This is 1979, on the way to Orwell’s 1984

I will be attending federal Minister of Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson’s event with the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce in Regina on June 28. He will be talking about the “just transition,” which means to do away with the oil and gas sector, one of Saskatchewan’s most important industries. But you won’t be able to share any of my stories coming from that event on Facebook, or Instagram. I don’t even know if you can privately share it on Facebook Messenger. Likely not. So a federal minister might be speaking about the demise of your industry and livelihood, and you can’t share or even read those stories through Facebook. There’s a wee possibility that “just transitioning” your job out of existence might upset you. But that story will be verboten on Facebook. As will every other story.

Here’s the editorial on it. Read now, before more blocking takes place.

14 Replies to “This is 1979, on the way to Orwell’s 1984”

  1. Build your own platform. Are you ccomplaining about libtards or Facebook/cia or both or are they on the same team maybe? Who cares? Bot cuckservative and they’ll hold the quo just to own the Libs. Porn addicts.

    1. I have built my own platform. That’s what a website is. But right now I’m in the passenger seat of a truck driving through the open prairie in southeast Saskatchewan. Building a website is like building a speaking lectern in the middle of this prairie. You can yell as loud as you like, but few if any will hear you. That’s why all the social media platforms are so crucial. Everyone says screw Facebook, or Twitter, or what have you. But when people are waiting in line, or sitting on the crapper, what are they doing? Going on their phone, reading social media. That’s where the eyes are.

      As for the Liberals and Facebook, the Conservative MP Rachel Thomas, I believe, gave a really good speech in the Commons about this. They have it all wrong – as does the newspaper and TV and radio groups who pushed for this legislation. Social media doesn’t steal content. It delivers eyeballs. And if you’re small, or new, which I am both, you don’t have decades of people following you, be it CBC or CKOM or the LeaderPost.

      In many ways, they are both sides of the same coin, the net result being various forms of censorship and or blocking.

  2. The Canadian media is painting the story as as the giant Meta against all Canadians. Left wing private media versus left wing public media. We are in Canada so based on history it is not hard to see who will come out on top. Like a war between two terrorist groups, it’s not easy to pick sides. I belive in freedom of the press so I am supporting Meta in this case. Good luck Brian.

  3. Doesn’t that mean that the same government that made this happen will no longer be able to rely on their msm to campaign masquerading as news on FB. They may have bitten off more than they can chew. This is my third attempt at getting through the AI censorship on this site.

  4. Like two tangled vultures attempting lift off from a dead beaver roadkill as a loaded tanker barrels down.

    Where to NOT go when you want to know.

    You can’t say anything important on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the list gets longer…

    F#%$ them.

  5. These low intelligence people pushing to eliminate oil have no clue. Over 10,000 products are made from oil. I think if you believe you are causing global warming by existing you have a simple solution. Leave us the hell alone

  6. CAPP missed the moment.
    Understandable when you have “working people” busy, actually doing something.
    THEN you have the well financed “latte green coffee shop” crew, sitting around, supported by Mom and Dad, or working in EnvIro Orgs, financed well by the way, using, using social media, and Twitter etc, spreading messages. The media of course eating it up, cause they are bought and paid for by Ottawa group. Can’t go against the “narrative” , heresy, likely lose funding.
    So, busy folks, adding value, paying taxes, independent, makers as they say.
    VS the other new gen, taker crew, with nothing BUT time, cause they don’t do anything of value, really, Taker Crowd.
    It’s how civilizations ROT from within.
    Wait for it; UBI coming, makers will pay, Takers will pay.
    CAPP missed opportunity to go on attack, blow these folks, arguments, BS, out of water. But, when you are actually gainfully contributing to the National Economy. I kinda get it, how it happened.
    Sadly, the fight to correct, swing opinion, correct mis information, becomes tough when you are 2 goals down.
    Just Saying.

    1. Trade organizations take the middle of the road and compromising positions on controversial topics as they cater to the corporate cowardice of their biggest members and purse string purveyors. They essentially become the useful idiots of their industry’s enemies. For example, the head of the Council of Forest Industries in BC is run by a former forest company spin doctor who went on to run the World Wildlife Fund then to the Alberta NDP government appointment on Oil Sands. They essentially pimp the decline of their respective industries. They sell themselves as lobbyists and as such can’t attack government who are the implementers of of all evil.

      1. You are so right on this. I’ve dealt a lot with CAPP over the years. I hardly bother even calling them now. I don’t even know who the current president is.

  7. You need that platform – the FB one – to get your information out, yet your gov is claiming that FB needs to pay in order to do that for you?

    I think you have a gov problem, not a FB problem.

    1. You are so right on this. JC I’ve dealt a lot with CAPP over the years. I hardly bother even calling them now. I don’t even know who the current president is.
      Bobby, I have an all of the above problem.
