He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship

Dan Knight;

Good morning, folks. In a shocking turn of events out of Eastern Canada – or maybe not so shocking given the liberal tide sweeping Ontarios institutions – Ontario’s court has just ruled against the renowned professor and free speech advocate, Dr. Jordan Peterson. Yes, you heard that right. Dr. Peterson, an individual who has always advocated for intellectual freedom and has pushed against the stifling boundaries of political correctness, has been ordered to undergo – wait for it – social media training.

So, what’s his big crime? Well, Peterson, a well-respected member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario, dared to use his online platform to comment on various public issues – including giving his opinion on a plus-sized model and actor Elliot Page. For this, the governing body received complaints and deemed that Peterson’s public statements could possibly be “professional misconduct.” Can you believe that? This is where we’re heading – criticize or merely have a different perspective on mainstream liberal narratives, and you might be at risk of losing your professional license.

Dr. Peterson did what any sane person would. He challenged this decision, arguing that his political commentary isn’t within the college’s jurisdiction. But the Ontario Divisional Court didn’t see it that way. They upheld the college’s decision, claiming it’s within their mandate to regulate the profession “in the public interest.” And, of course, they added the cherry on top by asserting it doesn’t affect his freedom of expression. Sure, just undergo forced training for expressing your opinions. Sounds very free to me.

Remember, Jordan Peterson isn’t just some random figure. He’s a retired University of Toronto psychology professor who’s made waves with his deep critiques of liberal culture and has penned the successful book, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.” But apparently, in today’s climate, academic achievements and a career dedicated to the exploration of free thought means little if you don’t toe the line of the so-called ‘woke’ agenda.

When one looks at the latest ruling against Jordan Peterson in Ontario, it’s hard not to think that we’re witnessing the makings of a Banana Republic in action.

33 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. So this ruling suggests that the courts can “regulate” professions? Wow…..so now the courts are experts in things like engineering, real estate, dental and medical matters, etc? I thought those professions were “self regulating”.

    1. The state owns the “professions” by means of the state granting monopoly “right to practice” legislation to the governing bodies (de Facto agents of the government of the day and another captured institution). It’s why no such legislation (guild socialism) should exist. Think Doctors vs Covid Stalinism.

    2. The profession issued a ruling against its member and the member said it did not have that wide of jurisdiction over him and so appealed to the courts for relief. The courts said, no you need to comply with your profession. It is the profession that prescribed the punishment.
      Sounds okay but the problem is overly broad professional conduct rules. My profession recently tried to put in that being rude to anyone in your work or private life was professional misconduct; thankfully the members voted that down.
      It is basically a contract, you join a profession and you agree to comply with its rules, even the stupid ones.
      Not sure why Peterson has retained his membership but really one shouldn’t have to leave to be able to participate in society.

  2. I don’t think it’s “shocking”, no. The courts in Canada are acting woke/extreme-woke and this is not since now nor yesterday.
    Early 2021, Supreme Court ruled that climate change is real and gov can slam pollution/carbon taxes wherever they please.
    Also, let’s remember how Freedom Convoy Inquiry went, how China Interference Inquiry was muddled out, how so many cases re pandemic jabs, control, lock-downs, segregation, basic freedom squashing ruled in favor of gov.

  3. Why should anyone now think that Canadian universities are any better than elementary schools?

  4. No surprise whatsoever. The Libranos appoint the judges and those that they appoint have to have demonstrated their loyalty by contributing to the Party.

    “An eight-month investigation by National Post and the Investigative Journalism Foundation (IJF) of 1,308 judicial and tribunal appointments by the Liberal government since 2016 shows an overwhelming majority — 76.3 per cent — of appointees who had previously made political donations had given to the Liberal Party of Canada.”


    1. “The Liberal Party fosters and nurtures a culture of corruption”- Judge Gomery.

      That culture of corruption the Liberal/NDP Party spread like a syphilis ridden whore includes the diseased “Judges” of Liberal Party authoritarianism and compelled conformity.

      Peterson should call the ruling corrupt and ignore it.

      The institutions of this country are corrupt, including the Courts.

  5. The three presiding and very esteemed Kangaroos : JOHN KRAWCHENKOPAUL SCHABASNANCY BACKHOUSE

    Beats me all to hell why that’s always omitted. Sheesh…had to dig deep to get those names.

