Who’s the real villain here?

Steven Guilbeault’s most recent announcement villainizing oil and gas. Twitter

Federal government’s latest villainization of oil and gas: ‘Phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.’ Isn’t it curious how Steven Guilbeault decided not to make the announcement in Calgary, say at the Calgary Petroleum Club? Wonder why?

And, across the pond, Greta just won’t stop. Now fighting fossil fuels is “self defence.”

41 Replies to “Who’s the real villain here?”

  1. A solution would be to just kick Alberta and Saskatchewan out of the country and then the ROC would not have to deal with all that ‘dirty money’ generated from O&G taxes.

    1. Oh, I agree, but in reality, I have long advocated for AB and SK leaving. Both provinces joined confederation in 1905. There have been “some” good years, but most of the time the 2 provinces have been shafted by Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.
      People say “what about my CPP and OAS?” I know people who immigrated from Great Britain in 1980, and receive their British pensions in accordance with having worked there for 10-15 years. I worked in Canada since the age of 16, and was self-employed for over 25 years, retiring at 65 – so 49 years of work. I have been receiving CPP since 60 so should be good for another 38 years.

      1. I agree, but it must be beyond just SK and AB. Hopefully Manitoba would join so that we have access to the port of Churchill – not the best port but a port none the less.

        Even better if Northern Ontario and Northern BC would join – both of access to good ports, which will be needed to get our in demand goods out of the province and out to the world. At that point, I suspect Yukon and NWT would also join. All of these territories, provinces and regions get NOTHIING from central Canada.

        I worry less about OAS and CPP for the simple reason that when we leave they will be negotiated – Quebec has led the way with their own pension plan, so we just need to opt out. In fact I would do it right now and not wait for the idea of separation to gain speed. Same goes for submitting income tax to both the province and feds rather than sending it all to the feds – again using Quebec as an example. Frankly that is the only thing that Quebec has proven useful for – showing the way how to shake down the feds and get what they want.

        1. I agree, but it must be beyond just SK and AB. Hopefully Manitoba would join so that we have access to the port of Churchill – not the best port but a port none the less.

          If the only thing holding back the creation of the Independent Republic of Buffalo is a port, to hell w/ the port. According to the UN, land-locked countries have a right to get their product to tidewater. If the bastards fight that, cut off their carbon-based fuels and tariff the ever living hell out of anything that crosses our borders, land or air. It’s time to play hardball.

          As far as Manitoba coming along for the ride, I have grave concerns about their inclusion. Far too many Prog-weenies for my liking. I am far more comfortable considering non-Lower Mainland BC. Yukon & NWT exist because of Federal handouts, not despite them. What will they be able to bring to the table? What will they be able to contribute to our economy? I don’t want any freeloaders or welfare cases. I’ve been supporting far to many of them all my life & I’m f’ing tired of it.

    2. fine idea……let’s see. then how “poor” kwebek and Ontario fare without all our transfer payments ………..Cut the gas and oil EAST of Manitoba and see how they survive???

  2. “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds” – the mantra of the death cult of the energy destroying (so called green) looters and thugs of the state.

    1. I think one should have to prove that one has actually read The Bhagavad Gita before one can use that quote. It’s just been really, really overused lately. I understand that it’s topical because it’s appeared as a significant moment in a recent movie – but just because Barbie said it doesn’t mean we all have to repeat it.


      Actually, that would be a pretty good Mischief is Important prank – convince the NPCs that the “destroyer of worlds” passage comes from the Barbie movie.

      And now, in an attempt to stray back on topic: what is the green crowd going to do if they do manage to shut down Industrial civilization? They’re not going to survive the consequences, so what do they imagine is their end game?

  3. Politicians and activists continually talk about ‘subsidies’ to fossil fuels – but never actually describe what those subsidies are. I suspect they are the deductions that every business takes – expenses, capital costs etc. etc.

    Unlike the multi billions of taxpayer money given to VW and other ‘green’ technology with little if no expectations for actually producing anything that works.

  4. Funny how the little greasy freak doesn’t seem to understand what a “subsidy” really is. But then green Marxists believe anything short of 100% taxation is a “subsidy”.

  5. “the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change”
    There’s nothing honourable in this fed gov. And having an entire Minister dealing with environment/climate change is completely useless and idiotic.
    Just like the belief that us-humans can do anything re climate change at planetary scale.

  6. there was a report put out a few years back by some “stop oil” environmental group. They listed all the subsidies that the industry got. Among them (but not the stupidest) was that people sitting in their cars due to a traffic jam or other tie-up were subsidizing the fossil fuel program by the value of their lost work time. So based on that, one of the government measures should be to properly synchronize traffic lights and do as was done during war time….if a vehicle breaks down, push it over the side of the road and let traffic resume….we are in a war after all, are we not?

