Grand sweeping fairytales – Smith calls a spade a spade on renewables

Danielle Smith: Grand sweeping fairytales that threaten Canadians ability to keep the lights on are no way to speed things up.

I’ll have more on that pretty impressive press conference as I have time.

As well, some oil companies aren’t doing too badly, as Saturn Oil & Gas reports it has tripled its production in a year.

Also, in last week’s Crown mineral rights land sale in Saskatchewan, one, singular exploration permit went for over $6 million. The last time I saw numbers like that for one piece of land was like during the Bakken boom of 2008. It’s simply unheard of in the last 15 years to see a single parcel, even an exploratory permit, go for that much. In recent years, we’d be lucky if a few dozen leases, combined, would make up a total of $6 million. So this is verrrrry interesting. It was near Kindersley, by the way.

30 Replies to “Grand sweeping fairytales – Smith calls a spade a spade on renewables”

  1. Pretty refreshing. Nothing anybody with basic math skills and common sense can disagree with. Anyone who speaks about the power grid without being aware of current grid conditions and workings via AESO website or the like should be ignored or laughed at like the village idiot of old.


    1. Aside from the fact Geeebow looks like he wants to dismember your children, i seriously think he needs an intervention. His desires will create a full on genocide.

  2. I’ve noticed for the last week that the CBC and other state funded media have been trotting out university “experts” and environmental advocacy “experts” to refute claims made by Smith and Moe. All based on models, of course. Apparently, there is no reason to look at the actual real world effects of green energy transition in places like Germany or Ontario.

    I’ve also noticed that these supposed experts never explain the difference between reliable 24/7/365 baseload power and unreliable intermittent power or why that’s important. Then again, politicians and academics can’t tell the difference between men and women so why would we expect them to understand the difference between baseload power and intermittent power. They don’t understand biological reality or the reality of energy systems.

    Remember too that these experts and journalists will bear no responsibility or accountability for the inevitable energy poverty, grid failure and power outages due to the transition from reliable power to unreliable power.

    “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” Thomas Sowell

  3. Concerning the exploratory permit. I’ve noticed that the Canadian govt. has resorted to a new strategy to push their agenda. They locate and identify mineral rich locations. They, then, over regulate to assure that the owners cannot acquire the resources profitably. Then, they go in and purchase the property using federal monies. They purposefully overpay above the ACV of the location such that they have a built in excuse NOT to sell it back to a private company (pretending to care about the tax payer).

  4. Fossil-fuel electrical generation as a percentage of total electrical generation:

    Quebec 0%.
    Ontario 10%
    Saskatchewan 81%
    Alberta 90%


    I don’t think these arseholes in Ottawa understand the magnitude of the transition required. They think all provinces are like central Canada. Either that or they just don’t care if the prairies are impoverished.

    1. They don’t care about the magnitude of their mandates require, and they don’t care if the prairies are impoverished, along with the rest of us

      1. The west is here for one thing and one thing only, to furnish the requirements of the East. It was thus, when the Hudson’s Bay Company sent the wealth of the west to England. It was the same when Canada was set up. ie. Crow rate, Canadian Wheat Board. Trudeau SR. And NEP and now, Trudeau the younger and “Clean Energy”. Canada is a make believe state, that ONLY serves Quebec and Ontario

        1. Coldmax

          I spent most of the summer in the bush in NW Ontario. One of the locals told me, “Nothing good has ever come out of the west.”

      2. None of the crap they are pushing can be made without fossil fuels, the f-ing disconnect is astounding.

    2. Thanks for that. I might have to use that link. I’ve personally observed Saskatchewan using up to 84% fossil fuels, and 91% for Alberta, in recent months.

    3. KM, your post is factually correct. However, this is not about impoverishing the prairies. It’s about the fact that the prairies refuse to vote for the ‘Natural Governing Party’. So the Liberals have been pursuing economic policies hostile to Alberta/Saskatchewan since the late 1970s and the implementation of the National Energy Program in 1980.

      It’s all about controlling the country’s principal economic asset by the federal Liberals as opposed to western Conservatives.

    4. Quebec is nearly 100% hydro, Ontario is 80% hydro and nuclear, 10% natgas and 10% wind. Solar is so slight it’s not worth mentioning. Ontario is no doubt 30% capacity wise wind, but needs the natgas because wind doesn’t work 75% or more of the time. Sask and AB could go nuclear, but it goes without saying hydro won’t be a big part of it. The real problem is the fact that retards like Trudeau and Guillbault insist they can go netzero with wind and solar.

  5. Wow, finally someone with balls! And funny thing, she’s a woman! 🙂
    I actually saw her at CTV News, Sunday night I think – she was very strong, stood her ground in a short interview.
    I thought to myself: Hallelujah! Finally, some high-level politician in this country able to stand up to these clowns from Ottawa.

      1. She’s actually following Moe on this. Before the summer, he said “We will not attempt the impossible when it comes to electricity production.”

  6. I agree with her stance, but not with the expression “We agree with the broader goal of decarbonizing the electricity grid and getting to carbon neutrality”. There is still no concrete, realistic proof of an increase in CO2 causing dynamic climate change or irreversible climate change for all kinds of reasons. It is dangerous to give liberal progressives and cultural marxists an inch in an argument or accept their base premises. That said, the future will tell if she will be successful against the push from Ottawa (where reason and good sense go to die).

    1. Totally agree. The start of any discussion should be that as you say.. there is no concrete realistic proof, so we do not accept your base premise. By accepting the premise you are then forced into arguing tactics. The next position or complementary position should be that if this is a Federal priority and jurisdiction then the Federal treasury should be paying for any costs to achieve Federal goals… implying that Quebec and Ontario would need to pony up most of the money for any changes.

    2. When the UCP announced a few months back that they were Jonesing for 2050 instead of 2035, I contacted my MLA & asked him, WTF?

      Why is it that the only people who don’t know this TGF is based on a sham are the Lieberals, EnDeePee & YouSeePee?

  7. The media gatekeepers (mouthpieces for the progressive in-crowd) control the language. Smith accepted the false premise of “net zero” but instead by 2050. No energy system is net zero as everything above the level of hunter gatherer has a life-cycle carbon footprint. She should say that Alberta will consider lowering its grid carbon footprint as existing plants approach the end of their useful lifespan and as the science evolves. Then she should politely tell Trudeau and his Green Peace felon to pound sand.

    1. Actually, there was considerable discussion in the press conference about who could go “pound sand.” I just haven’t had time to write it yet.

  8. So at least 75% of Canada’s population uses energy that almost all is not produced from fossil-fuels? WTF are we even talking about then?

    1. That’s at least 75% of 20% as the electrical grid doesn’t provide much energy in the other 80% in heating, cooling, industrial and residential and transportation. The Jacobins and Bolsheviks want all of it to be non-emitting by 2050 as if today’s realities of regulatory and physical impediments to development will go away because the professoriate and their modelling says so.

    2. The wrong people are reliant on hydrocarbons. If we had a lot of dams out here they’d be yammering on about flooded ecosystems and methane emissions from rotting vegetation at the bottom. Not sure what they even want here, seemingly hating the West has become the Liberals raison d’etre.

  9. Smith fell for the windmill/renewable nonsense back in her radio talk show days.

    It’s funny how conservatives have to meter out the truth in a palatable fashion, so as not to upset people, when the libs can just lie and fear monger with reckless abandon, to get the result they want.
    Shows who really cares about people vs who cares about votes, instead. Also telling, of the populous, by how they react, to the above..

  10. Politicians?.. Are they serving the people or the green business plan?.. That is the question because they are not saving the earth..
