28 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. Even though this situation happened on a car carrier….makes one think twice about travelling on a ferry.

    EV’s should be banned from passenger ferries.

    1. Yes! But there’s going to be Hell to pay; Governments at all levels have pushed and prodded the change over to EVs without EVER considering the downsides (prove me wrong). There WILL be a ferry disaster and the liability will be horrendous, both in personal and property. My local commuter ferry carries 311 vehicles and around 1,400 passengers and crew. She’s 42 yrs old and in no way equipped to deal with these EV fires (not even counting the perhaps 200 other vehicles on board with tanks of gas or diesel).

      1. According to the article, only 25 of the 3000 cars are electric.
        Could easily have that many on a ferry already.

        1. It has been stated by the Shipping company that there were 500 EV’s on the ferry.

        2. More than 25, Bunny; I’m guessing maybe 45-50 on our morning commuter run. Do hybrids count? And E-bikes hanging off the backs of the tourist vehicles coming up to the Coast.

          1. Hybrids probably don’t count, DaninVan. They use NiMh batteries which are not known for exploding or going up in flames.

    2. Ferry, there won’t be any Ferry’s without fossil fuels.

      I have also been thinking, how does the recreational boating community feel about their fun being taken away? I can’t imagine electric boats are a thing.

      1. Sadly John, there already are. A couple of islands in Lake Ontario have just received new ferries; the Gummint of Ontario announced with great fanfare, that they’re battery powered. Well, to be honest, “hybrid” – there isn’t enough electricity going to at least one of the islands to charge the d@mn things, and they both have diesel generators aboard. But oh, just think – when they finally get them working, those two ferries will SAAAAAAVE THE EARTH all by themselves!

        My wallet weeps…

      2. I have thought this same thing John. No more recreational boating, water skiing, snowmobiling, atv’s, etc. Snowmobiles work best with lots of power at hand but as little weight as possible. Yes, there are already expensive electric atv’s but how will you recharge them at your campsite in the boonies? How much ‘range anxiety’ will you have 100 kms back in the bush? Sneaking up on grizzly bears will be easy with a quiet electric atv. Have you noticed how many rv’s are stored on lots all around your city and even out in rural areas? Alberta is filled with them. Literally hundreds of thousands…..maybe millions of rv’s in this province. What is their future? Will everybody buy a short range Ford Lightning and camp just outside town? All that expensive power sport equipment and those rv’s will be rendered worthless with Trudeau’s carbon tax. In fact, he probably has plans to out and out ban them. What about classic cars? The environmental left plans to ban the use of fossil fuel powered vehicles and equipment. Millions of expensive classic cars will be rendered undriveable and worthless. People need to wake up, smell the coffee, and fight back against this insanity.

    1. I notice that even Motor Trend did not address the reduction in battery capacity that comes from running it to zero. When you re-charge it never reaches the same level it did before. Run it empty a couple of times and you need a -new- battery.

      Funny that they’d leave that out.

  2. This is really going to be fun as the Washington State Ferry System us building a fleet of electric boats, Large lithium Ion batteries? I don’t know. But, if one of those catch fire or an EV on board catches fire, it’s not going to end well at all.

  3. At some point various radical groups are going to deliberately set fire to vehicles, ships, buildings, etc. where lithium batteries can be found.

  4. I don’t see what the problem is. The Canadian Navy has been operating diesel/electric submarines for years. I’m sure the government in striving to meet the net zero targets have converted the outdated battery systems in their subs to the highly efficient lithium style. There must be a number of engineers in the Canadian Navy that can share their expertise with all of us to make sure our mandated EV’s are problem free. /sarc!

  5. Would you want to live in an apartment building where someone parked their EV in the U/G garage? Why do EVs get to drive on our roads without paying for their maintenance like the rest of us do in gas taxes?

    Are my insurance rates going to go up to cover EV fire liability?

    1. Are your insurance rates going to go up to cover EVs?


      At first it will just be EV owners who’ll pay higher rates. But then Trudeau and Biden will pass legislation passing the costs on to all vehicle owners.

      After all, EV owners tend to be wealthier Liberals and/or Democrats who like other people to pay for their indulgences.

  6. Well … not ALL ev’s catch fire spontaneously. Therefore … the ev mfr’s. MUST have determined why SOME ev’s DO catch fire spontaneously … right? There must be a defect that causes these fires, and all the ev mfr’s can simply fix the defect … right? Wrong. This is a systemic problem with ev’s … they’re ALL ticking firebombs

  7. What? Another comment trapped in moderation … with absolutely NO bad words. Frustrating.

  8. Large parking lots full of EVs?.. White out, 200 car pileups on the highway?.. Underground parking apartment buildings and condos?..
    I do hope somebody who is not a green idiot is doing the math.. Have they even run any chain reaction tests?.. I doubt it..

  9. “Also, the ship was also carrying fifteen Lamborghini Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae supercars, with a rough retail price of more than $500,000 each.”

    Not anymore.
