16 Replies to “O, Great Spirit Of Cascadia”

  1. Well, that proves that the Hippies did a bit better, with domes and gardens and ditch weed.
    However, this reportage feels like scrapping the bottom of the news barrel.
    I get the point, but seeing how the Soros and other funded dreck minions live does not get at the ROOT. Merely another example of the symptom of an intractable problemo.
    Who has the power and ability to “clean up aisle 2.0?’

    1. Nothiing worse than “scrapping” the bottom of the barrel. “Scraping” would be even better. There’s nothing there that a flame thower wouldn’t fix.

  2. Would be nice to know where this is so it can be avoided.
    With 10k needles in the pit drugs are a much larger issue than being homeless.

  3. Plenty of drug infested tent cities in Liberal Canada as well. The scope of the visuals is scaled to population size and weather conditions.

    1. Take a look at the subway tracks at Yonge and Dundas station some time. Them little white things down there? Those are not cigarettes.

  4. And … just how far is this from the cartel’s marijuana plantations? It’s gotten to the point where I won’t go fishing in my old favorite Sierra Nevada streams. Between the paranoid gold miners, and the subhuman cartel marijuana growers … it’s not worth my life to catch a fighting rainbow trout.

  5. the presence of toys doesn’t necessarily imply the presence of children… whacked out homeless drug addicts collect a lot of shit that doesn’t make sense

  6. The turds complete destruction of Canada is different than his father’s attempt. I’m seeing middle class families with two kids becoming homeless. This isn’t drug loser scumbags I’m talking about. This is college educated people with decent jobs who’ve lost their rentals and now are screwed.

    I know you’ll say why not leave dumbass BC shithole land and that’s obviously their plan but when you have little cash leftover it’s kind of hard to make it happen. Anyway the decline has reached traditional NDP/libtard voters in a big way. This is way different than before. Everyone now knows a family like this.

  7. MEH. Looking at his twitter feed I see our social investigator at large Mr.Dahlgren dares not speak about the elephant in the room, namely how Portland and Oregon in general votes overwhelmingly Democrat in federal and municipal elections each and every god damned time. Why is that?
    That’s where my “Give an eff O’ Meter” goes off scale. I get it…Fetanayl is a terrible drug and these people are desperate and in dire need of help. Want to make a difference? Try voting differently for a change and see if that helps. Seriously, what have you got to to lose? At least with that Dahlgren can go back to his default setting about how evil Republicans are forcing drug addicted, diseased hippies out of their tents just like the good old days.

    A no win situation…so have at it. You want it, now you have it. Enjoy.

    1. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Captain Kirk, it is this: if the rules force you into a no-win situation, change the rules.

  8. Wonder where the latrines were? You’d think you could smell this camp from miles away.

    Looks like they left in a hurry. Maybe the landowner showed up with a big dawg.

    1. Yep a real mystery. Ranks right up there with all the Mayan deserted cities in South America.

  9. Welcome to the new Canada.
    Already started in Saskatoon with the STC homeless shelter getting dumped in a residential area.

  10. I call exaggeration!
    If there is a fifteen foot high pile of bikes, or a thousand needles in a pit, surely he would have photographed such. Where are those pictures.
    It is a nasty mess, for certain, why exagerate.
