25 Replies to “More reaction on Clean Electricity Regulations”

  1. Well it looks like the CAPP, still wants to validate the nonsense, rather than taking a stand that there is zero evidence that CO2 is a thermostat for the planet (while tons of evidence that it increases plant and as such food yeild.

    The more you capitulate the deeper the hole gets folks.

    1. Industry associations are rent seeking (collusion) organizations manned by spin doctors interested in appeasement, sleaze, and obsessed with appearing “moderate and progressive”. They suck up to anyone in power. They are another version of the fatal conceit of Conservatives who trip over themselves agreeing with whatever premise underlies the progressive in-crowd (in an attempt to win over the “mindless mushy middle”) but only offer a slower form of suicide.

  2. She’s right. The NDP could get Sask to net zero, because they are capable of leveling the economy to subsistence level. For a while, then subsistence level will become known as the good old days.

    1. CS -You’re right, they’ve demonstrated their ability to do that in the past! In fact, nobody could get to net zero quicker than them.

  3. Carla Beck Handout! What a brilliant name for a Dipper, since Dipper voters are always looking for handouts.

  4. Heh.
    “Boy Scout” .
    As always a Liberal Boy Scout is more than happy as long as the lunch stolen is yours.
    So making Canadians Pay for their Virtue Signalling is a true Liberal Victory.

    Seeing themselves as our Lords and Masters,one can understand their desperate need to reduce us to peons.
    And also their declaration of a State of Emergency,in Ottawa, for how dare the Peons say “No”?

    In Can Ahh Duh,if an activity is not “Permitted” in triplicate,it is Forbidden.
    History would indicate,that a whole bunch of Hosers have gotten way above themselves and now need taken out with the trash.
    We could even use their own language.
    When burying these waste products,we will be “Sequestering Carbon”.
    We have to..To save the Weather.
    This utter idiocy of “Clean Electricity” will be imposed,citing a “Climate Emergency”.
    I know how to create a climate of emergency..
    For when a public official declares “It’s an emergency”,they are proclaiming their incompetence and inadequacy.
    They are very clear,that they cannot cope with reality,using the normal tools of civil society.

    Do they then step aside,so that we can conscript some adults to clean up their mess?
    Hell no.

    So right there is our solution.
    Declare Emergency..?
    Fine now resign.

    For what they announce is what the rest of us already knew of them..
    Fools and Bandits,suffering recto-cranial inversion.

    And that is all we need to do.
    Any of these idiots declares..Climate Emergency..National Emergency and then hangs around to screw things up even worse?
    Tar and Feather them,with some real nice Athabasca Bitumen.
    If they return? Hanging would be a good next step.

    Stupid has no cure.
    Maybe that is why some believe in reincarnation?
    But you don’t give Stupid the keys to your prize vehicle and you should never elect them to public office.
    Banishment,on the other hand?
    That did seem to work.
    Until Ottawa got too full?

    1. So, John; tell us how you really feel… LOL! Excellent piece, Sir.
      Your point about either ‘fix the problem,or get out the way’ sure struck home, from our local governance (here) situation.
      If only that happened in real life.

  5. Beck can run her big mouth all she wants since even someone as obtuse as her has to face reality and accept the fact that the NDP will not form government in Sask for a long, long time ….. if ever.
    So they took a couple of byelections from the Sask Party. Big deal. These ridings have voted NDP in the past and the races were expected to be close. Beck should be more concerned about the fact that a brand new party managed to receive more votes than the NDP in Lumsden-Morse.

  6. “”“Saskatchewan people deserve access to reliable, affordable power, but unfortunately neither the federal government nor the Sask. Party have any solutions to help make that a reality.””

    “. With more than two-thirds of SaskPower’s generation coming from fossil fuels today, it isn’t realistic to replace all that generation capacity with renewables in the timelines proposed by the federal government.”

