10 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Maybe the wrong link, but It’s funny as hell!!

    Epic Amusement Park Seat Belt Prank – Watch Their Reactions

  2. When driving through the Crowsnest Pass, did a tour of one of the coal mining areas, which included the ruins of the miners’ living quarters. Mine manager lived around the corner, in a very nice house (ruins today), while the miners had very small dwellings.
    But that has been the way of the world for a very long time. A more recent example was when – back in the early ’60s, the Celgar pulp mill was built upstream of Castlegar on the Columbia River. Once it was operational, the distinctive = and rather nasty – odor was everywhere. It was noted that the mill superintendent’s home was sited well downstream and in a protective cove where, pesumably, he would be free from the odour all the other residents of the valley were now experiencing.

  3. I’ve stayed in Bluefield, WV! Interesting community. So much of West Virginia has been devastated but they’re trying to turn it into a tourist destination. Very pretty state!

      1. So takes me back. We’ve been city folk for many years, but there was a “country road” back to the home town. Except that, home town being up a mountainside, the road had one speed limit posted for those travelling up and a different one for those travelling down.

  4. WV is a gorgeous state, especially in the Fall. And Bluefield used to have until a few years ago a low A farm team of Toronto’s Blue Jays called – oddly enough – the Bluefield Blue Jays. If you’re a snowbird to Florida then driving that route is an annual occurrence.
