My Salary? Oh, Pay It Whenever…

I think we can assume that madam’s professed “time blindness” – which apparently precludes the use of the reminder function on her phone – doesn’t result in her turning up for work early, or accidentally working extra hours. Or being in any way more useful or helpful, or less self-involved.

I think we can assume that with some confidence.

On tardiness as a progressive credential.

12 Replies to “My Salary? Oh, Pay It Whenever…”

  1. I’m fairly certain her* time blindness has never once caused her to show up an hour early for work nor to work an hour past quitting time.

    *I am assuming her pronouns but I suspect she has her own. Narcissistic megalomaniacs who expect reality to conform to their whims often do.

  2. Try this BS on an Oil sands site, or fab shop or any other manufacturing site…


    “DONT bother coming in ANYMORE, sonny, youre done”


  3. Sorry bitch, musk bought Twitter, that was the only place useless people were welcome, and that was because it was a government job. Never mind, look up the Canadian civil service, you may be useless enough to fit in.

  4. Hey, Bitch got her 15 minutes if fame!
    What more could she ask for! Certainly not sympathy.
    Ridicule maybe? Lots of that available.

  5. I recall about 2 years ago a push by some in the black community to suggest that punctuality was racist. What was amusing about that effort was that its application basically depended on the exploitation of a stereotype, yet the proponents were too stupid to actually see that.

    Prior to that there was an effort to apply a bastardization of proper grammar, spelling, and all around use of language because it was racist and not culturally accurate. There were offsets of this effort, not the least of which was called Ebonics.

    But, what it all boils down to is excuses and laziness. I suppose that’s a stereotype within itself.

    1. “I recall about 2 years ago a push by some in the black community to suggest that punctuality was racist. ”

      I remember that as well. Also, mathematics were considered ‘racist’ by these same people.

      1. Yeah, I remember that, too as well as Fred’s comment. Everything is ‘racist’ these days.

        TikTok is THE worst social media platform ever developed and I say that as someone who has NEVER watched a TikTok video. Twitter is a close second.

  6. I have no shame in admitting that I discriminate when I hire staff. I tend to hire mature workers when at all possible. I scour resumes for any of the typical clues that a candidate has a certain world view. I get a lot of resumes with ‘preferred pronouns’ announced. These go directly in the trash. I watch and listen carefully in interviews, sometimes asking leading questions. Anyone who is late will not get the interview. Anyone sloppily dressed or wearing flip flops gets a short interview. Statements like “I have a degree, I don’t answer phones” is automatic rejection. Yes, I suppose it’s discriminatory, but I really don’t wish to invite into the workplace the drama that these people bring.

    1. Annie,
      LOVE your approach.
      When I interviewed for my job delivering truck parts, my boss-to-be said, “I’m tired of hiring young people because they are unreliable and unwilling to work.”
      After I started this job I noticed that all of the 8 other drivers were in their fifties or sixties and everyone shows up on time, works hard, and completes the job everyday. The exception to the rule is a new kid (28 yrs) who started four months ago and he has been really good. Part of that, I’m sure, is the fact that his father is the company’s HR guy.

  7. If a bus or plane trip is ever late or cancelled, or if an Amazon delivery or her cable guy or hairdresser is late or a no show, tell her to STFU!

    In the old days, in Mexico, people wouldn’t batt an eye if you were late or a no show. “It’s Mexico, they are on Mexican time!”. Not so much any more. Mexico has a booming economy that is growing by leaps and bounds, as ours withers and dies. They are becoming more ‘westernized’ and as such, punctuality and effort are becoming the new norms, if you want to be successful in business..

    1. Zon,

      In a previous career, I conducted some training workshops in Mexico in the 2000’s and quickly learned that a 8:30 AM start time meant that we actually began closer to 9:30. Another time. I was a speaker at an event that was scheduled for 9:30 AM. I was in the conference room at 8:30 and the first person did not arrive until 10:00. I think I eventually took the stage close to 11:00 AM.
