13 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. The “Believe Women” slogan adopted by the Me Too movement is incredibly destructive, as it demands that any allegation made by a woman against a man be believed automatically. If you buy into that, why bother with all of this due-process nonsense? Hang ’em high and move on to the next case.

        1. Yes. But as you can see she recanted her testimony and sides with the defendant, who had an on again – off again relationship with her for 8 months, a presumed termination, yet he still sleeps at her place, and according to my attachment she thinks they’re a couple.
          Google pics. of the accused…. I see fruit.
          So yeah, I read it, and I’ve added my opinion as to why.
          She recanted her testimony and is therefore no longer a reliable witness for the prosecution. He’s out based on original testimony and 2 witnesses. He was really drunk which discredits his own testimony.
          You have a right to face your accusers. In this event the University is the accuser.

      1. Years ago … before WOKE judges infected our nation … The daughter of former Oakland A’s Manager Tony LaRussa accused an ex-boyfriend of RAPE while a student at St Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. The case was highly publicized, and the poor boyfriend was pilloried before the case went to trial.

        After the case finally made it to court … and the evidence was heard … the Judge threw the book at LaRussa (all charges suspended) for making up a story of RAPE to PUNISH a boyfriend who dumped her. The evidence was obvious that she made it all up, and was trying to “regret” consensual sex. The LaRussa’s have successfully wiped the internet clean of this case. But it REALLY happened … as I followed the case with great interest in REAL TIME … in the local newspaper. His daughter was a nasty, privileged, little rich girl who was a total bitch. She got bitch-slapped by a JUST legal system.

  2. Why would any young man or his family allow him to attend any post-secondary institution in California? I am a woman and have observed over the last 50 years that there are many, many “nasty” women.

  3. In a lawless society such as this,where the institutions themselves deny the accused due process..
    All potential accused,that being all hetrosexual men, must assume they will be condemned regardless of guilt.
    Act accordingly.
    Our Progressive Comrades will not enjoy these new rules.
    If one is to be punished without doing the crime,it is only human nature to then to seek vengeance.
    Conversely if conviction is guaranteed,without the crime being committed,let alone proven in court,then every man may as well commit said crimes..Or even worse ones..
    That disincentive thing being destroyed by Progressively perverse incentives.
    All Progressives are Pedophiles,we may hang them now and look for proof later..
    For that is what this Californicated Court approves of.

  4. Criminal charges need to be investigated by the Police and charged by a prosecutor, and tried in a court of law. Anything less is a kangaroo court.

    If your son or daughter even think the cray-cray b!tch is thinking of filing a complaint with the university, tell them to immediately file a complaint first, and then file a complaint with the police. “I was drunk, she took advantage of me, I couldn’t consent, she was the rap!st”. A brutal offense is better than any noble, principled and “fair” defense.

    Tell them to never sleep with crazy.
