18 Replies to “Think tank changes copyright policy right after Pipeline Online asks to use their content”

  1. Because you are the enemy.
    These parasites have declared war,upon the tax paying citizen.
    And you are about to publish their declaration and deny them their “plausible deniability”.

    Classic example of what these Progressive Thieves call “Public Consultation” these days.
    Where only the talking points shall be chanted and any logical questions,re cost and consequence, are deemed “Unhelpful”.
    You may enjoy a small investigation of how and who funds these characters.

    For in “Progressive World” the purpose of “Think Tanks” is to shape opinion and nudge the public opinion down the paths chosen by these”Expert Idiots”.
    Thinking is one thing you can be certain to Not Find inside a State Funded Think Tank.
    Just as Common Sense left these rooms decades ago.

    That classic line from the Climate Research Institute,to Warwick Hughes,
    Denying him access to the raw temperature data supposedly used,
    “Because he wanted to find something wrong with it”.
    These are another bunch of self of self praising experts,who know how shoddy their work is.
    “Officially” a “Just Transition” is the royal solution.
    Privately ?
    You can guarantee their own money is invested elsewhere.
    Or should I say,The money they have stolen under false pretences?
    These are “Experts” as presented to us by the Government Media and The state of Thuggery.
    Their current attempt to retreat behind copyright is proof you are on target.
    Their equivalent of “Silence! I keell you”.
    “Shut Up ” they said..
    This panicked response you have prompted ,is an enormous “Dig Here”.

    You must be encouraged by the fact,that they know their product is indefensible.
    Hence “You may not repeat our words”.

  2. Copyright? No problem. Do a detailed report on their report avoiding direct quotes except for limited fair comment. Takes more work and remember to cut them to pieces while doing it.

  3. A piece of science fiction. It cannot and will not happen, not in the timeframe allotted.

  4. I guess you should have published when they said anyone could publish rather than asking them are you sure you want me to publish.

    1. Yes. He should have pubished it, with attribution, THEN told them he did it. Their previous policy didn’t prevent that.

  5. Not a surprise. I know of these self-righteous little f**ks. They were located two floors down from me in Ottawa years ago. Their client the federal government wants specific responses to their policy proposals. They are also to filter out anything hostile. This is how the government policy making is done everywhere. It’s why government public policy is usually a mess.

    1. Interesting. I was told they were closely linked to the federal government. That seems to confirm it.
      This is also why this report is so important – it IS the game plan. And people should be told that.

  6. Public Policy Forum is a pro-Liberal think tank. E.g., CEO Ed Greendpon used to be editor-in-chief at the Globe and Mail, and under his watch the paper became very progressive and a Liberal mouthpiece.

    Another trouble with think tanks is that they sometimes avoid normal accountability rules accepted by most academics. One rule is that authors of publications must keep data used in studies for five years, and give the data to other academics upon request. Decades ago I asked the Conference Board of Canada for some provincial GDP data — data then not produced by Statistics Canada — and they said “no”. This happens a lot. The Conference Board is left-leaning, mostly because the organization gets lotsa dough from the friendly Liberal government.

    1. The Globe has been a Liberal paper since before Confederation so more like carrying on the tradition.

  7. As one of many captured institutions, they are essentially another voice of the progressives masquerading as an independent non-partisan “non government organization”. Anyone that takes government money, if he ever wants to do it again will toe the line. It’s why the only remaining free press in Canada takes no government money.

  8. You can still publish it.
    You have a screen shot of their Original Policy, Right..?
    You will win in court.

    My guess is, they won’t bother, wouldn’t want to draw any more unwanted attention to their (Game Plan) and will write you off as just another Nutter.

    1. Good point, William. The Think Tankers (or is that Tanked Thinkers?) just might be smart enough to know about the Streisand Effect.

      It’s better not to raise a fuss, otherwise more people will look to see what’s going on than if they just leave things alone. Not too many people read these reports except when there’s a “NO! NO! You must not look at this!” Then a lot of people want to look to see why they shouldn’t look.

  9. Math is hard.. Until 35 million people have to pay 2000 billion dollars on top of the taxes they already pay.. Feeling the bite yet?.. You will..
