16 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: I Miss The Antarctic Ice Cap”

  1. ” they are afraid of the unknown impacts of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.”
    Because they are mental midgets who believe, and belief is an emotion, emotions shut down the frontal lobe, were reason and logic are processes .

    1. GYM it appears that you are responding to my comment but my comment is no longer there. Not sure why it would have been deleted. I didn’t say anything too controversial.

    1. The curve is seasonal.

      Just Google “charctic” to get a cool (pun intended) interactive chart showing sea ice trends in both the Arctic and the Antarctic.

      Alarmists are discussing the Antarctic now because of the low levels. We don’t hear anything about the Arctic because the polar bears are doing great and the minimum sea ice extent in 2022 was 39% higher than the satellite era low set in 2012. Reliable data only goes back to 1979.

      The ice extent was probably a great deal lower in the Viking era when Greenland was able to support farming.

  2. Meh…be more concerned about a magnetic pole shift. On average, it occurs about every 300,000 years. However, the last one occurred over 700,000 years ago (we’re due).

    What does that mean? Well, not a whole lot. Although, a significant increase in cosmic radiation would not be a nice thing to experience.
    Incidentally, the giant caldera under Yellowstone comes due in about 100,000 years. So we have that to look forward to as well.

    Then, of course, there is the threat of playing chicken with undiscovered asteroids.

    Simply put, climate change is the least of our worries from a time frame and realistic perspective. There are plenty of other things with a higher probability of killing us before the “oceans start boiling.” 😀 Joe Biden is a bigger threat to humanity than climate change.

    1. Yes, but climate change is the vehicle to deliver worldwide socialism and totalitarian one-world government … so there’s THAT crisis …

      1. Kenji, I get a kick out of projections that are 100’s of thousands of years. A species with a life span between 80 to 100 years need not be concerned about something they cannot control.

    2. Pfft. The supporters of Forever War Inc. Are pushing Putin ever closer to following through with his threats. But that’s okay because he is evil and crazy and … Ukrainian “democracy” and sacred borders. You know, unlike our own.

      1. Our border is … “racist”! Well … the southern one anyway.

        The Uke border keeps out all the White Russians … from the white LGBTQqAI+/- Ukrainians

  3. His point makes perfect sense to me. On a much smaller scale, I live on the shoreline of one of the Great Lakes and what he’s positing happens here every time. Mild winters – Ice comes in…ice goes out depending on the winds. A big giant ice raft if you will. If it’s an exceptionally cold winter (Prevailing colder North winds) ice starts forming on the shoreline and extends outwards for kilometers and it’ll stay that way till the Spring’s warmer Southern winds.

    Weird. I thought this was common knowledge. Not sure why this is controversial.

    1. What Drs. Pielke & Maue wrote about sea ice around Antarctica makes perfect sense to most of us, but just read the comments on twitter or Nitter. My god there are some dumb people out there! For most of them, ‘Climate Change’ has truly become a religion. Science facts & common sense be damned!

      Nothing can change their minds because they’re smarter than everyone else!

  4. If a tree falls in the forest.. Will the vested interests give a shit?.. That would be a no..
