73 Replies to “August 12, 2023: Reader Tips”

      1. “No I haven’t. He’s not the real Rusty.”

        Yeah, that confused me too. Glad you’re still around.

  1. Apropos northern Italy, Friuli is the a wonderful region of Italy, with great wine (Collio) and food (such as frico and salsiccie), as well as mountains and beaches, and history (Cividale, Aquileia), and with Udine as its capital. Better than Tuscany IMHO.

    1. I was at The Toronto Festival of Beer the last Friday in July. Bud had one of the biggest setups. Even in lefty TO hardly anyone visited while I was watching. All the other tents and booths did steady business.

  2. Well they had them running from nonexistant missiles, but remained silent throughout the wild fire.


    It’s interesting to note that in the DC metropolitan area if a big thunderstorm approaches the cell phones go off, a tornado warning, cell phone goes off, a kid abducted within about 50 miles, cell phone goes off.
    (All with different pertinent text bulletins)
    It’s a preprogrammed alarm tone. Super funny in a classroom where the phones should be off, super effective unless you opt out. Super useless if the authorities are too stupid to activate it.

    1. I saw a news report from Hawaii where the reporter interviewed a resident who said that they were getting an upper hand on the local fire burning… until the water was shut off.

      I don’t know about any of you, but that has my tin-foil hat vibrating.

      1. Some municipal water systems need power to pump water into the system.
        They all don’t work on gravity alone.

    2. Alerts aside, how does an oceanside town in a tropical region get consumed by a ‘wildfire’?
      They mention severe drought and high winds which can only be caused by climate-change of course. Winds sure. Drought on the Hawaiian islands? 2023 rainfall has no serious deviation from the mean.

      1. Having been in this town in the past, and traveling to Hawaii regularly in the past twenty years, I’m not surprised by the drought condition in the forests. Depending on the winds and terrain, you can go through several different temperate zones just driving around an island. West side of most islands is desert to low rainfall, east sides usually flood during rain. All those nice tropical pictures are usually from the north or east side of an island.
        These islands are all lava rock with mostly thin layers of soil, nothing much to hold moisture. The winds are wicked! Last trip in February/March there were times it was difficult to drive, coming out from behind structures or hills and the car would be hit broadside and pushed around.

        Island infrastructure is usually bare minimum and exposed to the elements. Hard to dig through lava to install water, sewage, electrical or communications cables. No need really, as there is not much in the way of change in temperatures year round. Water mains are exposed in most places, and are not that big. I’ve seen a lot of exposed pvc pipe used as water mains. Water supply is always an issue as they must count on rains in the mountains to fill the reservoirs, these feed both the daily use and emergency use systems. Emergency systems take precedents. While the rainfall may not have changed much, the infrastructure is not up to this level of disaster.

        The continuous drought on the west side of most islands leaves the vegetation fairly dry, low moisture plants and grasses are predominant. Add the winds, and a quick spreading fire would be very difficult to deal with. This town is built of wood for the most part, and has been around a long time, so very dry wood.

        Dry tinder, wind, lack of infrastructure, lack of warning. Disastrous.

        1. Thank you. I was wondering how islands experience drought conditions but hadn’t researched it yet.

    1. I first heard Mink Deville on SNL in the early ’80s. His (Willy’s) “Hey Joe” is one of my faves; great for road trips, cleaning the house, or when you just wanna dance.

  3. Harvard forgot to inform its secondary insurance policy company about the Racial Discrimination Lawsuit. Now the insurance company will not pay the $15 million claim AND the US Federal Appeals Court sided with the insurance company.


    As one of the commenters said, it must be difficult for Harvard to find any good lawyers who can actually read an insurance policy.

    Yesterday it was Oberlin.

  4. Remember all those “Ruble Deathwatch Continues” posts here? Well, looks like schweinie-lovers’ Rubble Deathwatch was discontinued on this blog because I couldn’t see any post dedicated to the wooden Rubble now trading at around 100 per US dollar (check your favourite exchange-rate website).

