India On The Moon

The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft touched down softly near the moon’s south pole today (Aug. 23), notching a huge milestone for the nation. India is now the fourth country to stick a lunar landing, after the United States, the former Soviet Union and China.

The historic touchdown occurred at 8:33 am ET (1233 GMT or 6:03 p.m. India Standard Time), according to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). “We have achieved soft landing on the moon! India is on the moon!” ISRO chairman Sreedhara Somanath announced after the landing.

98 Replies to “India On The Moon”

  1. Just my opinion, but this is very good. The more we can support India as a counter to China the better. Yes, India has corruption issues, but they aren’t communist China. As their economy improves, maybe more will want to stay home.

  2. Wow, they can land on the moon, but they’re so backwards that the actual country is a shithole. Right.

    1. India is big. Perhaps you should characterize the entire USA as being Oakland, California, or the Canada as Vancouver’s lower east side.

      1. All the Indians live in Fremont … not Oakland. Seriously. It’s almost as if they didn’t come here to assimilate … but to segregate

        1. “All the Indians live in Fremont … not Oakland. Seriously. It’s almost as if they didn’t come here to assimilate … but to segregate”

          Up here the Indians live in Surrey, and the Chinese in Richmond (where I grew up).

          1. Hence the joke: What great River separates India from China? Answer: The Fraser River.

  3. Call me when they land a beach buggy on the moon and drive it around like two drunken teenagers.

    USA!!!! USA!!!! USA!!!!

  4. It is hilarious looking at the footage of countries “landing on the moon”, the US included. The beyond obvious fakery is laughable, and likely why it is difficult to find much of the footage today on common platforms such as YouTube.

    The lack of advanced CGI was evident, such that they had to mostly resort to tinfoil and shower curtains.

    What blows me away is the effect this propaganda has had on more than one generation. Kinda like how children were traumatized by the robot in Superman III, and yet looking at it again as an adult one finds it laughable. And yet with the fiction of outer space, despite the idiotic low-budget fakery, adults still cling to this fiction religiously.

    This may explain why the “elites” laugh at the common man – he is so easily fooled by stupidity so long as they keep repeating their lies with a serious look.

      1. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey

        Except for this, apparently…

        1. Sporty is right; you’re a loon. It’s so easily confirmed scientifically that they are there.

          1. Please provide an example of this confirmation. I’d suggest starting with an easy one, like you mentioned is available.

          2. Easy. The time difference between when a message is sent and when it’s received on the Moon by the receiver. This differential cannot be faked. The time difference produces exactly the difference in distance between the two.

          3. Seriously?

            You assume that the “moon receiver” exists. In other words, you are already accepting that something in doubt must be taken as a given.

            Have you personally seen the moon receiver?

            It’s kind of like me telling you that what happened at a magic show was an illusion, but you “prove” to me that magic is real by referencing the magic hat from which the rabbit was pulled.

            And then call me an idiot…

          4. I’ve never personally seen Antarctica, therefore it doesn’t exist.
            Same goes for Africa.
            I have seen the moon and Jupiter, though.

            There are people who think that the world is flat, and that everything the public has ever known since Eratosthenes of Cyrene is a lie, who don’t think virii exist, etc.

          5. YeahWell, there’s a difference between not seeing something and yet accepting its existence, than seeing something and accepting lies certain people tell you about it.

            There are no shortage of people we were told were brilliant who also came up with quackery, such as the founders of phrenology. The difference being that the quackery of “space” is bolstered by those who rule us. Simply because your slave owners tell you something doesn’t make it so. Especially when there are motivations for them to lie to you.

    1. I wish you had have said that to Buzz. If you can get your entire head up your butt, they can easily put a man on the moon.

      1. Freemason Edwin Aldrin, aka Buzz, knew better than Freemason Gus Grissom to expose the fakery of NASA.

        After Gus was burned alive in an “accident” shortly thereafter and needed replacing, new lying Freemasonic POSs were required with lesser morals.

        Enter Buzz.

    2. ” . . . they had to mostly resort to tinfoil and shower curtains.”

      Yes, given the technology of the time, it was easier to actually go to the Moon than it would have been to fake it.

      1. Using that logic, it would be easier to get Superman from Krypton than have an actor portray him.

        The moon landing fakes were no more difficult than other projects Stanley Kubrick was involved with. And regardless of the budget he was given, at least his task was possible.