    1. “Among them (but not the stupidest) was that people sitting in their cars due to a traffic jam or other tie-up were subsidizing the fossil fuel program by the value of their lost work time.

      A case of bending backward with their heads up their asses, however unlikely the may be.
      It would seem they could do it with idiotic arguments like that.

  7. All this to blow Schwabist high priests while receiving “good boy” pats on the head.

  8. The fascist government has the priority right, take the money from the working people and give it to their sponsors and favored companies.
    A classic case fascism.
    Would like to point out that what they call the tax breaks that are routinely given to all businesses are tax breaks or tax deductions. The the convict and the government would like to call it subsidy in case of only one industry.
    A classic case fascism.
    What they have promised to Volkswagen is of course, not called subsidy because it is the government’s preferred company.
    A classic case fascism.
    In fact, most of the industrial countries are run on fascism, they just don’t call it that.
    There is curiously one country they would like to call socialist where 97 % of the industry and business is private enterprise. It is true that the country has one of the most comprehensive social welfare, though it is firm on the use and its purpose. It also has one of the highest tax rates in the industrialized world. The population is well educated except of course the enrichers.
    Would you care to check which?

  9. This is what happens when you let an idiot take hold of the steering wheel.

    1. This is much greater than the idiot at the wheel. It is the mindset of academia, labour, media, the bureaucracy, cultural and entertainment industries, and the political class including at least 60% of the electorate who increasingly believe that the state should be involved in absolutely everything.

  10. So if the government stops giving (my) money to any vilified industry, do I get a refund on what has been taken from me in the first place by said government?

  11. They still haven’t proven that climate change is driven by CO2. Computer models that don’t reflect reality are fraudulent, and hearsay. So we are being charged exorbitant amounts of money for a unproven, fraudulent plan that cannot survive its inception without the usage of the materials it decries. I want them jailed for fraud, not praised on the public stage.

    1. There is no need to prove climate change, it has been changing for billions of years. We of course cannot change it. We can dirty our water and our air and the ground but so far things are pretty good.

  12. I’d like the Minister or one of his useless parasitical drones to explain which tax credits are available to only the oil and gas industry, and not other industries? (Article 1.1(II) government revenue that is otherwise due is foregone or not collected (e.g. fiscal incentives such as tax credits))

    “The government said all nine existing tax measures that fall within the criteria are in the process of being phased out.” Which 9 tax measures? what second order effects will that have on the economy? Is one of them the exemption from fuel taxes for off road equipment?

    “…including those promoting further exploration and production of fossil fuels”
    Does that include the accelerated depreciation accounting for exploration? Does that only apply to Oil and Gas companies, or to all companies that were allowed to take up to $1.725M of depreciation in the first year of the purchase of an asset?

    It also seems like this “plan” will murder the TransMountain expansion that the government has already loaded it up with $30 billion in debt that is likely stranded

  13. It’s the LIEberals after all.
    Virtue Signalling and wild exaggerations, giving the appearance of doing major works, the reality of which is little to nothing changing in actuality, is a LIEberal trait. It’s in their DNA.

  14. Anyone remember when the Liberal Party and their sycophants in the media and academia said that a carbon tax would give energy companies a social license. That carbon pricing was more efficient and better than layers of regulations citing the work of Nobel laureate Nordhaus.

    Then everyone who understands how governments work said that we would end up with both carbon taxes and layers of regulations, the worst of both worlds. The Liberal sycophants then told the political realists that they were stupid conspiracy theorists. Who was right…again?

    1. removed hanged.


      And, w/ a new rope, so it chafes his tender Prog skin.

    1. Oh, I think a better way to describe the Liberal government’s thought process is to say that anything less than 100% taxation is a government subsidy (to both businesses and individuals).

    2. Taxes are the price of society, extracted from the unwilling, with the threat of state violence if you don’t pay…

  15. It’s his swan song…..after tomorrow he will be out of this spot. Probably be the Minister for Silly Hats or something.

  16. Isn’t it curious that the biggest proponents of phasing out fossil fuels are the most conspicuous and rapacious consumers of it.

    When Trudeau, Guilbeault and Gates start floating around on bicycles instead of private jets and living off of bugs I’ll at least think they believe their own BS.

  17. Oil demand expected to continue growing into the 2030s sometime. Some experts say 2050s. That’s just when demand will quit growing. Supposedly. Just wait until the masses find out what it takes and who it harms to mine cobalt and lithium etc. The major supply crunch hasn’t even hit yet for those commodities.

    Besides, I doubt a bunch of progressive layabouts want an entire workforce of highly educated, motivated and ambitious patch workers competing with them for their cushy jobs. Haha.

  18. Given no “subsidies”, does that mean no deductions for maintenance of Line 5? Right then, shut it down. Central Canada despises petroleum products from Western Canada anyway. Said products from the Middle East, however, have no injurious carbon emissions.
