The Zimbabwe solution

Judging by the popularity of the concept of expropriation without compensation in South Africa, I suspect that the Zimbabwe experience is just around the corner for them, keeping in mind that the idiot tweeting this is actually a member of their parliament. Other than the collapse of industrial agriculture and widespread starvation, what could possibly go wrong?


35 Replies to “The Zimbabwe solution”

    1. There was vast cattle grazing in the Northern parts. The Southern portion of the country was free of ethnic black tribes. They began migrating South in the 1500’s. Much “black” land in the South was stolen from the Khoi-san whom the blacks genocided amd pushed into the desert regions of the Northern Cape.

      The First Nations of South Africa are the Bushmen and the Hottentots.

      1. So kind of like North America, where the ‘indigenous’ people at any given location were simply the latest winner in the battles to be at that location when the Europeans arrived.

        1. This is the history of the planet, which is why this argument is so asinine. Leftists really are stupid.

  1. I prefer my vegetables grown by competent, experienced, generational, farmers. I like my produce free of e-coli bacteria, and with all the expected nutrients. Oh! And I like my produce actually ON THE SHELF … ON TIME. I like the color of my corn both white and yellow … but could care less what color skin the farmer has under his tanned forearms.

  2. Starvation will become a “thing”…..

    In Mexico about 100 years ago, the government introduced “ejidos”. People were given tracts of land under communal jurisdiction (sort of like condos)….and what happened? Well as the families grew, the tracts were cut into smaller and smaller tracts which made them essentially useless even for subsistence.

    Oh….and we may yet once again see a return of the 100 trillion dollar bill….except this time it was say “rand”.

    1. Just as an aside, something similar happened in Holland but for a different reason. The land was divided up by inheritance into smaller and smaller portions scattered hither and beyond. I am told in the 70’s the government set up a commission to work out trading smaller portions into bigger holdings side by side to improve farm production. If anyone knows better of the process and such I am all ears.

      1. The concept of partible inheritance is a big part of the reason, possibly even the reason, the Carolingian and Frankish Empires fell apart. It’s a bad idea, and we’ve seen the results repeated century after century.

        1. This is why the English developed such strict inheritance laws. People say it was sexist, but it served a purpose.

  3. Technically whites are from Africa. They just returned home to their roots. This is what I love about the Mormons. They found a gold tablet in the forest that had been there forever, so technically, it’s their homeland. Well done Mormons. We can’t discriminate against them based on their religious beliefs. They literally set the gold standard in settling.

    1. My ancestors also came from Africa.

      And North American “first nations” came from China, Korea, and eastern Russia. Do they get right to return?

      My grandparents home was destroyed by the Germans in WW2. I want compensation.

      1. And they brought tobacco from the original “proto” strain in the highlands of what is now Viet Nam.

  4. There will be no “national cohesion” when the government is stealing the land because they can…

    Also, the canadian government doesn’t recognize you as a refuge if you are white and from south africa…

    1. There will never be national cohesion in multi ethnic multi racial states. Canada is on the road to being like South Africa.

  5. Q: Which tribe/nations was which land stolen from? I think buddy should resolve that question first. Just have a big confab of reps from all the various South African tribes that have a claim, and sort out that question. By all means, bring your knives, spears, guns, old tires and gasoline to help negotiations move along.

  6. Why is he appropriating the English language and alphabet to convey his notion? Dude, get your own language and alphabet.

  7. Well of course, the clown is a flaming Marxist, but what do you expect? He appears to channel American pimps with the way he dresses.

  8. Africa has approximately 54 countries. Africa has approximately 1.4 billion inhabitants. They supposedly had since the beginning of time to build a civilization, develop the wheel, claim the farmland, and did neither. History has always been, the land goes to the conquerors, and South Africa did not even require that as it was abandoned for hundreds and hundreds of years when the Boers showed up.

    Seems to me loosening apartheid was merely another example of Biden’s southern border and the problems they will son be having as the Mexicans claim the U.S. stole their land. This is not unlike the Treaty people in Canada claiming they own everything and everyone.

    1. Mexico is already claiming about half of US territory. Check out LA Raza. One of their stated purposes is to outbreed other populations and take over via simple demographics and numbers.

  9. The silence from the “international community” is deafening.

    Where is rainbow socks the blackfaced Pope of Woke to morally lecture the South Africans on racism and homophobia?

  10. According to the stats, both Africans and Indians are neither white nor coloured. Interesting. The categories are even more absurd than the US categories of white, black, hispanic and asian.

  11. Thats why we get read the nonsense “thanks for allowing us to host this event on your land” bullshlit. Part of the indoctrination to steadily work toward the goal of removing private ownership here in Canada.

    Things are just a bit further along in SA

  12. Capitalism defeats Affirmative Action.. It doesn’t matter the color of the owner or workers.. The best will end up sitting on the real estate simply because that’s where the money is..

    Play your games and cry your tears.. Equality has nothing to do with your bottom line at the bank.. Equity has nothing to do with anything.. Game Show BS while all the cheese melts away in the sun..

    Beyond family businesses who runs a white or black only business?.. No government teat, no pretending your pretty face matters..

    Modern South Africa is built on affirmative action.. It must be why white people are not allowed to get out.. Slow that bleed down..
    Pickle those poor bastards in the hot African sun.. Buying time while the Marxists surround you.. Until every last dime is gone..

  13. Reversion to the mean. Oh, and death and starvation. I’m sure the farming question (too many competent white farmers) will have the same answer as electricity (too many competent white engineers and operators).

    1. Funny, but South Africa worked pretty well under Apartheid, and Toronto had less crime with carding. Hmm!

      Rhodesia was an African gem until Zimbabwe..

      Just saying!

  14. Gonna be a repeat of what we have seen so many times before. The Oppressed black man takes back control of their life and country from the oppressive white man……and within 20 years, they are all starving to death, killing each other, and asking countries run by white people for money to help them survive; and blaming colonialism for their situation; as opposed to their backward, violent, and ignorant culture.

    South Africa…..give it another 5 years; and then the White South Africans will be leaving in droves; and the country will collapse, as they always do.

  15. Call me surprised that any whites are left in ZIMBABWE. I thought they would have sense to leave by now
