          Imagery, sensor data, humint, electronic, communications and signals intelligence are freely or very inexpensively had by any one with a mojo wire. Proviso: This approach requires a ‘Level IV’ BS filter, skepticism, and distressingly; mastery of a vast and occult body of knowledge, often acquired by some years service in organizations heavy on tin hats, big boots and rifles. And they get it wrong all the time.

      2. I too have those same concerns Kate. If it comes down to “who fired first?” we are all foucked and not too much we can do about it.


      3. BRAVO KATE!

        This is essentially what I have been saying to others, well beyond this blog.

        The media has LIED about everything for years, directly, by omission, by obfuscation, by ANY means to drive THE NARRATIVE. Their lies have been so consistent, that, it is our duty to question everything uttered by these soulless demons, and research and review what makes sense and what is utter rubbish.
        Like claiming the Russians bombed their own pipeline. Beyond reason.

        But those with blind rage and bigotry will ignore common sense.
        It’s okay not to take sides in a regional conflict. Let them fight it out and sort it out. But don’t tell me the chihuahua is going to kill the German Shepherd.

      4. Trump was, without knowing it, a Russian asset.

        I get it: you’re angry that your worldview is losing and bad. Cope.

      5. Thank you. It amazes me how eager people are to fall in line with this shiny new cause. I’ve supported a lot of these “save democracy” crusades, nobody has a clue how they will end, and you’re not supposed to ask. They become enraged by the hint of criticism.

      6. Good post Kate. For the record the lying started long before the current war with Russia in Ukraine, as in Vietnam and every war since. I’d say from the Syrian Civil War on though it has gotten more blatant.

  15. As if there isn’t enough concerns in our own neck of the woods, boy howdy, suddenly we are all experts and know what is happening and what should happen five thousand miles away in a place we’ve never been with people we’ve never met or spoken to in languages we don’t speak. The world’s a complicated place and simpletons have it all figured out.

        1. Which would be still be a lot more than your generic “you know nothing Jon Snow” depth of reasoning.

          1. But, ironically, you only think you know something and your default to ad hominem only highlights your weak argument or inability to state it effectively. Perhaps you’d like to get familiar with the rules of logic.

          2. Well so far it is easy for me to recognize that I am among a tiny minority that actually knows something. Most here are incredibly lazy and only waiting for confirmation. That, or default to “you know nothing” on which I have called you above and Kate deleted it while leaving the usual plethora of insults directed at me, including that you threw. Complaining about ad hominem in the same breath simply proves that you have exhausted your usual puddle deep range of responses. You are incredibly primitive.

          3. “I am among a tiny minority that actually knows something.”

            Biden recently said he should be president because he knows more than the vast majority of people. That’s quite a club you two have.
            it’s kind of pathetic when you have to tell people that. They’re supposed to notice your magnificence on their own.

    1. The old propagandists wanted to make you believe a narrative. The new ones want to stop you from being able to believe anything at all.

  16. Funny how all the commentators here fail to realize the resemblance of the Wagner Group to America’s CIA. The end result is that we are truly all pawns in the Great Game as Kipling called it and we are following the direction of leaders, or ‘kings’ if you will, that have no clothes.

    The Democrats spent more money and effort in investigating the Clinton Hoax than they did in investigating the 2020 Election Fraud. The Democrats spent more money and effort trying to cover up the Wuhan Flu than they did in trying known beneficial theraputics. The Milgram theory at work once again, 80% of the population will just follow orders and believe what they are told, of the other 20% that question and think for themselves there is a small group that will try and do something, think of the 3% that started the American Revolution or the Truckers Freedom Group and then think of what group you belong in.

  17. There seem to be 2 types of experts on the Internet today. Those with in-depth knowledge of the Russia – Ukraine conflict and those who design deep-diving submersible technology.

    1. Ain’t that the truth, Steve.

      I just can’t get my head around why this Country is in such rough shape with so many unrecognized geniuses and anonymous tough guys around.

