24 Replies to “President Kamala?”

  1. A murder/suicide seems the only way out. Fortunately for the Democrats, that’s a piece of cake for Hillary.

  2. “Aside from Joe’s cognitive decline and Hunter’s volatility, no one believes anymore Joe Biden’s patent lies that he never discussed with Hunter his lucrative grifting career.”
    I guess VDH hasn’t encountered some of the SDA posters!

  3. Kamalala’s one and only real job is to make sure no one wants to remove pResident Brandon from office until he hands over the reins at the next inauguration.

    It seems to be the only thing she is doing that exceeds everyone’s expectations.

    BTW, I predict that Gropin’ Joe will be impeached.

    The Articles of Impeachment are drawn up in the House, and with ample harrumphing and pearl clutching, that will take up until just after the Presidential Election. The Articles are then sent to the Senate for the trial, and the selection of the Judge, selection of the prosecuting and defending teams, and agreement on the rules will take up until the Inauguration to finally shake out, whereupon the Senate will declare “What difference, at this point, does it make?”** and the whole thing will be dropped.

    **Now where have I heard that before?

    1. Impeachment is going nowhere.

      If it was a real threat by these Republican lickspittles, they would have started impeachment proceedings against DHS Head Mayorkas , or US Attorney General Merrick Garland.

      Impeachment proceedings by Republicans are going nowhere slowly.

  4. If you haven’t figured it out, politics is pro wrestling. The only trick is figuring out who runs the WWE (WEF?) and makes all the money by playing both sides of the card.

    1. My mother’s cousin spent a bit of time as a wrestling referee on the small town circuit in western Canada. He and the wrestlers would ride share between towns. “You won in the last town. I’ll win in the next town.”

    2. I heard that when Drumpf was in the WWE, he used a foreign object on poor Mr McMahon.
      He cheated!

  5. Kamala is an expert on Venn diagrams and yellow school buses. Love this Womyn (of colour)!

  6. The Spiro Agnew test.

    Nixon couldn’t be dumped until they ensured Spiro T. wasn’t going to be his replacement.

  7. … “In theory, Kamala can be coached and improve;…”
    No, no she can’t. Clearly, evidence shows Ms. Harris’ capabilities were stretched beyond her actual intellectual capacity as a district attorney. From there her career has been political and been buoyed by gender, diversity, and other talents. (Horrific cackling is not a talent b.t.w.)
    I think that Mr. Hanson is being way too polite. I would parse it this way. Joe Biden is too brain dead to continue as a puppet president. For this purpose Kamala Harris is an improvement by default.
    These people are not in charge and never have been.

  8. As much as I would love to see Donald Trump win again and finish all the good things he started, I know in my heart that it can never happen. Not with half the Republican Party working to undermine him. Not with guys like Chris Christie and Mitt Romney being re-elected. Not with RINO governors refusing to authorize investigations into the clear election fraud that gave dementia sufferer Joe Biden the Presidency. Not with a thoroughly corrupt federal law enforcement and judicial system in place who not only refused to investigate that fraud but chose to bring still more spurious, transparently partisan criminal charges against Trump in a desperate effort to keep him out of the race. Not with the compliant news media running interference for the Democrats while they do all this.

    They cheated, and stole the last election. They got away with it. How can anyone *not* realize that they will obviously just do it again?
    Who is going to stop them? NO ONE. Not the state legislatures, not the courts…no one.

    Trump may draw tens of thousands to his rallies, but barely any of them will ever show up to protest at a courthouse or legislature. Remember George Floyd and the BLM riots and looting? THAT’S how you cow government into taking you seriously…and your average working-class Americans are just too comfortable and complacent to be bothered to express their anger in a way that will produce results.

    Alternatively, Donald Trump could make it quite clear that, if re-elected, he would be launching multiple investigations into everything from the election fraud to the Russian collusion scam to the phony impeachments to the use of the DOJ as a political weapon. He would also make it clear that he would not only investigate all these things but also the roles of *every law enforcement officer, prosecutor and judge* involved in covering up these crimes. That won’t ever happen, either.

    That, or you take out a couple of strategic targets and put the fear of God into the rest of them. Also never going to happen.

    I’m sorry…there is just no path to victory for Donald Trump. I wish that weren’t true, but it is.

    1. Everything Trump accomplished has been wiped out by Obama and the democrats, Biden is nothing. Yes, Obama is at the helm.

  9. The fact that Biden is still President at this time, says everything you need to know about both the Democrats and the Republicans. America is a dead dream.

  10. Kamala is the perfect choice. She recently said (later reported as a “language error”) that a population should be reduced, which is supposed to fully correspond to the goals of those who elect and promote candidates from among whom the people can choose.

    Assuming that this is the main advantage to be elected as a presidential candidate, the most logical candidate for the elections in the same 2024, on the other side of the world, in the country enemy number one of the lords of Kamala, is undoubtedly Professor Klimenko.

    For reference:

    Parlamentskaya Gazeta (Parliamentary Newspaper) is the official weekly publication of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Published since 1997. The founders of the newspaper are the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. The publication is the official publisher of federal laws, resolutions, acts and other documents of the Federal Assembly

    Parlamentskaya Gazeta, 16.05.2023

    Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Global warming can be stopped by reducing the population
    It is possible to stop global warming if population growth slows down within 25-50 years, says Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, leading expert of the NUST MISIS Competence Center Alexander Klimenko.
    The expert recalled that at the conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention, The Glasgow Climate Pact was adopted, which is designed to keep the increase in global average temperature well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels from 1850 to 1900, as well as the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees. According to Klimenko, the pact will not be able to achieve these goals.

    “The world community has no real opportunities to limit the temperature rise within 2 degrees and even more so 1.5 degrees. These opportunities will not become available if the growth of the world’s population is not suspended during the life of the current or next generation,” the academician summed up.

    Of course, we must make the obligatory and thickly emphasized distinction between the two statements (except that that of the professor is not a “mistake of language”), which is that Professor Klimenko means reducing the population strictly in the context of traditional values and Christian principles, which, as we well know, Russia defends.
