Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Russian Collusion And The Death Of Journalism

Ashley Rindsberg, investigative journalist and author of “The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times’s Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History,” outlined the broad strokes of the Russian Collusion narrative that was manically propagated by the mainstream media and then quietly ignored after its claims were categorically discredited.

In January 2023, the Columbia Review, a highly respected journalistic publication, published an in-depth review of the “Russiagate” scandal written by industry veteran Jeff Gerth. Gerth concluded that every major claim made about the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion was false. “Let’s step back and consider what this means: for some five years, the Mainstream Media, the New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN fed a grotesque lie to the public, that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to subvert an American election.”

A similar fact pattern would emerge in many of the allegations — initial sourcing from opposition research or highly disreputable sources would be referenced by the FBI or other government agents in anonymous statements to the media, who would then parrot the claims as if they were credible because the FBI was investigating them.

7 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. The dirty dirty.. Throw some raw meat to the hungry dogs and let money and tribalism run its course.. It doesn’t have to be star chamber.. Organic will do just fine..

    Russia, Russia or Covid or climate change.. The left has 100 000 fluff girls ready to do their jobs.. Sadly this includes the MSM..

  2. Butt, not to worry, they will redeem themselves with their reporting on the Russo Uke war!

  3. FDR granted diplomatic recognition to the Evil Empire after the NYT’s Walter Duranty misreported famine in the Ukraine — and got a Pulitzer for it.

    Eggs were broken, but where was the omelette?

  4. for some five years, the Mainstream Media, the New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN fed a grotesque lie to the public, that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to subvert an American election.”

    Don’t forget to add CJME/CKOM to the list of lying Media. No retractions ever!

    1. ^^Gormley and (barf) Murray Wood are getting more and more commie/hard left each day. Murray would you knew all along but Gormley is not even pretending to be a centrist let alone a conservative…he’s full blown whack job now. Must be his old age, time time he put out to pasture, or he knows it sells well so that’s the cards he plays?
