The Most Interesting Man In The World

NY Post;

Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son’s former best friend.

Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

Don’t guess, you already know. How did Hunter Biden get such a sweetheart plea deal?

Afternoon update.

When the Pittsburgh FBI office briefed the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office on evidence implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scheme, the agents also told the Delaware team they had already corroborated several aspects of the confidential human source’s claims, an individual familiar with the briefing told The Federalist.

Somebody wants ol’ Joe gone.

11 Replies to “The Most Interesting Man In The World”

    1. Just wondering, if a pardon is issued do the crimes being pardoned have to be listed? If they neglect some matters can those be brought up later?

  1. I doubt the President can pardon himself. This was entertained during the Trump Administration too…
    Biden could pardon Hunter for sure, but then everything he could pardon him for is tied to the big guy Joe Biden… which may be too uncomfortable even for the likes of Karine Jean-Pierre to explain.

    Speaker McCarthy is “get this” … entertaining an impeachment. Joe Biden sold influence to foreign entities via his son, and Hunter facilitated and paid the 10% to “the big guy” for it. Sure they won’t get 2/3 vote in the Senate, but the laundry will be SOOOOOO. dirty dirty.

    Also, and somewhat distantly related, there’s some chatter that Obama’s chef had a book being written and the SCOAMF* knew it.
    Some said he’d even seen Michael Obama’s balls.
    *knew he couldn’t swim as well, then goes for a swim. Almost Clintonisque!!
    *Damn I’ve almost missed using the moniker “SCOAMF”

  2. Cancer is not cured or beaten. The opposite as there are more cancers being reported. Why? Covid vaccinations reduce a persons immune system and that causes more cancers to manifest in people.
    Am I ever glad that my grandchildren did not take the Covid shots.

  3. The catch is that Slo Joe has to “go” before he starts publicly reminiscing about all those “creative” moments and associated names and numbers.

    Medical mishaps seem quite popular these days……. “Post-Op. complications; a stroke here, a cerebral haemorrhage there……

    The “cleaners’ are probably already on the job of sanitizing the correspondence, diaries, personal files, etc..

  4. Good to know, Joe. So I can cancel my upcoming radiation treatments since my prostate cancer doesn’t really exist?