    “Renewables” aren’t, and no matter how much she wants to, there is no way to replace 3693 MW of reliable power with unreliable and intermittent “renewables”, especially not if she claims it is going to be “affordable”

  7. No one understands energy as well as social workers (and snowboard instructors and Green Peace felons) so why would anyone with any useful life skills care what they have to say. In the case of the later two, they are Quebec’s gift to the ROC. In the case of the Sask NDP leader, there has always been that populist faction where the politics of envy resentment and hatred congregates in mindless bliss incubated by the professoriate where Marxists outnumber those in all of Russia.

  8. Aww, come on, folks. All Saskatchewan needs to reach net zero is to build 650,000 sq km of wind and solar production. There!

  9. “I don’t support the federal government’s imposition of a net-zero power grid by 2035.”

    You don’t? Then say something. Isn’t your party propping up this current government? You won’t because yours is the only party where being a member of the NDP at the Provincial level automatically slots you in as a member at the Federal level. Which means when Jagmeet says jump you ask “how high”. I know you like to create the illusion of autonomy but you know damn well it isn’t true. Just more nonsense from someone who’ll say everything and blame anyone.

    CAPP statement: “The advantages are many, just as the imperative is clear to Canadians, 71% of whom support the new Clean Electricity Regulations and their aim of achieving a net-zero grid by 2035.”

    When you cite a poll conducted by “Clean Energy Canada” which is a gussied up version of the Sierra Club I’m kind of at a loss where exactly on the ledger you’re sitting on. I mean, you’re petroleum producers aren’t you or are you merely presiding over an organization charged with facilitating a slow wind down to extinction?

    A better title would be “Get to net zero or else”. – https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2023/08/08/alberta-minister-says-federal-strings-on-electricity-climate-funding-a-threat/

    1. The statement you attribute to CAPP looks to be from the loons at Clean Energy Canada. Nonetheless, CAPP seems to be playing along with the scam. I don’t know if they think that reality will eventually sink in for the fools or they figure they can hustle them some subsidies, but they are playing a losing game.

  10. sigh.. it’s always a middle aged, white woman.

    stick to net curtains dearie, not net zero.

  11. For the many uninformed in the Lib/Dip party that cannot do the math I’d like to try a simple explanation. At the moment the average Canadian consumes/uses/requires approximately 14,000KWhrs of energy to live in Canaduh. This measure of energy consumption takes into account the energy to cook and heat our homes, to produce and process the food and other products we use, to heat and light the businesses that we work at and use, and to heat and light the municipal, provincial, and federal buildings that are required to maintain our standard of living. 14,000KWhrs! In order to implement a net zero economy we would have to find a replacement energy source, totally vacate the country or induce mass national suicide. It is scientifically impossible to provide the required energy by using wind and solar power! It is beyond capabilty to vacate the country! That leaves national suicide and I think the ‘leaders’ that espouse a net zero policy should lead the way!!!! We’re waiting, and we’d all be happier if you don’t wait until 2035, actually the sooner you lead the way the better for the rest of us.

  12. Isaiah 3:12 NLT

    “Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.”

  13. ” … CAPP intends to actively participate in the consultation …”

    Of course you do. CAPP: Consulting Ass-kissers Prohibit Protesting

  14. Note that the silly bitch said nothing about nuclear power. If you’re anticarbon and antinuclear, you’re pro-blackout.

  15. So they want net zero by 2035, do they? Fine. Then, being good little Globull Warmists, they shouldn’t have any issue walking the talk: all federal operations are heretofore operating exclusively & entirely on renewables. Heating, cooling, office power, etc., etc., etc. In addition, no more carbon-based manufactured items. No transportation, housing, windmills, solar panels, clothing, food, appliances, electronics, nothing that was produced and/or transported using carbon-based fuels. Nada.

    Live like that for 5 years, then come talk to me.

    Until then, FOAD. Matter of fact, they can all FOAD right now & avoid the rush.
