Sycophants vs Truthtellers

When the foreign press is more grounded in reality than ones own…

Globe and Mail- Prime Minister Trudeau heads to NATO summit as Canada expected to play key role in discussions

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is heading to the NATO leaders’ summit in Lithuania this week, where Canada is likely to play a larger-than-usual role in two critical discussions: the alliance’s expanding membership and its efforts to refocus on collective defence.

Wall Street Journal- Canada Is a Military Free-Rider In NATO

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Lithuania this week for the annual NATO summit, but it’s too bad there wasn’t a junior table where he could sit. That’s where his country belongs based on Ottawa’s feeble commitment to alliance defense.

53 Replies to “Sycophants vs Truthtellers”

  1. Our Dear Leader expects, and receives, this type of toe-licking in return for the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars he hands out to the legacy media.

  2. Junior table? Maybe we could sit at the trans table? Since Juthtin is transitioning a once proud military into a ridiculous parody of one.

  3. Did you hear the one about Trudeau trying to create a vibe with the media that he was known as the “Dean” of the G-7 leaders?
    Thankfully they laughed.

    Am I the only one having trouble with the links? Probably.

  4. I had a temp job once at one of those fly-by-night modelling agencies. Nothing kinky, this was PG rated for Eatons catalogs and stuff – or that was the promise anyway.

    Job was to upsell the Stage Door Moms on photo packages (hint: any modelling agency that asks for such, isn’t a modelling agency).

    Yes, it was easy, just had to tell them that of COURSE little Savanah is PERFECT. Just needs some better pics, etc.

    Junior is pretty much that moppet at a cattle call who soon learns that, no, you aren’t actually what they’re looking for.

  5. The media has always overblown Canada’s importance when it comes to international influence. Just like it has about Canada’s “best in the world” medicare system.

    1. Italy is the country shaped like a boot and Canada is the country shaped like a boot licker.

  6. Man, that article was a burn. They’ve obviously spent more time considering how Canada should be run than anyone currently in government.

    1. Well, they took an interest in it, as opposed to Prince Idiot. And actual knowledge makes a difference.

  7. Another false narrative, this time “restoring” our international reputation – with collectivists, green rent seekers and other tyrants.
    Much like the fake notion, at this time, of Ukraine in NATO, which would put us at war with Russia. Power and reality doesn’t mix.
    Like Mike Pence said, there must be boots on the ground; there must be nuclear weapons; there must be …… perpetual war.

    Actually he said, more weapons but you get the idea that their only real response is escalation, which NATO membership would surely be. The idea is to do this stuff before, not after invasion. There can be no Ukraine in NATO while Russia is in Ukraine.

    The person on the street knows this but our esteemed leaders don’t? That’s the tell for yet another lie to cover their power lust.

  8. The WSJ is jealous of PM Trudeau’s good looks and beautiful hair (and stylish socks)!

    1. And jealous of Idris Elba giving Sophie’s Choice the coof.

    2. The WSJ is jealous our leader can stand up, doesn’t stutter, slur, or lisp, is not infatuated by school kids… Oh…wait.

    3. Good thing Fidel was his daddy, if Pierre was his daddy Justin would be bald by now.

  9. On the negative side, Canada, primarily under the LPC (and now partnered with their long standing NDP policy brain-trust) is a pathetic military dumpster fire cowering behind the now disastrously-led US military skirt. On the slightly positive side, why are we even part of NATO? If we’re part of the “intimidate Russia into WW3” club, at least we aren’t a real player.

    We need to leave the historical remnants of post-WW2 behind, get out of Europe, and figure out how to address our own defense like perhaps arming a million man militia, a few good nuclear subs (with nukes), drones, ABM and AA systems, etc. Stop buying weaponry of the last wars like manned flying targets. How about we close down the CCP police stations, kick out a couple of their stooges that sit in the Senate, and deport any active CCP agents. Divorcing us from CCP control would be more of an act of defense than further mindlessly threatening a nation with the largest nuclear stockpile on the planet.

    1. John
      ” like manned flying targets”
      Now that’s some real funny shit rite there!:-))))

    2. Didn’t you hear the Foreign Affairs Barbie? She said a while ago that the goal was regime change in Russia to a Rules Based world order. And yyou know who makes the rules in that scenario.

  10. The enemy of the people. The PM and his Corporate Media.
    The Corporate Media are part of the Liberal/NDP Party. Their job is to make sure the Turdhole looks good.
    Turdhole fluffers.
    Will stupid Canadians ever figure it out? Probs not.

  11. A friend’s take:

    Mr. Trudeau’s mandate to the Minister of National Defence: “Your immediate priority is to take concrete steps to build an inclusive and diverse Defence Team, characterized by a healthy workplace free from harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct and violence.”

    In other words use our military as a test bed for my fake wokeness. Ensure every member that could have possibly, perhaps, maybe acted inappropriately at any time in the career is publically outed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dismiss the fighting force part and use them as cannon fodder to push my fake feminism agenda.

    The CDS Command Suite is complicit in this bullshit. The MND’s should have been advised to state in their lane, secure funding and shove their woke agenda straight up the Prime Minister’s boney, hypocritical ass.

    Well said, Bruce.

