14 Replies to “Pass The Bananas”

  1. The “true conspiracy”,,, is Democrat attorney generals conspiring with the Biden DOJ
    You can’t tell me the different district offices haven’t been communicating with each other and the DOJ to entrap Trump.

    1. The Georgia prosecutor, Fani Willis, shut her gob after a reporter asked her if she’d been communicating with Jack Smith.

    1. They’re corrupt GOPe never-Trumpers. Scumbags. Utterly out of step with the vast majority of conservative voters

  2. At this point, does anyone sincerely believe that this can be solved at the ballot box, in a peaceful manner? The Dems and their apparatchiks are making their naked grab for absolute power in real time. And the GOPe is going along with it as Trump/MAGA/America First is the mutual enemy. In doing so, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, America’s defining features, are rendered useless. So where does one go for redress of grievance? 70+ million are being effectively disenfranchised and labeled as enemies of the state if they dare speak out. Civil War? The best case scenario now is for freedom loving people to fortify solid red states, purge federal agencies and hope to arrange some kind of secession. That’s the best outcome for I think the USA as we all knew it is gone.

    1. No, the U.S. and we here in Khanadastan are not going to vote our way out of this. Democracy is dead, elections obsolete.

  3. Of course it is… they pay no penalty for being wrong, and the rewards are great.

    And pretty much every count has a affirmative first amendment defence.

  4. The Racketeer Influenced Criminal Organization known as the Democrat Party is trying to RICO the GOP with the full cooperation of the Racketeer Influenced Criminal Organization known as the Biden Crime Family and its DOJ enforcers.

  5. “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”. Shakespeare had it wrong. He mistakenly thought that lawyers protected the rule of law. I see them as the greatest threat to the rule of law and their legislative malfeasance over the last couple of centuries have created a system so weighted down with statutes and regulations that everyone is guilty of a crime if politically desirable.

    1. There is a video, that I can’t remember which lecture that D’Souza gave about his bust and sentence.
      In it he suggested that if the bottom feeders want you in slammer, they will come up with all kinds of stuff that may or may not be true, though they will work on it and bust you. They will threaten you with long sentence and other criminal activity on their part, to suggest to you, if you agree your sentence may be less.
      If you follow the affairs of men, you may remember that this exact thing happened the general Flynn.
      These are the same tactics that the communists used in the communist run countries in the 1950’s of the past century against their fellow travelers that have become dangerous for knowing too much and not following the line. After admitting to made up ‘crimes’, thinking that maybe they will take it easy on them, they were generally killed off. If you don’t believe it, it is easy to find out.
      The only difference with today’s so-called department of “justice” is that so far as one can tell, they did not kill anybody.
      Thinking here, it is just a matter of time.

  6. , Interesting times. Trump is so hated that the left have spent almost eight years attacking him. From Crossfire Hurricane through the Mueller report to two impeachment attempts, the most investigated President in American history and they found nothing to hang him with. Disappointed much! Now we come to the RICO charges fabricated in their little obsessed minds that Trump is lying when he says the election was fraudulent. They believe that they can convince 71+ million voters that the election was safe and fair by convicting Trump on ‘trumped up’ charges levelled by the Keystone, er… Peach State Cops in a kangaroo court presided over by Lady Justice who has been reduced to nothing more than a transgendered drag queen. Meanwhile in the real world their claims of a safe and secure election are falling apart as the evidence comes out in Muskegon regarding fraudulent voter rolls, in Pennsylvania as more information is released about the stolen trailer with the missing ballots, and in the Peach State itself as the Fulton County videos are brought to the surface again. All of this evidence and much, much more which did not see the light of day in 57 attempts in the past will now be brought to the public’s attention because of this RICO charge.
