No pizza for you!

Forget about wood fired pizza, peasants, if New York’s edict gains traction. Or maybe far fewer and way more expensive pizza choices. Either way, the impact on CO2 levels will be unmeasurable, but no sacrifice is too great when it comes to stopping climate change.

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection has drafted new rules that would order eateries using the decades-old baking method to slice carbon emissions by up to 75%.

The rule could require pizzerias with such ovens installed prior to May 2016 to buy pricey emission-control devices — with the owner of one Brooklyn joint saying he’s already tossed $20,000 on an air filter system in anticipation of the new mandate.

34 Replies to “No pizza for you!”

  1. Nothing will banned, silly conservative conspiracy mongers. We will just regulate it into oblivion. We will just drive the costs so high no one will ever use fossil fuel dependent ovens ever again. It’s worked so well jacking up your home energy costs … we’re gonna do it to EVERYTHING

    Your grandfather’s generation BUILT a safe, cost-effective, society that thrived and people lived well. We’re here to tell you that “free ride” on the backs of the poor POC throughout the 3rd world is OVER! We’re taking sh*T away! We’re gonna tell you the right way to live. FORCE your compliant behavior. Get used to it. You don’t NEED those fancy pizza ovens … so we’re TAKING them away … with punishing regulations. Hahaha ha ha ha ha

    That’s the TRUE narrative.

    1. Having lived north of NYC for some years and sampled their academic/scholarly population, you are 100% correct sir. This is what they believe.

      So, there will be no pizza. Probably pretty soon.

      And the best part is, they voted for this. This is what they said they wanted, and now they are getting it. Good and hard.

    2. The thing is, the best pizza ovens in NY (and anywhere) are wood-fired. Is that “fossil fuel dependent”?

      1. Wood fuel is only “carbon neutral” when Canadian and American forests are clear cut … and the trees ground into pellets … oared on oceangoing ships and delivered to the UK to be burned in giant furnaces to generate electricity. Rustic pizza ovens are THE PROBLEM … not “healthy” bio fuels.

    3. Kenji the majority of people on this planet have become terminally stupid. There is no other way to describe the moronic actions that we are willing to put up with. Tell the pizza nazis to f*** off.

  2. Man made pizza smoke while all our forests burn around us?.. You know you are in deep trouble when the climate justice? is calling the shots.. What did you think they were going to do?.. Sort garbage?..

    No.. It one big circle jerk make work project where the majority get to pick off the minority (we miss this in a bad way) one edict at a time.. We call this democracy..

    You need to go to Cuba or Russia or China to smoke a cigarette at a bar?.. The death of 1000 cuts and I’m actually happy they are coming for you now.. Idiots..

  3. Trendy little 10″ wood fired pizzas will be more expensive.

    I think most classic NY style places have been using gas or electric for years.

    1. They’re making gas illegal too.

      No need to make pizza illegal, they’ll just make it $200 a slice.

  4. We’ve entered the modern equivalent of a dark ages.
    It’s a new kind of stupid that has infested the world.
    The people responsible for this kind of thinking have gained ascendancy, and they need to be fought tooth and nail.
    But the best we can do is whine about it.

    1. They are just putting the finishing touches on a $23/day congestion charge for private cars in Manhattan. The line is 60th street, it will help keep the rabble out. /sarc

  5. Green theocracy knows no bounds. It’s the horn that hypnotizes the Eloi and brings them in for “dinner”. I foresee the day in the not too distant future when all fire will be banned, well, other than natural forest fires. Given that NG combustion is being phased out, all you preppers can bet that wood burning stoves and heaters will be too. This will continue until people start shooting back (metaphorically speaking of course) or until the grown up communists come from overseas and take charge from the green robed vandals that disarmed the west.

    1. It’s about slowly heating up the water. Us the frogs we won’t notice. Prices for everything re daily life slowly going up while we’re being fed PR, BS and ‘Look, squirell!’ news.