  18. Today’s fiasco probably another example of your tax dollars at work (especially for U.S. tax dollars).

    Prick-hogan seems like the kind of guy who would take a bribe to do something for a foreign intel agency and stiff them on the day. Putin seems like the kind of guy who would forgive for a healthy cut, although not forgive-forgive (avoid the soup of the day at Kremlin parties). Lukashenko seems like the kind of guy who would not turn down a 10% commission.

    Biden seems like the kind of guy who would believe what his NSA director told him. After all, he believed his son.

  19. Some really STUPID people posting in here, and they are all spewing emotional based BULLSCHITT!
    And poor Panty Boi is still shaking from his youthful Russian scare, good lord Panty Boi, grow the FVCK up!

  20. Coup is over, traitors exposed. The war goes on. NATO is emboldened, weapons will flow, many more Ukrainians and Poles will die, a few more Russians as well. The bosses make more money, the people sleep. We’ve always been at war with East Asia

  21. “But hey, lets set aside their track record for lying, and skip along behind Biden and Trudeau into a confrontation with a nuclear armed Russia like good little citizens”

    Oh you want to avoid a world war? In 1938 Hitler invaded Sudetenland in similar irridentist fashion as Putin. We have to save our German speaking brethren from non existant genocide! European powers bent to his will and even glossed over a mutual defense pact with Czechoslovakia which should’ve been honored. But hey, we don’t want to irritate a superpower. So they caved, allowed Germany to take Sudetenland – behind Czechoslovakias back – in exchange for peace in Europe. Sound familiar?

    You won’t believe what happened next!

    1. This tirade boils down to, “Putin is next Hitler!” which is too stupid to dignify with any serious response.

      1. “Putin isn’t Hitler. Start over.”

        And Hitler didn’t have nuclear weapons, either…which makes the entire contrived scenario even more ridiculous.

        1. What parallels? The only historical counterpart to this war that I can see is Austria-Hungary stupidly invading Serbia in 1914, only without the Russian intervention. In that war the one of the era’s strongest powers did as you advocate here, and intervened militarily, pulling both sides’ allies in with them. The history books call that military intervention the First World War.

        2. Absolutely. But the enemy is much less competent now and the civilized world woke up earlier, kicking and screaming for some, but even Germans and French realized eventually they had no choice. All thanks to magnificent Ukrainian army that did not fold. We owe them an incredible debt.

        3. “Yet the parrallels are astounding”

          Astoundingly inapplicable to the current situation. A teenager might be able (and willing) to make the torturous leap of logic necessary to make some kind of convoluted comparison like that, but most of us know better than to even try.

  22. BTW I’ve updated my baloney Russian propaganda narratives list.


    Zelensky fled Ukraine early in the war (Volodin)
    Western weapons won’t make a difference
    Ukraine wouldn’t be able to fight without them
    Zaluzny/Budanov is dead (Oshtashko)
    Bioweapons labs (presented at UN)
    Viruses that target “Slavic DNA” (Onishchenko)
    Nazis sent to kill Solovyov (Sims 3)
    8 year genocide by Ukraine 60,000 civilians dead
    Maidan was a western coup
    300 NATO officers killed in a secret NATO bunker
    Battle mosquitos/dirty bombs (presented at UN)
    GUR headquarters destroyed
    All storm shadows shot down (MoD)
    Failed snake island invasion – destroyed Russian gear was presented as Ukrainian losses (MoD)
    400% of Ukraines air force is destroyed (MoD)
    Russian language is banned
    Crop sprayer blown up is a Leopard 2 (MoD)
    Zelensky is a drug addict and war criminal
    Patriot battery destroyed (MoD)
    Millions of nazis suddenly appeared in 2014
    Genetically modified Ukrainian supersoldiers
    Kyiv/Kherson/Kherson was a goodwill gesture advancing to more favorable grounds. (MoD)
    DNA modified locusts that destroy crops (RIA)
    Ukrs are nazis, satanists, cannibals, and druggies
    Crimea and Donbas referendums were legit
    NATO promised not to expand east (Putin)
    More HIMARS destroyed than delivered (MoD)
    Ukraine and Russia are brotherly nations. (Putin)
    Sanctions on Russia aren’t effective (15 months straight of recession says otherwise)
    DU shells are a nuclear escalation (Putin)
    Poland intends to annex Lviv (Naryshkin)
    The US is pushing Ukraine for the offensive
    Fake organ harvesting videos
    Zaluzny’s swastika bracelet
    Lindsay Graham “money well spent” edit

