The Most Interesting Man In The World

…according to sources connected to White House security, the bag of cocaine that was found in the White House belonged to someone in the “Biden family orbit”–and Joe Biden knows the individual.

Three sources reportedly told Susan Katz Keating of “Soldier of Fortune” magazine that the Secret Service told Joe Biden the name of the person who brought the cocaine inside the White House last month, and the three sources all identified the same individual to the magazine. According to Keating, the sources “work for a U.S. government agency, and are not authorized to speak to the media.”

18 Replies to “The Most Interesting Man In The World”

  1. Soldier of Fortune, eh?

    Oh well, we’ll give the information some consideration. At least it doesn’t come from the NYT or CBC.

  2. Trusty old Anon Emous Sources, eh? Well, if he’s good enough for the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN, I suppose I should trust him on this, too.

  3. notta annon
    You should be more concerned that the article linked to is on a shitthole source such as PJM, the never Trumper toilet.

  4. So, everybody, everybody and his brother in DC knows whose little stash that was, yet nobody, but nobody will say whose it was.

    And here I thought all this time that America’s first half-white pResident had the most transparent and ethical administration EVAH! or so we were told.

    Then along comes pResident Brandon: “Transparent? You wanna see transparent? Hold my pudding cup.”

  5. Compared with all the other mind blowing stunts dems get away with, just a little coke, what’s the big deal?

  6. Biden will issue an EO declaring cocaine legal in the USA. Then, claim Hunter was just ahead of the cultural change. The smartest man in the world is always ahead of the curve.

  7. Or it was Hunter’s and they are leaking to anyone who will publish to throw off the trail.

    I wonder who they have selected to throw under the bus?

  8. Of course Joe Biden doesn’t know who left the drugs.

    He may have for a few minutes after they told him, but I’m sure it was forgotten long before he finished his Ensure for breakfast.

    All of his handlers know very well, though.

  9. Let’s recap: Cocaine found at the WH…Dead body at Obama’s house…male prostitute at Pelosi’s house…Illegal server in Clinton’s house.
    So what do we do? Raid Trump’s house.
    Partisan DOJ? That’s crazy talk.

    1. Joe doesn’t know his own name. Doesn’t know he’s president. He keeps saying President Harris.

  10. So that’s where Hunter’s dealer made the drop…
    Much safer than downtown DC.