  6. The coal pizza oven owners are looking at this the wrong way. Putting a filter on one of these ovens is like putting a DPF on an 80s mechanical diesel.

    Focus on the combustion itself. The smoke and particulate matter is unburned fuel. This is caused by: excess air, bad mixing, and low combustion temperatures (cold and excess air). All of these problems exist in those open coal ovens. They aren’t much better than an open bonfire.

    You can keep the overall oven design the same. But add the features of a modern stove: metered air that is heated before combustion, two stages of air injection, inlet controlled by a thermostat.

    You could easily reduce coal use by 30%-50%

    1. How could one reduce the emissions from a burning government office? Just asking for a friend.

    2. They weren’t told they had to reduce particulate matter and smoke, they were told they had to reduce CO2. Perfectly efficient combustion produces maximum CO2 AFAIK.

      1. The one article does say particulate matter further down. Also, filters do nothing for CO2.

        You are correct that amount of CO2 produced per unit correlates to efficiency. But that also means you burn less units for the same heat.

    3. -Coal- pizza oven?

      Okay then.

      Also, do you understand the difference between doing combustion research and running a pizzeria?

      1. I’m just an owner operator, but I know a surprising amount about combustion efficiency. Fuel is my largest cost.

  7. Take away New Yawkers’ pizza and you’re playin’ with fire!

    Go ahead. Defund the Police. Catch and release criminals. Lockdown everyone and make ’em wear masks for a year or two. Ban bladder buster-sized soft drinks. No prob.

    But take away their pizza?!? That bureaucrat’s life is forfeit.

    Ain’t gonna happen.

  8. There’s something weird about this. Someone in a position to present these regulations got slighted by someone in the business they are targeting. Wood fired pizza doesn’t far exceed any other process that releases the evil greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. No, this is personal for someone in a position of power. It’s probably the result of a domestic dispute of some sort.

  9. The pizzerias’ owners are stupid to spend money on air filters and other crap. The crazy leftists will come up with more restrictions very soon. Similar something happened when they banned indoor smoking in Ontario. First, they said the pubs could have a separate room (enclosure) for smokers. The owners invested big money in building those and after 1 year or so, the commies came up with a new bylaw banning indoor smoking no matter what.

  10. I’ve seen this movie before. The feds along with the Province killed bars and other places with expensive, nit picky ventilation upgrades with respect to smoking in public areas, when that was completed they shifted the goalposts. Death by a thousand cuts you might say.
    In the end they just banned it outright.

  11. Outdoor smoking is banned in Ontario??? I guess I am living under a rock. Currently in BC where I reside, there are outdoor no smoking areas, but also areas where it is designated you CAN smoke. I quit over twenty years ago, so I’m not really affected, I do however admit to a desire for a cig whenever I smell one, but I learned,(eventually) that the little voice in your head that says “one smoke won’t hurt” is lying to you.

    Where I live, to get anywhere we must take a Ferry ride toward the lower mainland or to Vancouver Island. I am always amused by the signage in the BC Ferry parking/holding area.

    “No Smoking, in any area of BC Ferry property”.
    Followed by,
    BC Ferries is proud to designate it’s facilities are Smoke and Vape Free!

    Yet in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, while waiting the hours for the Ferry to arrive, most vehicles sit Idling, to keep their heaters working. However, don’t you dare smoke in or outside your vehicle on BC Ferry property!

    The absolute idiocy of this is never even considered. All politicians just want to jump on any bandwagon that might improve their reelection chances next time, with never a sensible thought entering their heads.
    I suspect it’s the same in NYC, although the truth is, the world wide green agenda is pushing these mandates, and they are just part of the shock troops of useful idiots pushed out by the WEF/UN/WHO one world order evil elites and their cronies.

    Yeah, the death by a thousand cuts, because we’re passive enough to keep taking the small incremental cuts, whereas we wouldn’t if it was done with axes and machetes! What fools and idiots we are!
