17 Replies to “Oh?”

  1. I’ve always thought Spacey’s brilliant performance as Verbal Kint / Keyser Söze was so convincing that it has worked here, against him, in real life.

    1. Spacey has always been creepy. He set off my creep radar when in every movie I’ve seen him in, even something as innocuous as Deep Blue Sea. I’m not sure why, but I do have an excellent nose for sniffing out creeps. When I was a kid, I avoided several adults who creeped me out, and they turned out to be predators. One was a priest and one was a school janitor.

  2. Gay sexual assault is simply part of the lifestyle. He can’t be convicted for what is expected from the gay “dating” scene

  3. I didn’t know the #MeToo movement had expanded to gay men. But I do believe this was all about money. Men like Stacey are realizing it’s just easier to come out than pay the ransom.

  4. It was never about justice. It was PR cleanup and extortion in one.

    Like watching mobsters stab each other in the back.

  5. Mission Accomplished though.
    Lawfare has essentially destroyed his career.
    Now, will he countersue Netflix?Beer and Popcorn.

  6. Firstly, juries are not composed of members of our liberal elite.

    True…I’ve also noticed lately that and they can also be dumber than a bag of hammers. Don’t forget: OJ and Casey Anthony walk among us.
    Anyways, don’t give a damn about that Epstein island frequent flyer, POS . Rumour has it he was banned from the island because he disturbed other invitees with his violent tendencies when engaging in his favourite activities.
    Imagine how much of a degenerate you have to be to make other degenerates uncomfortable.

    1. Burton, “Imagine how much of a degenerate you have to be to make other degenerates uncomfortable.”

      Well, his name is “Spacey”.

      Seems to me these are all vermin, and they’re pretty much all degenerates, it’s just a question of degree.

  7. Three of his accusers ended up dead before they got their day in court. Coincidence?

  8. Huh, I’ve missed the whole Epstine connection. Meh, so maybe art imitating life (which is actually a normative). Do share more on the 3 dead and the violence on the island. In the mean time I’ll check on Anthony Hopkins. Perhaps there’s more than fava beans.

  9. Moral of the story: far better to be poor and anonymous than rich and famous.

  10. “Believe women” was always an idiotic and destructive phrase.

    It suggests that women never lie, and that is the farthest thing from the truth. A result of this attitude was that any man accused of sexual misconduct was deemed guilty. University students in particular paid the price for this, as they can be subjected to a farcical “trial” with few or no real rights.