      1. I’d love to but who’s got time to go down that rabbit hole. It took me almost a half an hour to get the names.

    1. “Madam Justice Nancy Backhouse is currently serving on the Superior Court of Justice for Ontario. Before her appointment to the bench, Justice Backhouse was a family law lawyer and labour arbitrator. She was also a bencher and chair of the Admissions and Equity Committee of the Law Society, vice-chair of the Ontario Grievance Settlement Board, and a director of the Advocates’ Society. During her time as a Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, Nancy Backhouse founded the Lawyers Feed the Hungry Program with Martin Teplitsky.”

      Paul Schabas – https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/about/experts/paul-schabas/


  6. The official narrative must be enforced! How dare anyone call the government’s misinformation “misinformation”! The truth must be punished!

    And it’s not just Dr. Peterson. Dozens of medical doctors who prescribed hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin during the plandemic are facing medical review boards, under the threat of having their licenses revoked. This is truly Orwellian.

  7. “When one looks at the latest ruling against Jordan Peterson in Ontario, it’s hard not to think that we’re witnessing the makings of a Banana Republic in action.”


  8. We’re living in Germany in 1932. Same schlitz, different day.

    This decision by the court is to remind all the doctors, psychologists and lawyers, anyone with a license to practice, that they’d better shut the f- up. If people really knew what’s been going on the the trans thing, with MAiD, with free speech and immigration, who’s been getting all that tax money, the Normies would decorate every telephone pole in the nation.

    Peterson they don’t really care about. He’s a gadfly. What they are -terrified- of is the coming Bud-Lite moment where Canada stops doing what they want.

    1. It’s never going to happen. We are well into the second generation of what Bezmenov described as “demoralization”. There’s no way out of this that doesn’t involve an invasion by a hostile foreign power.

  9. I have considerable faith in Jordan Peterson’s intelligence, singleness of purpose, energy, ability, easy access to an international stage, reputation and influence to make his opponents rue the day they took him on. Hell make them suffer! They won’t know what hit them.

    Go Jordan go!

    This will be entertaining to watch.

  10. If they are sending him off for “Social(ist) media training” he should invite them into his living room with all the cameras set up to do it… and livestream it

  11. The only reason Jordan Peterson would show up at a re-education camp is to expose the “ teachers “ as the ass licking fools that they are . I would pay to watch him turn the re-educators into pretzels .

  12. I wouldn’t want to be the teacher of this class to Jordan Peterson.

    He’ll nail the professor to the cross with logic.

  13. The Canadian Constitution Foundation condemns the court’s decision and hopes that Dr. Peterson appeals.

    “We are disappointed in this result, which we think could have a chilling effect on people in other regulated professions, like doctors, lawyers, teachers and accountants,” said CCF Litigation Director Christine Van Geyn. “Professionals should not have to soft pedal their speech for fear that activists will weaponize regulatory bodies so that unpopular speech is penalized, even when there is no connection between that speech and the profession.”


  14. This is endemic to all professional organizations. I am a ‘Honorary Lifetime Member’ of the Professional Photographers of Canada, thus no longer subject to fees. A couple of years ago, PPOC publicly announced support of Black Lives Matter, began urging the use of personal pro-nouns in communications with PPOC, created what they called a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee and hired outside ‘university professionals’ to assist us in dealing with our inherent, unrecognized racist attitudes.

    Their ‘ínvitation’ to enlightenment went thusly: “Through a brief introduction to critical social justice teaching methods and critical race theory, PPOC members will begin to understand how to engage constructively in these concepts with DIRECT APPLICATION for artistic and business practice.” They went on to say we would gain “Racial stamina for engaging in and creating an openness to learn to think critically about race, racism and institutional oppression (specifically racism and sexism)… and an introduction to intersectionality.” The seminar was led by a Dr. Farha Shariff Ph.D, of the U. of Alberta. Her áreas of research’ include anti-racist and anti-oppressive pedagogy, cultural identity, hybridity, power and privilege.

    I challenged the Board of PPOC over the course of a year, as I felt it was not within their authority to align it’s membership with BLM, nor to focus on clearly divisive political issues, especially with their thumbs on a single part of the scale. Despite my 40 years in the association, my record of service and unassailable commitment to integrity and professionalism, I was called before a ‘tribunal’ in an attempt to bully me into atoning for my “sins”.

    From what I understand, membership now stands at about 50% of what it had previously been.

    1. Yeah, it is either quit when you no longer profit from membership or attempt to fight the good fight.
      My thinking is that you’d be better off forming a retired prof association with a triple majority to change the operation in order to keep the woke from also turning it into shit.

  15. It does not take much reading to realize that all three of these “judges” are graduates of the Stalinist school of jurisprudence.
    Backhouse is especially noteworthy for some atrocious rulings.
