30 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. It is great what this guy is doing but theTurd, Freeland + Guilbeault don’t care. Only thing is that if he will get too noisy and have some traction, he will be heckled with legal weaselry, media attacks/YouTube/FB bans and occasional (‘random’ of course) RCMP visits.

  2. Kinda like the meeting held in Grande Prairie with regard to Red Rachel’s Bill 6. They wanted individuals to ask question of individuals rather than of the group. When one questioned government reps of their agricultural experience unsurprisingly none had any.

  3. The government is on the right track, but instead of a 6 month moratorium on wind and solar projects, it should be at least 4 years.

    1. moratorium on wind and solar projects should be at least 4 years

      I’d say at least until cold fusion or a perpetual motion machine is perfected.

  4. From what I just watched this definitely is not a public consultation held in good faith. If the company, elemental energy, has video that puts them in a better light, then I’d like to see it. I understand that there will always be resistance to any development but the refusal of the company to engage with residents in any meaningful or transparent manner should stop the approval process in its tracks. Would have been nice to have their MLA present to witness the meeting.

    I assume concerns like this are one reason why Danielle Smith is pausing renewable energy approvals. The current system for approval is inadequate, based on this example.

    1. Of course it’s not in good faith. It’s simply a check-box. This way they can go before the regulator to say, “we did public consultation in this list of communities.” This is no different than the crap the wind industry got away with in Ontario during the Wynne government. That was documented here.

      What it didn’t get into was the detailed efforts by the wind industry to defraud farmers of their lease payments after accepting a siting contract.

  5. Great questions by these citizens.
    Very revealing how Elemental Energy doesn’t give a damn about them.
    I would have liked to hear more details on the environmental impact of constructing windmills.
    Not that it would have meant anything to the EE puppets.

  6. To LC and Zon,

    The word “consultation” has many meanings. One can provide a consultation in the sense of proffering advice or guidance. Or it can mean telling someone what will be done to them. For the indigenous it means negotiating and delaying until a big enough bag is offered without conditions.

    Often consultations are designed to steer a fait accompli in the desired direction

    For most, It does not necessarily mean a mutual exchange of ideas and understanding of positions to resolve an issue.

    1. I used to live in Calgary and the T’suu T’ina Indian Reservation were always “back and forthing” as to whether to allow the final section of a much needed Ring Road to be build around Calgary (in the SW corner). I lived first in Cedarbrae and then in Oakridge communities and it would have been great to shave off 15-20 minutes when I was driving to Golden, B.C. for business. I left 10 years ago and I bet that section of the ring road “Still” has not been completed.
      Can anyone who lives in Calgary, who posts here, comment on this. I talk about this because most Indian/Native/Aboriginal groups play this game of “what’s in it for me?)

      1. Big Momma, that section is complete, it’s easy to drive into or out of the Oakridge area, via Anderson or 90th Ave S.W. and Southland Dr. is now turns north for a bit and then is connected to 90th and then makes the connection to Stoney as well.
        I used to live in Braeside (we backed onto 24th St. S.W.)
        *Do agree it took a long time to build. The band didn’t want to “lose territory” and it took time to have the federal gov’t onboard for the land swap to be complete. After that happened, the road building was done in a couple of years.
        Stoney Trail now extends all the way south to connect with 22X near Spruce Meadows.

        1. They’ve almost completed the rest of it to bring it up to the Trans-Canada. Should be open for traffic in the next month or so, at a guess.

          But it definitely took too long.

    2. Yes, of course, I am well aware and it is the latter, TELLING you what WILL be done. If the positions were reversed, I believe its called ‘Uttering Threats”..

  7. Move the bird choppers downtown and suburbia along with some pig barns.

    There are thousands of wind turbines in eastern Alberta on private land. There have been crews around for years tying steel and pouring concrete as well as crane operators erecting these things into outer space. I don’t know of any opposition to them. Land owners are used to dealing with oil/gas companies who negotiate access all the time. I suspect the turbines are just more of the same but pehaps the mood is changing.

    The whooping crane argument is specious. At one time there were fewer than 25 whoopers left in the entire world. I’ve never heard of a crane being killed by a wind turbine. I have personally checked out the land under these turbines and have yet to find a dead bird. I realize that bird carcass’s don’t last long on the landscape before something comes along and consumes them.

    1. “ I have personally checked out the land under these turbines and have yet to find a dead bird. I realize that bird carcass’s don’t last long on the landscape before something comes along and consumes them.”

      Better spend more than 5 minutes under them next time! Bird strikes are cleaned up by Crows and Ravens within minutes. They know where the kill zones are. The victims aren’t even dead yet, many times just badly injured. They take them to a quiet location and consume them before heading back again. The dead carcasses along the Oldman Dam is staggering! Just don’t let a Duck land in your tailing pond if you happen to process hydrocarbons!

      1. Not only the winged scavengers, but also the human ones. There are people being paid to collect bird carcasses from beneath these monstrosities.

      2. Well Gary I guess I’m just not spending enough time out there on the landscape!

        Maybe read my post before you lecture me.

  8. I’ve heard that in certain areas, these turbines are vulnerable to an endemic disease called ‘blowtorch blight’ that has a 100% mortality rate.

    (I’m kidding…but companies like Elemental with their gov’t overlords bullying locals can lead to that blight and more.)

    1. There’s the other side too, pranks like cutting guy wires..
      Lloydminster TV many years back
      Squamish gondola
      Et al

  9. This whole approach reminds me of my attempts to get more information abut the “safe and effective” vaccines. This is the new approach to force people into obeying. It’s the Liberal way.

  10. If wind bird blenders are so important why not put them where most of the power is used?? Cities.
    The brain dead who vote for these parasites don’t want this shit in their back yards.
