49 Replies to “August 23, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. Well … yeah … but the baaaaaaad Catholic Nuns and Priests MURDERED those rocks and dumped them into a “mass grave”!

  1. A friend sent this to me regarding fire response in BC as of late, I did confirm the phone number is correct but they don’t want voice mails being left as they’re trying to reserve that for friends etc… if you wanted to get more of the word out, simply copy/paste and of course send it to those considering giving money to the appropriate provincial political party as they seem to have put their foot in it.

    SOS from Celista, BC…..

    “Hey Guys

    We need to get the story out about what’s happening in the Shuswap. Can you guys please post this everywhere. Send it to everyone you know. Please help us.

    My name is Stef and my husband Jorne and I own a home at the end of Meadow Creek road in Celista BC. The fire department and forestry lit a back burn around 4pm on Thursday Aug 17th knowing there were 30km winds coming. No news outlet is talking out this. My husband has been monitoring the winds and the Adams creek fire for weeks. On Tuesday Aug 15th we knew the winds were coming. The fire was approx 15km away from us. We don’t know who decided to light a back burn knowing the wind forecast. They lit a 14km back burn right to our back door and never notified us. My dad who lives in Kelowna knew about a “out of control back burn” before we did. They didn’t even come to tell us. They notified the locals by posting it on a piece of paper at the gas station.

    At 845pm we saw the fire just over the ridge. And by 12pm it had reached meadow creek road and was in back yard. Without the back burn we could have had a whole day to prepare. We did have sprinklers up, water tanks loaded and generators ready to go. We knew we were pretty much on our own and would not receive much help. The fire department did come down the road and were there briefly. Once they deemed the fire out of control they left. When the fire came into the valley we watched it burn up the sides of the mountain due to the humidity dome created with all the sprinkler and water. The fire department abandoned us. About 2 hours had passed when some locals came down our valley with resources and help. I was notified the fire department was sitting in a field having coffee so I went t to get them. When I got there I asked them to come help us, told them the situation. One of the firemen told me they wanted to help but had orders to sit. I yelled at them to get in their trucks and come help us. They said they would. I went back down the road to notify our crew they were coming. I sat and waited but no one came. About 15 minutes had gone by so I went back up the road and found them sitting about 1km away. They told me they were assessing the situation. I asked how they could assess if they couldn’t see it? I again asked them to come help and they finally did. Everyone ran around putting hot spots out. We wore water packs and half masks with headlamps for the next 3 days making sure our houses made it through.

    In the initial days after the “superfire” the locals were able to get water, gas and supplies but now there is a heavy police presence. They have the roads blocked off saying they are preventing looting. The locals are being told to return to their homes. They are not allowed to be helping at all. There are spike strips on the roads. Police blocks everywhere. There are people trying to get essential supplies in such as water, gas and food by boat. They are being turned away. Police are patrolling the roads and water. They have the gas stations blocked off.

    We need the real story to get out so we can get help.

    We are more than equipped to help put this fire out but are being stopped. We need resources such as gas, diesel to keep us going. They’re trying to starve us out so they can let it burn.

    My number is 250-509-0400 Please feel free to post my number. I’m willing to talk to anyone who can help us.”

    1. The US Forest Service did something very similar in New Mexico last year, starting “controlled burns” at a time when winds were gusting to 45 mph. That fire burned for months, and in the aftermath the water treatment system for the city of Las Vegas, New Mexico was utterly destroyed by the consequent runoff. Understand these are college-educated wildland professionals.

  2. Today Blackie’s loyal media is explaining that Albertans will be voting NDP in the next federal election.

  3. Dr. Jordan Peterson has been ordered to be re-educated by a Canadian court. He also must self finance the brainwashing.


    In a separate tweet from Peterson, he has said he will record the entire process, and have it posted on YouTube
    I imagine other social sites as well as YouTube may block it when certain controversies arise

    The courts in Canada are Liberal, you may win a couple now and then like when you lead a fish in a bit more for the bite, but the big decisions are always for the Masters in Ottawa.
    Remember the CSA? Ottawa always wins.

    1. I think the worst part is that this clears all “professional societies” to act as they will. Nurses, doctors, electricians, masons, construction and many others are affected by this ruling.

      If the society does not like your opinion, you will be sent to re-education.

      Though you will have the same option that you had with the mandatory shot: you can quit.

    1. If Putin couldn’t have him pushed out of a window multi-stories above the ground, shooting down his plane also works.

    2. And it is reported that the plane was shot down by an air-defence system. Well, if someone still believes that making deals with old Poo makes any sense, they must be brain-dead. Prigozhin would have done better if he pressed his aborted charge home; at worst he would have died a hero’s death and gone to Valhalla.

  4. Why is it that a court would order people to do things to limit their speech and thought.
    How can this happen in free society.
    Guess it’s not as free as it used to be.
    This is completely without a doubt deplorable.

    “Court Rules That Jordan Peterson Must Undergo Social Media Sensitivity Training”
    McCoy Students Citing Jordan Peterson Will Fail
    Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty Images
    August 23, 2023 1:42 PM ET

    1. The Liberals cut spending?

      No, they’re just reallocating $15 billion to ‘better’ projects.

      Better = more lucrative for Liberal friends and insiders.

  5. Brampton man charged in connection with attempted murder incident in Mississauga

    Mississauga driving instructor charged with sexually assaulting 17-year-old

    … Peel Regional Police allege that this month, a 17-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by her instructor during a lesson.

    On Aug. 19, police arrested 34-year-old Mississauga man Muhammad Farooq in connection with the incident. He has been charged with one count of sexual assault and one count of sexual exploitation…

    1. The kindergartners will acclimate and the slut shaming will ensue, in German, which is darkly hilarious!
