22 Replies to “Let That Sink In”

  1. I wish I could still read the comments on Twitter. I get so much backstory from that. All I’m getting now is the original tweet.

      1. I would have guessed Ted Knight from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. And I think you meant “Huge” Grant.

      1. Yup. Excuse the misspell.
        The Wine Dork Sea.
        Just deep enough to drown the CTV.
        They will not make it after all.

  2. Did you know that during “Pride Season” more than 500 tons of glitter is washed into the oceans around the world. That is what is causing the colour change.

    1. During “pride season”, the merchant marine fills the oceans with seamen. That is what really causes the colour change.

  3. Anybody have any updates on what’s going on with Twitter? Are you forced now to have an account just to read tweets? That seems dumb. I opened one and was hit with rate limiters the first weekend. Happening now again and all I’m doing is clicking SDA links. I like that there’s more freedom of speech there but the regulatory shit is not enticing.

    1. The changes are a royal pain to be sure, and it’s made sourcing Twitter more difficult from a blogging perspective. I’ve read that part of the reason for rate limiters and account requirements was to curb data scraping. From a personal perspective, I pay for my account to support Musk’s efforts on the free speech front. If that part changes, well, I’ll go my own way.

      1. Don’t trust Musk.
        His “efforts” ain’t blowin’ up my skirt.
        Red herring kind of guy with too much money and weird brain chippy ideas.
        Just sayin’

    1. Or eight or so conservatives bookmarking it to mock in retweets of it, like Kate?

  4. I was thrown off Twitter like 3 or 4 years ago. The final straw for their commie moderators was criticizing NPR. And now I can’t even get on to peruse my favorite accounts unless it’s a direct link to a tweet from someplace like here. Miss reading Smug, Redsteeze, and the various funny meme-makers and Pepe Frog type accounts like Confirmed Miscer. Lol. I come here more often now and places like ZH

  5. From the story

    “Next up, Dutkiewicz will try to better understand the colour changes in different ocean regions, as well as looking into what might be causing them, she said.”

    Yet for sure it is global warming. lol

    1. By citing Globull Warming one appeases the Globull Warming Funding gods. It’s very much like a cargo cult, pray to the gods and money falls from the sky

  6. I wouldn’t know, my account was suspended post-Musk takeover. Perfect jab though, Kate.

  7. I have lifetime bans from commenting on; The Daily Mail … because I asked why they featured lesbian US Soccer team players kissing their wives after the last World Cup victory … and not hetero players kissing their husbands? I guess they don’t allow “homophobic” comments.

    I also have a lifetime ban from YouGov. Why? Because I suggested that ANTIFA and BLM rioters who murder innocent shop keepers should be tried, and if found guilty … receive the death penalty. I guess that was “too violent” for YouGov. Meanwhile … pro-Anarchist posters justify all the Burning, Looting, and Murder … because “systemic racism ” or something

    1. Once a year the Chicago river turns green but it has nothing to do with gender or climate