      1. Your emotional outbursts, slander and hand waving arguments aren’t convincing.

        For those that listen to the mainstream media, the Wagner fighters were Freedom Fighters this am, and terrorists 12 hours later.


        1. Except that I don’t “listen to mainstream media” and accusations of MSM following is all you got, what I said regarding Prigo vs Pootin feud is specifically:

          “It is like watching two feral chimps with straight razors trying to rape one another.” That is how I started the reader tips tonight.

          Your entire narrative is based on a lie, your every post is slander.

          1. Well, why don’t you just leave for Ukraine.
            Fight for the cause! C’mon, go there with the rest of your Xbox buddies.
            Or, ya just another keyboard warrior?

          2. And how would that change anything? How would me being anywhere would change the validity of an argument? How would that make you less of an disingenuous slanderous liar?

            All you got is “go to Ukraine” and “MSM this or that” the moment you try to venture beyond those two you plunge neck deep into absurd delusions like the one I linked two posts above. Why don’t you try to form a coherent argument and one that is not based on slander and lies to begin with?

  23. I think that Putin had the FSB round up senior Wagner group officers’ families and relatives, and then let Prigozhin know their safety depended on his actions.

  24. Whole bunch of pretty words,from the Russians.
    Lets see where the Wagner Groups troops are in a weeks time.
    Pure theatre and misdirection..
    And the true believers buy every word of it.
    The art of Propaganda is to spin up a narrative that the consumers desperately want to hear.

  25. Hey, maybe some of you aren’t old enough to remember this, but once upon a time the same group of credentialed geopolitical movers and shakers gathered their forces to liberate Libya.

    And we got ISIS. Good times.

    And then they tried the same in Syria. (And failed.)

    Undeterred, the rainbow enhanced generals and strategists engineered the withdrawal/retreat from Afghanistan. I mean, how could you not put your trust in these people, give their track record?

    1. Good luck,on this topic Kate.
      You cannot reason a person out of a position they did not reason themselves into.
      This subject has become a demonstration of emotion overriding reason..

      A whole bunch of “Orc Orc Orc” and claims of superior wisdom and now sanity.

      I have had a good laugh out of todays Russian Theatre,the poor media and their swallowers have been back flipping so hard,they seem no-longer sure who they are selling.
      Orwell had it right;”We have always been at war with…”

        1. I hope you aren’t implying that Colonwhatever isn’t an expert? Gasp, sputter, hickup.

          1. Emotional outbursts of hatred and bigotry thrown in peoples faces really doesn’t work well getting a point across, huh who knew?

            A few of the fanatical pro-Ukrainian gatekeepers here have really done their cause a disservice. Possibly they’re the ones who are truly on Putins payroll?

        2. Good Lord! That’s a primary reason I come here … Kate (and Lance?) do far more reading than I do. Their intellectual net is cast wide and far. Just what we need Queer-er nukes. Our T-o-l-e-r-a-n-c-e got us here … and I fear there’s no pulling out – so to speak.

      1. Are you actually dumb enough to think what happened in Russia today was ‘theater’? Do you think the shot down aircraft are SFX? That their dead crews are just really good method actors?

    2. “We got ISIS”

      This is neither here nor there. In any event, ISIS originated in Syria where it was built by Assad with prisoner releases and oil purchases. ISIS in Libya was beaten back far faster and earlier than in Syria. Any way you look at it, bombing Ghaddafi worked out well while not bombing Syria was a terrible mistake.

