Garden Gnome Barbie And Her Fantastical Barbiemobile!

“I walk, I take the subway.”

“The Deputy Prime Minister was pulled over for driving 132 km/h while travelling between Grande Prairie and Peace River,” said spokesperson Katherine Cuplinskas.

The Deputy PM’s office confirmed the charge to the Toronto Sun after news of the interaction broke on the Counter Signal website.

In that story, editor Keean Bexte reported that she was driving 42 kilometres over the speed limit. Freeland’s office has so far not answered what the speed limit was in the area of the highway where she was driving.

47 Replies to “Garden Gnome Barbie And Her Fantastical Barbiemobile!”

  1. But it was a rental so she still doesn’t own a car, I guess.

    But 42 klicks over the limit. That’s moving.

    1. KM, “But it was a rental so she still doesn’t own a car, I guess” sounds an awful lot like John Kerry’s statement to a senate hearing:
      ” I PERSONALLY do not and never have done, own a private jet”. What he didn’t say: ‘But my wife did and I flew it dozens of times’.

  2. L – The RCMP officer, who charged her is very brave, as she could
    have his bank account frozen.

    Asked why she was going so fast, she replied: “I’m trying to catch up
    to the federal deficit.” (Liberal Logic or oxy-moron)

    1. Lots of Ministers and MPs are caught speeding on highways. Flora McDonald was notorious for it. There’s no risk to the police officer for enforcing the speeding law. All traffic infractions fall on the driver of the limousine. You don’t imagine these people actually drive themselves anywhere, do you? If her car was going that fast, it was because her driver was under instruction from Freeload.

  3. I could right down all the adjectives I have for that woman but I’ll spare y’all the long string of invective.

  4. Was it the RCMP? They are usually covering for the libs. If Trudeau has lost the Mounties then only the grifters are left. Come to think of it they are a big part of the party.

  5. Fine was $273.00
    So I guess twenty two over and three demerits
    Sounds about right
    She’d be better at saving the environment if she went the speed limit, or even a little lower to 100 kph instead of 110kph.
    Gas milage improves significantly because that’s the targeted range manufacturers strive for, for optimum performance for the least fuel consumption!
    Anyway she’s a fascist and deserves a fascist’s fate.
    I curse her with the curse of the white man from town. May she get flat tires in downtown Chicago IL

  6. It’s not the speed that might do her in. It’s the absolutely thoughtless burning of fossil fuels. Should be an immediate and tearful resignation…followed by hari-kari.

  7. L – “To help Justin Trudeau avoid real questions, the PM’s security team pushed The Counter Signal’s editor in Chief, Keean Bexte, onto the street directly in front of oncoming traffic.
    Pushed directly in front of oncoming traffic? It could be worse, say
    if, this incident happened on the Trudeau airplane or helicopter.

    Many political leaders have security, but it’s only the likes of Trudeau,
    who’d consider having, in addition, a political security team, too.

    Now if the oncoming traffic in question, included the Deputy P.M.
    driving 42km/hr. over the speed limit… would that be a co-incidence?

  8. “ Garden Gnome Barbie And Her Fantastical Barbiemobile!” Lol

    Classic! Kate should start her own tabloid!

  9. In Alberta the breathalyzer is pretty much mandatory on every stop. One wonders what hasn’t been reported.

  10. She was actually driving home to see the family? I thought anyone out here was in “flyby country” if not actually “deplorables”

  11. “Not guilty your honour! I’m pleading self-protection! I was just a civilized Liberal trying to get through red- neck country without getting violated!”

  12. Every Km over the speed limit ups the Carbon Footprint exponentially – so why isn’t this peoplekind in jail?

    BTW = Any new mysterious forest fires happen up in Grand Prairie – Peace River lately? I smell a getaway.

  13. I believe you folks in Canada have an automatic license suspension if you are going 40 or more km over the speed limit….yes?

    1. 50 km over is when they hammer you. Court appearance, possible 90 day suspension, up to $2500 fine, and 6 demerit points.

  14. Too bad it was an Ottawa cop that pulled her over. Jail time would have been in order were it an Albertan that pulled her over.

    A year in jail would have saved Canadians billions.

  15. Freeland: ”Officer, you can’t give write me a ticket. I’m a federal MP!!”

    Officer: ”So am I, except, my name had ”RC” in front it!!”

  16. What did the field sobriety tests conclude?
    She looks like a tweaker most of the time….

  17. Yet, when someone who is not in favour of her or her policies shouts at her in public, he is vilified.
    Yes, it wasn’t very classy, but how are these people to know what real people think about them, if they aren’t told?
    Was she actually driving the car? Throw the book at her, fines and demerits, as appropriate, breathylizer, everything the average joe is subjected to, then relegate her to public transportation only; bus, taxi, plane or train, no private conveyances.
    Live your own dream, baby cakes..