    In other words, wooden rubble now costs about 1 US cent apiece and yet the Russians are still fooling around with copecks, which is 1/100, so the smallest amount you can pay in cash in Russia is one ten-thousandth of the US dollar. If this isn’t “country of fools” then I don’t know what is (if the British suddenly decided to restore their shilling / penny / farthing system, it would be far less stupid, as farthing was only 1/960 of the Pound). Heck, if the Russian population wasn’t a bunch of 25+ alkie degenerates, they’d be emptying their banks for coin money and selling those coins for scrap metal; that would certainly be my “get rich quick” scheme if I lived there.

  5. If you like to see photos of burned-out electric vehicles, this link’s for you.


    H/t to the busy Budweiser tents in the above links 🙂

    One issue I have about the I-pace EV is LG agreed to pay for damages caused by “a folded battery tab” (i.e., a hardware problem) but then Jaguar issued a software recall. Perhaps they are different issues – but stay away from used EVs.

    1. I have never misidentified a female cop as a lesbian. I have only ever correctly identified female cops as lesbians. Obviously the cop wanted to remain in the closet.

      1. “Obviously the cop wanted to remain in the closet.”

        If that was the case she isn’t the brightest turnip in the basket, “coming out” is the fast-track to the top these days. I’m surprised more spinless loons aren’t just faking it for a promotion.

    1. Canada is a truly evil country.
      We steal from the yet to be born, that is if we don’t kill them in the womb!
      We mutilate children in the name of progress.
      Tax the living to enrich the ruling class.
      Support the world’s greatest terrorist state in it’s every war crime.
      We kill those we decide are no longer of any value.

    2. L – Nothing to stop the *Fed. gov’t. from making organ donation the
      default position in law.

      *(note-all parties in Parliament supported the Lockdowns and Vaxx
      Mandates and still participate in the cover-up)

    1. I’m often hearing “less employment, shortage of skilled labour”. I don’t understand how both can be true.

  6. Found somewhere this a.m. Dunno what to make of it.

    RFK Jr. Hmmmmm.
    Divorce from his first wife and her suicide.

    Mary Richardson Kennedy was deep in credit-card debt and getting hammered in divorce court when she hanged herself in a barn on her Westchester estate, friends and documents revealed yesterday.

    Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. slapped the mother of his four children with several restraining orders, trying to get full custody of the kids — all while he publicly replaced her with his actress girlfriend, Cheryl Hines.

    And debt collectors were breathing down her neck.

    American Express filed a civil suit against Mary in Westchester on April 16, an astounding revelation for someone whose husband has access to the Kennedy trust fund.

    As I said, it is very strange that no one has mentioned Mary Richardson Kennedy, R.I.P. Is our memory that short?

  7. In light of what has transpired over the last week in Muskegon, Mi. I wonder how the FBI lawyers are going to parse their excuse for not investigating the exposed case of voter fraud.


    For any reader here with a background in law enforcement the report is pretty indicitive of how deep the corruption within the DOJ and the FBI is.

    Perhaps as Billy Barr has stated the amount of fraud in the election didn’t amount to anything that would have changed the outcome. So 10,000 plus questionable voter registrations in a population of 175,000, in Barr’s opinion isn’t enough to effect the election outcome. He’s got the same mathematical ability as the guy that once said “Budgets balance themselves.”

  8. Retired solicitor left at death’s door when her surgery was cancelled because she dared to object to a trans woman nurse in her hospital room tells her FULL shocking story – vowing: ‘You can’t cancel me. I’m not scared to speak out’

    Anger at NHS guidance that lets patients who ‘temporarily’ identify as female share single-sex NHS spaces:
    Shocking rules mean patients who temporarily self ID can access female wards

  9. Brace for TikTok-inspired flashmob looting this weekend, police warn: 48-hour dispersal order for Bexleyheath is issued after tearaways plotted chaos in Oxford Street and Southend

    Is this to honour him?
