14 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Read his other threads. We are all going to die from Global Warming.

    It is amazing how much you can exaggerate/ obfuscate/lie using a logarithmic time scale.

  2. And yet, even though they have lots of people, and fertile land, they still suffer from poverty, and famine? and places that don’t have the supposed advantages that he identified seem to have a surplus of food and wealth?

    Maybe those advantages aren’t all they cracked up to be?

    1. The geographical advantages were and are there, JD. What we’ ve seen in the past century is the result of turning over a huge country like China to an insane mass murderer like Mao Tse Dong. This is the real legacy of communism: every single attempt at implementing socialism for a major nation – China, Germany, Russia – has resulted in the industrialization of mass murder.

      And without exception, mass murder has been the result of socialism implemented in small nations as well. Poll Pot in Cambodia comes to mind.

  3. Oh … and agrarian societies needed lots of hands in the fields … so they reproduced huge litters of children per family … until the number of mouths to feed outstripped the productivity in the fields. And then … mass starvation and death. Nature loves equilibrium

  4. What is the one reason? The area in which something originally spawns tends to consume all available resources, and over populate before spreading outwards. Southeast Asia is where humanity spread from, not to. Recent digs lend much credence as do enormous populations, disparate blood types, extinct species, civilized cultures eons before Pyramids, Uruk, and Summerians. All the elements and lineage of man are found in southeast Asia whereas the African theory has not.

    Essentially a group wandered into Africa and stayed there, inbreeding, and stalling as a species. The rest of the world continued to expand, explore, war, trade, sell, and evolve. No civilizations, no blood type other than O, no depletion of wildlife, no written history, no neanderthal DNA, no Denisovan, no evidence of interbreeding, and little evidence that Africa was the beginning of anything. As an isolated continent, that appeared to have everything in abundance a person could ask for, it seems illogical. It seems more like a Hotel which the residents never wished to leave.

    The resistance to embracing the well founded new theory is rooted in the politics of maintaining a Wakanda like myth of an Africa of evolution.

    1. Then there is the red hair thing that needs some ‘splainin’, Indiana Jane.

      Good points that go against the standard model. I’m old enough to remember when tectonic plate theory was still laughed at. The old guard died, and suddenly it started being accepted.

      1. The Red Hairs of New Zealand that were wiped out by the colonializing Maoris, or the Red Hairs of China that all but disappeared, or the Red Hairs of the Western Norh America? Tectonic plates move in measurements of epochs, and they would have you believe it changed radically in 80,000 years enough to change people’s lifestyles.

        1. I was referring to all the redheads in Africa. That would explain all the redheads in those places you mentioned.

          Oh wait…

  5. The fastest growing continent today is Africa. Not Asia. Our link to the ancient past is fragile.
