59 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The “Now I become” construct of this quote possibly paraphrases the original. There are many English translations of the Gita; many of them have Krishna describe himself as Time rather than as Death.


    Oppenheimer’s paraphrasing — and delivery in the 1960s TV interview — is masterful; dramatic and poignant. However, look at the entirety of the verse and the one the follows it. Perhaps Oppenheimer had more in mind than we think: perhaps he was on a mission from God.

    From my copy of the Gita, Chapter 11 Verse 32 – 33

    [Krishna says -]

    32 I am time, the destroyer of all; I have come to
    consume the world. Even without your particapation,
    all the warriors gathered here will die.

    33 Therefore arise, Arjuna; conquer your enemies and
    enjoy the glory of sovereignty. I have already slain
    all these warriors; you will only be my instrument.

    Easwaran, Eknath (2007) The Bhagavard Gita. Nilgiri Press, 198-199

    1. Here’s a quote from another religion that was written 2,000 years ago that applies to today’s debates on Woke and climate-change ideaology :
      ” Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth”. Galations 4:16

      I believe Churchill said “The first victim of war is the truth “.

  2. ““Now I am become tips, the destroyer of words”.

    The destroyer of words? You mean… Biden?

    And don’t forget that Miss South Carolina, if she goes on to win the Miss America title, will spend her 1-year reign working for whirled peas.

  3. McCaskill on Hunter Biden Case: Republicans Are Trying To “Indict A Father For Loving His Son”


    This is a heart wrenching video. Former Senator Claire McCaskill (R-MO) spoke with MSNBC about Republicans wanting to indict The Most Popular President in US History for the simple act of loving his unaborted son.

    1. Pat “unaborted son”. That was a nice touch. Not everyone knew that about Hunter. Glad you cleared that up. There is one kid Biden doesn’t love. I think Biden must have aborted that relationship.

  4. The Secret Service has declared they have no idea who brought cocaine (a Russian?) into the White House. It is time to move on from this ridiculous Qanon conspiracy theory that it was Hunter Biden’s cocaine.

    It is time for more important news….like this:

    “Donald Trump’s nightmare golf shank caught on camera, and it’s embarrassing”


    Great investigative journalism by Alia Shoaib.
    This proves that dRumpf is a loser. Prime Minster Trudeau would never shank a golf ball and would destroy dRumpf in a game of golf!

  5. Elon Musk had Tesla overstate its battery range. Tesla then canceled related service appointments.


    “So many Tesla owners attempted to schedule service appointments for their vehicle due to this perceived issue that the company set up a “Diversion Team.” Employees on this team were tasked with canceling as many of these driving range related service appointments as possible. “

      1. Endlessly repeating that doesn’t make you much better. Matter of fact, you sound a little insecure.

        1. With that logic, there’s quite a lot of insecure people these days. Myself included.
          OTOH, there’s plenty to be insecure about, when you see what’s happening around you.

  6. Explosion at homeless camp next to Seattle hospital:

    I saw this first on a YouTube podcast four days after the event took place. Gloogling this story this morning, to get a weitten version, all that was retrieved was a list of articles from the small, conservative media. This story is completely censored by the corrupt, media cartel. This is why we need a strong and growing free media.

  7. Just curious.
    Do you recognize the person with this disability?

    The DSM-IV-R1 provides the following set of diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

    Has grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    Believes that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
    Requires excessive admiration
    Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
    Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
    Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
    Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    The person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder has

    vulnerable self- esteem
    reacts intensely to perceived humiliation
    experiences feelings of emptiness

    1. From the Wikipedia entry on psychopathy:

      Symptoms: Boldness, superficial charm, pathological lying, lack of empathy or remorse, inclination to violence and Psychological manipulation, impulsivity, narcissism

      Sound familiar? From the same entry, causes: Genetic and environmental issues, such as neglect or abuse by parental figures. JT grew up in a dysfunctional family environment.

    1. Are you saying 3000 others also plunged to their deaths?

      Just an editorial comment …

      1. “As God as my witness, I could swear they could fly.”

        Wait up… that was turkeys.

  8. Pee-wee Herman (aka Paul Reubens) is dead at 70 years old. Too bad…funny guy…

  9. Thank goodness, diversity makes us stronger!

    B.C. gangster killed in Richmond, two months after brother fatally shot
    Ravinder Samra was murdered Friday, just two months after his brother met the same fate.

    And back in Ontario, with Mississauga, just west of Tranna,
    Murder charges laid against three men in execution-style killing in Mississauga

  10. And back in multicultural Mississauga and Brampton, Ontario…

    Four charged including two teens in string of gunpoint hold-ups in Mississauga and Brampton

    … Mohamed Mohamed, 25, of Brampton and Nabel Ali,25, of Innisfil have been charged along with a 16-year-old and a 17-year-old boy. The names of the teenagers cannot be released due to the Youth Criminal Justice Act…

    Car stolen in Brampton home invasion used in armed carjacking, six Toronto teens charged: police

    … Joemar Derby, Akinbowale Monday, and Yahye Mahamed, all 18, or Toronto have been charged with robbery with a firearm and possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000. Two 17-year-olds and a 15-year-old were also charged with various offences…

  11. Teen on house arrest for attempted murder charge arrested in gunpoint carjacking in Brampton

    … Tawayne Beckford, 19, of Toronto, and a 16-year-old from Brampton have been charged by police with multiple offences including robbery with a firearm, disguise with intent and possession of property obtained by crime…

    Of course, it isn’t the young man’s fault, it’s really his mother’s fault for naming him “Tawayne” and his probable absentee sperm donor.

