32 Replies to “Reader Tips”

    1. It looks like we dodged a bullet on that one. There was a Canadian bid on that project that would have involved that facility being built close to where I live.

    2. Billy Mike – if only there were some way we could have predicted this outcome! Oh wait, it’s a government project!!

    1. Many people in Britain have been “debanked” because of their political views. It’s only come out now because Farage is so well known in Britain, leading the fight for Brexit.

      The British government owns 50% of NatWest.

      Good for him for going public about it. Outrageous!

  1. CBC News seems to think Canada needs more and more international refugees, after interviewing a whole host of immigration industry lobbyists and “experts”:

    So far in 2023 our country has processed 60,000 refugees, a record number. The CBC thinks that’s an answer to our labour shortage (great for our economy!), notwithstanding that refugees are unskilled and uneducated, are poor, and do not speak either official language. And the huge refugees inflow reduces unskilled wages and raises housing costs. The immigration industry lobbyists miss these points.

    1. So why isn’t Canada taking in more Ukrainian refugee’s, reportedly around 10million have fled the country, many or most vowing to never return?

      1. Because if they are anything like the Ukrainians that I know, they are: White, Christian, family oriented, hard working, self sufficient people who may have a right wing thought or two…..

    1. L – “Electric car business as hot as a ship on fire”
      Fixed that headline, no thanks necessary.

  2. L – The most interesting man in the world, so the MSM circles the
    wagons around the Biden Crime Family. Does that make “Stumblin’
    Joe, The Godfather of Corruption?

    If so, does Canada’s petulant tyrant run the Canadian branch?


    1. That’s a pretty serious issue. Everything needs to be presented to the judge. If there is a disagreement between both parties, they need to submit their arguments in a filing and if the judge chooses, a hearing. Sidestepping that process is a very serious violation of court procedure.

      Even mundane things such as adding lawyers to cases, or wanting to dismiss your own lawsuit, has to be submitted to the judge. Usually the submitting part will also the other party if they oppose the motion. If the other party does not oppose, the judge will almost always approve of the motion.