        It is not possible to land on the moon – it isn’t a solid object in “space”.

        1. “Using that logic, it would be easier to get Superman from Krypton than have an actor portray him.”

          In Bizarro World.

  5. They definitely can pull it off better than the Russians, who really need to put more work on the planning and execution of their spacefaring goals.

    1. Did they not “execute” their last mission by smashing it to pieces on the moon’s surface?

      I’m here all week. Try the veal…

      1. Yeah, they had a valve issue, that caused the burn to go a few seconds too long. It happens. The lunar poles represent special challenges to landing.

        Last I checked, though, the US still tops the charts for space eff-ups.

        Does NASA still stand for “Need Another Seven Astronauts”?

        1. Thankfully for NASA, at least 6 of the 7 astronauts supposedly aboard the ill-fated Challenger had their previously-unknown identical twins survive, all of whom ended up working in fields requiring the same background knowledge.

          1. This is something you can easily research yourself, Dustoff. Without even getting off your ass – just use a web browser and do some basic querying.

            The only “conspiracy theory” here is that some “crazy” people believe it is unlikely that those astronauts all had identical twins, who went into the same fields of study.

            Or you can just continue to experience cognitive dissonance and lash out against anyone who pokes holes in the lies we’re taught.

          2. Here’s a thought for you, Dustoff. Imagine if NASA sent up an unmanned rocket, designed to blow up a few miles above the earth. And the “news” showed us this rocket taking off, and alternated between these shots and some Freemasons posing as “astronauts” being filmed on the ground in what appeared to be some sort of cockpit, complete with Star Trek’esque camera shaking.

            But then the “news” told us that there were actually “astronauts” aboard who heroically died.

            And then across several nations, for some odd reason, young impressionable school children were then hauled into their local school libraries and shown this horrific footage to indoctrinate them about the reality of “space”, which they’d later instinctively defend even when presented evidence that “space” was fake. So much so that they wouldn’t even do any research to check the other side. And by “the other side”, I don’t mean the fake, controlled opposition side that purposely only writes idiotic drivel.

            Were the above true, then those “astronauts” would have to continue to make a living. And so they’d be given jobs with great compensation. And would try to maintain a low profile. And would only be found if some “conspiracy theorists” found them and posted about them.

            If that happened, then I’d imagine the MSM and NASA would bury this info as much as possible.

  6. I am inspired for two reasons. The first, obviously, is the technological achievement. So many things can go wrong on a mission like this, and India powered through it.

    The second comes from watching the footage. Everyone involved is happy, cheerful, and has that sense of a “united people” that you just don’t see in Canada. No-one is complaining about the gender of the scientists, no land acknowledgments, no-one is deriding the historical mistakes of the past … their broadcasters are not moaning about too many males, or salivating at the handful of female astronomers. Instead, I just see tons of people happy in their magnificent achievement.

    I think Canada did come close to this level of unity for a brief moment during the Freedom Convoy, but that moment is now derided by over 50% of the population.

    Good for India.

    1. It is my belief that all major media is controlled, and by the same people. They tell just enough facts to keep the people from realizing that their main purpose is to spread disinformation.

      They might factually report on an event happening, such as a volcanic explosion, or a company acquisition, or a trade agreement being signed. But then they also report on global warming, the Coronahoax, evolution, lbgtqwtf, etc. They “manage” what they want people to believe, and are part of an organization that shapes your thoughts.

        1. I thought so too, Dustoff. But apparently there are still people here who believe there are entire categories that are exempt. Whatever lies are precious to them are magically excluded from what we experience everywhere else.

  7. I wonder if they’ll follow NASA’s standard operating procedure – Destroy telemetry data and all other information such as drawings, blueprints, test data and anything else related to the mission thereby avoiding scrutiny from skeptics. Wait 20 years or so and proclaim to the public “the technology is lost and hopelessly irretrievable” when asked why lunar landings haven’t been repeated despite a yearly budget of 25 billion dollars.
    Then hire an army of “NASA cultists” to camp out on YouTube sites to counter glaring irregularities on previous missions pointed out by those who have questions.

    1. Exactly. NASA spends more taxpayer dollars on promoting Muslim contributions to science then actually doing any science. And this despite the billions of dollars annually stolen from taxpayers, and with much of the supposed “space-work” being done by well-connected private companies.

