When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Totally unrelated: Charles McGonigal’s and Hunter Biden’s daughters play on the same Lacrosse team.

More related: FBI Agent Lied Under Oath About Knowledge of Hunter Biden Laptop: Rep. Jordan.

16 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. oh lordy be. who’s watching the watchers watching the watchers watching the watchers.
    spell out one of them for every atom in a DNA strand to gauge the scope and duration of the problem.
    (psst, hint, if ya didnt get it, its embedded in the DNA to cheat and lie and steal and murder and and and use the cover of being a cut above to engage more freely since whodathunkit.
    welcome to 2023 we need to discard the whodathunkit part, cops are human we need to rewrite 100s millions pages of cop procedure and policy and that of the watchers to address this fact and properly perue investigations of wrongdoing.
    that some would oppose that is another example of the misplaced trust.
    trust is bloody well earned and that applies to all police officers, all jurisdictions, all overseers, cadets, all of them. it must not be handed over by tradition, default or lack of proof of malifiscence.
    exposed to
    temptation and
    they do.
    and invest trust or otherwise but not util then.

    never trust a cop even one you grew up with. that stuff about loyalty to the brotherhood characteristic of bikers? something else they have in common with cops.

    nuff said

      1. Sure sure, no worries I don’t expect integrity form the defenders of russia.

    1. Morality? Ha! That’s become “moral relativism” … another way of saying … “my morality dictates that I can fkcu you over, rape your daughters, and steal your shit”.
