Enjoy The Decline

A former marine.

Brian Berletic- As US standards fall, military less trusted

The US military is considered the most trusted institution in America by the American people. It is more trusted than the media, big American businesses, the criminal justice system, and even the elected representatives that make up the US Congress. Despite this fact, trust in the US military itself is in decline, stemming from a variety of reasons and reflecting America’s overall decline as a global superpower.


11 Replies to “Enjoy The Decline”

  1. Apologies to Rudyard Kipling

    For it’s Tommy this, and Tommy that
    And toss him out, the brute
    But it’s thin red line of heroes
    When the guns begin to shoot

  2. Yeah, the elites have managed to so royally piss off the deplorable ‘boots’ class that they have virtually zero chance of mobilising them for anything now. Yeah good luck taking on the Russian Army with your new broke-ass recent immigrant recruits Umzufumie and Jorge…

    1. OMG! No shit. We are so screwed as a nation.

      Umzufumie Came here for all the FREE SHIT … and he will leave the military with a nice pension … and then go work for another government agency … and screw that up.

  3. If by “the world” you mean Anglos-NATO plus Japan and Korea, yes. Unfortunately for the dingleberry brigade, the rest of the world is NOT stupid, and never was, but the power of the dingleberry brigade to cause more than mere annoyance and inconvenience to the grownups has been greatly diminished of late. Failure of the “financial genius” of the dingleberries has been compounded by failure of the dingleberries’ “military genius” and “political genius”.

    The incompetence and uselessness of the dingleberry countries is beginning to become obvious to all but the dingleberries.

    Ask yourself this: if the dingleberry populations vanished overnight, how would the world change, exactly?


    A useless bunch of parasites that grew “economies” on the backs of cheap immigrant labour, fiat play money, and resource plunder are about to have to learn how to generate real economic value. And given their current state, real famine and real civil war and the return of real savagery are the more likely result. (In the 1950s Mexico, for instance was a VERY different place than it is now!)

    PS: if you don’t know who the dingleberries are, then you are one of the dingleberries.

  4. There’s a consideration for the downturn in military recruitment that I haven’t heard discussed. Tunnel to Towers, Wounded Warrior Project etc. ads. While I commend these organizations helping veterans and think Forever War Inc. is truly deplorable, hour after hour of wounded veterans is not a great recruiting tool. Maybe that’s a good thing.

    1. Excellent point. My TV is filled with images quadriplegics and men with faces burned worse than the most frightening Hollywood make up. Those are the images needed to tug at our hearts and pocketbooks … and certainly repel volunteers.

      The good news is that only a tiny portion of our military is involved in actual combat … it’s 85% support and logistics. So it’s still a viable alternate to the welfare rolls for all those; fat, drug using, ex cons who didn’t graduate 8th grade

      1. 24/7/365 media has become the bane of our existence. I blame it for a lot things including turning mass shooters into Queens for a week. It’s not that Cronkite or Huntley Brinkley were that much better but they were only on an hour a day.

  5. Duh, of course trust in military is low. When top general has Chinese counterpart on speed dial and calls back-and-forth happen without POTUS knowing. When training is infected with sensitivity and gender/equity crap. When your body is not your choice and if you’re ordered to take x times some sh*t deemed as ‘vaccine’ and you don’t obey, you’re court-martialed.
