19 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. CNN – Clueless Numpty Network

    I just realized that the jobs at CNN consist of receiving the narrative of the day at 4:00 am and then spending the rest of the day presenting the narrative. NO thinking involved.

    The CNN employees are like the paper delivery kids of old. Get a bundle of news(papers) and go out and distribute what they received. They don’t have to read or understand the news that was dumped on their doorstep. Just go out and deliver the news. That’s the job.

    I’m thinking being Clueless and unquestioning is probably a desirable characteristic if one is looking to get hired by the Clueless News Network. Asking questions just gums up the works.

  2. The two sides cannot even talk to each other any more. This is what will bring about the breakup of the USA in 9 or 10 years into a few different countries. Canada will do the same.

    1. @JohnPeg – “This is what will bring about the breakup of the USA in 9 or 10 years into a few different countries. Canada will do the same.”

      Good, the more borders the better. It gives people choices over monopoly – don’t like California then feel free to move to Texas and vise versa.

      It’s the One World globalist Marxists that want to tear down borders so that there is nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.

  3. “… Tumps grip is very strong …”
    This is a phrase from the Big Brother’s ministry of truth, it is used to make people think that there is something wrong with their own ideas, never mind that they don’t much care what Trump said.

    It is true though that the Big Brother and the ministry of truth has a solid iron grip on the so called ‘journalists’. Every day, you can compile news from across the country that will repeat the exact phrases tens of times and paraphrased phrases perhaps hundred’s of times, where the news reader forgot the exact syntax.

    Of course the ‘journalist’ don’t actually know anything outside of the place where he lives. He and his cohort being isolated from everyday life of the rest of the country, what they call ‘flyover’, between New York and Los Angeles. They probably don’t know that most of the population is living in between.

    One can observe on daily basis’s that the so called ‘journalists’ are the last to know.
    Those interested in the affairs of men, are better informed than any so called ‘top journalists’.
    As per the doctrine of the Big Brother and the ministry of truth, you don’t deviate from the prescribed meme, you don’t investigate, you don’t check your truth, you don’t look at things your own way, you just follow the dicktat (sic).

  4. In response to “Trump’s grip is very strong.”
    Trump went in to 2020 with a strong lead.
    In 2020 of 133m votes cast Trump 75m Biden 81m. DUH
    And you think Trump can win in 2024????

    1. First, the election isn’t decided on votes but on electoral college votes, so the 81 versus 75 million is irrelevant.
      Trump “lost” by a mere 40,000 selective votes in three swing states that all had one thing in common.
      They all unprecedentedly shut down their vote counting late in the evening of election day with Trump enjoying a commanding lead, then re-opened the counting early in the morning with Trump “behind”.
      Tight control of the vote counting would have seen Trump re-elected.
      Paper ballots, in-person voting supported by voter ID = Democrats don’t stand a chance. Period.
      It’s almost a paradox – Democrats can’t win unless they cheat, and they won’t win because they cheat.

    2. If you believe Biden actually got 81 million legal votes, I still have that bridge I’m selling. And to answer your question, not unless the cheating stops.

    1. Exactly. The question remains how many legal votes did he get. I could accept it if everyone actually turned on Trump and his support collapsed but Trump increased his totals dramatically from 2016. It’s logically and statistically impossible.

  5. This is what happens when two once-married millionaires pretend to understand why they are personally loathed and despised by millions of Americans. Of course they had to offer a tissue of self-justifying lies as to why. What is on full display here is how much these two are afraid of and contemptuous of the thoughts and views of real people.

  6. Unfortunately it’s not a bubble. Bubbles will break against a single sharp point.

    Which then raises the question of what it really is. Ooze? Foam? Exudate?

  7. Unfortunately the Coastal Elites, of which I know far too many, will instantly dismiss these fellow Americans as “ignorant rednecks with low IQs. Doing so is far easier psychologically than questioning their own brainwashing.

    1. Indeed, my world traveling friend … and note how we’re STILL referred-to as “deplorable”. The hard left HATE us … want us dead and gone. They learned NOTHING in 2016. No, they’ve doubled and tripled-down on their derision against every mega-MAGA American.

      And yeah, Robert … they think we’re stupid rubes from flyover country. Newsflash! I’ve never been out of the SF Bay Area … and have a degree from UC Berkeley … so they don’t know what they’re talking about … because, yes, they’re all brainwashed automatons. They couldn’t think for themselves if their lives depended on it. I respect the people of flyover country and have witnessed their intelligence and wisdom … esp. those without college degrees. And I know you don’t fit the CNN prototypical TRUMP supporter either, Robert … even if you do hang out in the American midlands.

  8. The ignorance of the CNN host is palpable. Does any critical thinker believe The Bidens are the only people who have benefited from Ukrainian money laundering? Only Democrats?Only U.S. politicians? The only way the whole scam has kept going is the weaknesses of many people in many powerful positions have been exploited. And those people will do anything and anybody to keep control and save their own bacon.

  9. We aren’t “in the thrall of Trump.”

    This is why we don’t trust them. They are too stupid to realize that Trump simply knew what policies and issues regular people were worried about it, and that’s what he campaigned on. It isn’t a cult of personality, if other politicians would do the same they would get our votes. DeSantis has proven himself to be almost as fake as Ted Cruz.

    There are two types of people, the kind who can smell bull shit and the ones who can’t. The ones who can smell it stopped trusting the media years before Trump came on the scene. We voted for him because he was willing to tell the truth. The ones who can’t smell it are being manipulated by the media and the government, time will tell if they burn the place down.