  26. Me thinks its about time for a second table here at Kate’s. Something along the lines of a kiddies table where the young uns can seek to impress one another with their measured thought and reasoning skills.
    Better yet kids ….. just text each other on your cell phones and leave the adults to h3ll alone.

    Thanx in advance.

    1. Kate runs an interesting dining room. She allows those who belong at the kiddies table to sentence themselves there. Mostly they’re too dumb to realize where they’re sitting, however.

      1. And a certain type … *ahem* … of a person actually PREFERS to dine on the children, err sit on the children, err sit at the kiddies table.

      2. Some are far, far to close to the issue, and can’t look at it subjectively. That seems to apply.

        Reason doesn’t matter it seems, just feels and MSM official propaganda to be obeyed.

    2. Thing is, if she creates accounts 80% of the comments disappear. Then clicks follow.

  27. This blog just cannot stand anything that might threaten Putin. That tells you pretty well everything you need to know. When you are carrying the water for a trash bag mafioso, then you have completely lost the plot. Zero difference between that behavior and the simpleton undergraduates who would fanboy for Castro.

  28. Disagree with the above, the active posters here are divided into several distinct camps or factions in their assessment of the Ukraine situation, it’s only natural that people are skeptical of NATO’s announced policies given the relationship between the Bidens and certain elements in Ukraine, on the other hand, I think many have a reality-grounded appraisal of Putin and don’t take his anti-globalist justifications without considerable skepticism.

    The events of Saturday in Russia could be what they appear (a miscalculation by a loose cannon warlord, a cobbled-together response leaving the Russian government a bit weaker than before perhaps), or it could be something entirely different and an attempt to lure Zelensky into a fatal error of tactics. That does not seem to have worked, if it ever was the hidden reason for these events.

    I don’t believe many outside of these forums really understand the depth of Russian hatred of Ukraine based on a number of things, mostly the conduct of Ukrainians when briefly freed from Stalin’s grip by the Germans, but also a jealousy about land and resources (Ukraine is a much warmer place than Russia). Of course the feeling is mutual given the holodomor and Ukraine’s perpetual second fiddle role in the USSR. At least they had a fiddle.

    Nowadays everybody has a fiddle, and that seems to be what is driving this mess. The average citizen of both countries probably doesn’t want this conflict, but wealthy oligarchs stand to make fortunes and so they have invented some narratives designed to dupe the average person into going along. There is far too much of that going on all around the world, and a shortage of people active in politics willing to confront it, but no shortage of people willing to bend it around a bit to suit their own interests better. “We need to communicate better” is the mantra of the ideologue who just cannot quite complete the deal and get everyone to march silently behind them.

    It’s the average citizens who need to communicate better, as in “get lost, scumbags.”

  29. I’m taking this event at face value.
    Prigozhin has stated that he’s not against Putin. Many folks would like to think otherwise. His frustration with the Russian defense ministry (MOD) has been obvious and probably rightfully so from a military perspective. So, on one hand, we’ve been hearing “don’t make me come up there..” for quite a while. Resting troops get restless and if there is truth to the Russian regular army attacking the Wagner group then now was as good a time as any.
    Prigozhin also has to worry about war crime prosecution. There is no doubt the MOD would let him swing. He’s just made them look weak and incompetent by rolling through Russia and ‘capturing’ regular army military bases. Sergei Shoigu and General Valery Gerasimov. (probable globalists) are now set up for removal. Alexander Lukashenko, a Putin puppet, will shield Prigozhin (and probably many others) from war crime prosecutions and the Wagner group will bear no punishment and convert to regular army ( I suspect many have fled into Russia at this point).
    If Sergei Shoigu and Gen. Valery Gerasimov are removed, Putin has gotten stronger, if not, expect expect tactical nukes on Ukraine.
