9 Replies to “I Don’t Ever Want To See That Thing Pass Me On The Interstate”

  1. Oh yeah! If they pass you on the Interstate, they are headed for a tornado and hoping to park right smack dab in the middle of the tornado.

    If they pass, I’ll pass… on following them.

    Wait…. unless you’re on a Los Angeles freeway. Then it’s just a darn practical vehicle to drive out there on the left coast. In which case, tuck in behind them and they’ll clear a path. Best commute EVAH! ;o)

  2. No, Lady Kate… You don’t ever want to see that behemoth steadily following you anywhere!!! Like the Angel of Death, it passing you by is just fine…!!!

  3. Where does the fire-spitting guitar player chained to the front of the vehicle stand?

    That looks like the vehicle I’m going to cobble together in a couple of years after the radiation dies down and we start forgetting about the “Before Times”.

  4. There are so many storm chasers out there nowadays that gridlock sometimes develops in tornado warned counties, and if you are one of the herd you need to drive with extreme caution given the reckless nature of some of the chasers. Fast u-turns and speeding to “get into the sweet spot” are rampant and of course, the weather conditions tend to be fairly gnarly in these viewing zones. There have been a number of calls that were not just close calls but death calls. A tornado by its very nature is a somewhat unpredictable entity that does not just power along in a straight line but sometimes goes off on a tangent, or spawns a secondary that becomes a primary. Good storm chasers know how far away they need to stay (unless they have these armored vehicles designed for total intercepts). Bad storm chasers think they need to get up close and personal with a funnel. More than a few of them have gone on to the happy chasing ground.

    1. Exactly. I live in northern Oklahoma. In the stormy spring, these idiots are out like mosquitos and are almost as smart. The researchers and others from the universities are disciiplined and self- aware. Most of the show boaters suck like a Hoover.

  5. About Los Angeles.
    I once saw A 6-wheel British Saladin armored troop carrier on the Harbor Freeway mid afternoon on a weekday. About 30 years ago, but even then, I thought that it was a good idea.
