13 Replies to “Up From the Memory Hole”

      1. Yes, I think she may have …awoken… certain feelings when I was watching the show as a young boy. Not sure how they managed to squeeze those hips in that suit. Too bad they got rid of her. Probably a bit too hot for a family show. She could have taught the boy wonder a few things. Batgirl wasn’t bad either. I guess now it’s “Batwoman” and she plays for the other team…

        1. Pappy – that I did not know. Ironic that the original Batwoman was created partially to show that Batman was not gay! And, Adam West played gay men but was not gay in real life, having stayed married to his third wife more than 40 years (until he died).

          1. Hollywood is funny that way. They had to get a straight guy to play a gay guy, meawhile leading men hearthrobs like Rock Hudson were as queer as a 3 dollar bill. if you want to see an especially bad series, check out Ruby Rose as Batwoman. That was a dumpster fire. And then it got worse when they put a black woman in.. with a red wig. Epic fail, a show you’d watch for the same reason you watch a train wreck.

      2. I was more a Lee Meriwether (movie) fan myself.
        Speaking of orange ade, Honeydew has made a comeback!

  1. “I’d be glad to take your order.”

    Adults pick up the sexual overtones, kids probably not.

    1. Yeah, us 60’s kids didn’t pick up the sexual overtones…or the cheesy dialogue…or the impossibly awkward costumes…

      …BUT I got to see one of the Batmobiles up close and personal at the World Of Wheels in Sudbury, Ontario (the Big City). The one we saw had a flocked black finish. “It’s coated with VELVET, Daddy!”

      T’was a glorious time to be alive, LOL!

  2. Medium rare?! Would certainly account for 8 years of lower life expectancy they had in 1970.

    Bat burgers. I was terribly disappointed they didn’t come up with a ‘chicken of the cave’ joke. It took 30+ more years for that comedic innovation.

  3. Even as a kid watching that show, I considered Robin to be too “fairy” like, and Batman lacked Charles Atlas pecs. But I was a Marvel guy that eschewed DC for the most part.

  4. I’m just here for the Wuhan wet market bat jokes.

    Nope. None yet.

    I’ll check back.

  5. Bat soup with Fauci spike protein, a double pangolin burger, blue rare with Joker special sauce, and a side of racoon dog tail, plus a Cuba Libre double. My, ahem, ward, Robin, will have the same except with a Shirley Temple.