  12. I’m the Prime Minstrel Trudeau, and “blood and soil” Freeland are cheering for NATO’s entry into the Ukraine.

  13. Me ‘n some of the boys are thinking about invading Canada after reading this article.

    We’re not seeing much of a problem, but there is a downside.

    So, we win, and then… we’re stuck with the hot mess Sparkle Socks has made of Canada.

    We took a vote and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. Y’all are safe from us up there. Can’t speak for your gubbmint, though. Good luck.

    1. Well when I look at the state the boys left Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq, I think the boys better stay home. Unless you leave all the equipment behind, we could used that.

      1. What equipment?

        The expeditionary force was to be 30 or 40 of us good ol’ boys from down at the local watering hole. Figgered that’s all it would take.

        We planned on overrunning Canada in about 20 pickup trucks and crushing all resistance by using the wrong pronouns ON PURPOSE** against enemy combatants. Figured we should capture Ottawa in 3-4 days, although we do expect some casualties trying to make our way through the potholes. (OK. Canada might come out a few pickup trucks ahead, although they’d have severe suspension damage and 4 flat tires.)

        But then we’d have Justhin’s Canada and we would be sooo screwed. So, we’re staying home and having beer, barbeque, and swamp buggy races.

        20 years ago we’d never dare entertain the thought of going up against Canada. But now? The CAF have been ordered to DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity). So we know your good ol’ Canadian country boys will be stayin’ on the farms and we’ll only be facing soldiers who don’t know which bathroom to use.

        **Yeah, we know. Against the Geneva Convention.

        Note: The US military is in only slightly better shape. Out of ammo and no one with a family history of military service need apply. A fair number have enlisted just for the free trans surgery the military provides. The Top Brass seem to be trying to get anyone with a lick of patriotism and fight in them to leave.

        God help us all.

  14. For some reason I am reminded of Trump and his demand that NATO countries cough up their 2.0%.

    1. I am reminded that Trump was beaten to the punch. 2006 and 2014 both had NATO meetings discussing the 2% defense spending. The latter meeting put forth a guideline that countries meet the 2% of GDP defense spending by 2024. Some have hit it.

      I am also reminded that nobody owes NATO anything. Last time I checked, there were no amounts owing.

      1. NATO without the USA – a bunch of unarmed faggots running around in pride gear. Sadly, the marxists in the US are trying to destroy the country like the rest of the west.

        1. Now it’s US Army supplying the pride gear. I think the US has the highest-ranking tranny in any military… What rank is Rachel again?

      2. “I am also reminded that nobody owes NATO anything. Last time I checked, there were no amounts owing.”

        Nor did anyone here say that there was. Try to keep up.

  15. Yank here. If Canada wants to play, it should pay. Canada spent 1.29% of economic output on defense, far short of the 2% benchmark. And then it goes around griping about the country that actually does the huge bulk of the lifting. It has no threat of invasion from Russia, and if Europe is invaded by Russia its forces will comprise, at least initially, a negligible part of the defense.

    1. Au contraire. Maybe not today but in the past, without US support, the Soviets could have taken Northern Canada very easily. Five thousand Canadian Rangers armed with 303’s wouldn’t have been much of a deterrent. We may have not even known it happened. It doesn’t matter now since China has done the deed without firing a shot.

    2. The worse of it is that the 1.29% is arrived at with many accounting tricks. For example, factoring military pensions as part of the defence budget.

  16. Dude is an imbecile without any shame whatsoever: so he’s not paying his NATO dues but boasts of all kind of crap as big NATO partner in front of msmedia.

    1. Hard to say what it is under Turdo but Canada has a proud military history and a history of punching well above its weight. Canada had some of the finest infantry in the world during the two world wars. From Wolfe to Brock to Bishop, Currie and beyond. Like its world class artists, actors, musicians and innovators Canada has produced fine military branches and has had a great deal of success in the field.

      1. Thomas-
        Wolfe and Brock were English.

        But yes, Canada fielded high effective combined arms capabilities as late as WWII. And fought with high distinction in Af’stan

  17. Cut the boy some slack (Ok not really). It’s not that Canada is cheap on defense (although it is), it’s just that its procurement system makes it impossible for the Defense Dept to buy anything. Ten years to buy replacement pistols for the WW2 era Browning. A couple of decades for other aircraft, such as the fixed-wing SAR replacement (that still doesn’t work), the Cyclone (that has serious servicibility problems – that happens when you are the sole operator of a tiny fleet) and the F-35… The government’s procurement policy makes it impossible for the government to implement its own defence policy. Unless, of course, it’s to replace the VIP Challengers. See, we’re not cheap, we’re just incredibly dysfunctional to the point of being inoperable. But DND does find a way to spend on “diversity and inclusion”, showing that pushing the LGBTQ agenda is now part of its core mission over pretty much anything else.

    1. The Turd gets no slack. His government is responsible for increasing the bureaucracy by 98,000 more useless idiots. If you want to get very little done, get 10 bureaucrats. If you want even less done, get 1,000. If you want nothing done, get 100,000.

  18. “But if sovereignty and national pride mean anything, Canada can’t afford to float above the fray on defense.” No they don’t. After all, as PM BlackFace has stated, Canada is a post-national country. The only “pride” left occurs in June, apparently.