      They use Freemasons to do their acting whenever something needs doing in “space”. They have their green-screen room for anything aboard the “ISS”, their swimming pools for their “space walks”, Photoshop for any “Earth” imagery, and Devon Island and red camera filters for any imagery needed from “Mars”.

      And no shortage of money spent on helium (they’re by far the world’s largest purchaser) to keep their “satellites” afloat.

        1. So, you are maintaining that the USA, France, the UK, Canada, the UAE, China and India are all working in concert to maintain the hoax that the Earth is round, etc, and have been doing so for centuries, since Eratosthenes?

    2. “… why lunar landings haven’t been repeated despite a yearly budget of 25 billion dollars.”

      Because there’s nothing to do there worth more than sending unmanned probes to other planets and beyond or shuttling to orbit to maintain sstellites and a space station?

      1. Yeah, I’ve heard that argument before…”nothing to do there, so why bother?”. However, this from the link provided.
        …notably, the U.S. and China — are eyeing the moon for future crewed missions. NASA, for example, aims to land astronauts near the lunar south pole in late 2025 or 2026 on its Artemis 3 mission, and to build one or more bases in the region shortly thereafter.

        Apparently there’s something to do there.

        1. Come on. Even we all know that Government loves to spend money, even on foolish things.

          Like say windmills and mirrors.

        2. So, if/when further lunar landings are deemed to be worth the expense relative to available resources and alternative space missions, they’ll go back. Meanwhile, they’ve been blowing the budget on developing other capabilities.

      2. Tooner, quite right. The only reason to go to the Moon with a manned mission is because it’s the logical departure point for any evenual manned mission to Mars. The Surveyor probes alone in the 1960s, as confirmed by the Apollo missions in the 1970s, showed that there’s no interesting minerals or anything else of use on the Moon. Except as a staging base to go anywhere else. India and China went there with unmanned missions simply to demonstrate that they could do it too.

        But yes, Burton is as big a loon as Watto.
        “Apparently there’s something to do there.”

        Yes, I just told you the reasons. Try actually listening for once instead of paying attention only to the gibberish between your ears.

          1. And no one is sending manned missions to the Moon anytime soon. Try passing Kindergarten Remedial reading before commenting next time.

        1. The only reason to go to the Moon with a manned mission is because it’s the logical departure point for any evenual manned mission to Mars

          Robert Zubrin has been debunking that bollocks for twenty years.

          But there’s no reason to go Mars any more than there’s a reason to go to the Moon. As Bruce Sterling said in 2004:

          I’ll believe in people settling Mars at about the same time I see people setting the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is about a thousand times as hospitable as Mars and five hundred times cheaper and easier to reach. [..] It’s ugly, it’s inhospitable and there’s no way to make it pay. Mars is just the same, really. We just romanticize it because it’s so hard to reach.

  8. Good for India. I’ll make jokes about this technological feat the moment that Canada accomplishes anything even remotely this scientifically challenging or noteworthy.

      1. Canada was the third nation in the world after the United States and the USSR to design and build its own weather satellite, Alouette 1. It was sent up in 1962 and was followed by Alouette 2 in 1965.

  9. Thank You for your reply Watto, Do you believe that the jab is fake and actually made to kill us or something else?

      1. I’m sure the jab is “real.” Real what I don’t know, and any real good I say not, but it’s real jab of some stuff.

    1. The jab is definitely the purpose of the non-existent Coronavirus roll-out. Viruses are not what we’re taught – viruses are solvents produced as a protection mechanism when you have been infected. The infection can be from bacteria, molds, metals, etc. Your cells will produce these viruses to attack the invaders.

      The scum who rule us keep up the fiction of viruses as being mystery invaders that can attack us at any minute, and that can be “caught” from somewhere else – the air, monkeys, wet markets, etc. This is a full-blown lie, but is useful for convincing people that the anti-scientific quackery of vaccines (aka poisons) is actually scientific. Without this delusion, people wouldn’t voluntarily line up to have themselves poisoned with various concoctions of known toxins, including aluminum and mercury.

      This particular vaccine has a DNA-altering component, and those foolish enough to take it are dropping like flies. Those who don’t die will continue to develop negative consequences that may not (fully) manifest for years.

      1. “Viruses are not what we’re taught – viruses are solvents produced as a protection mechanism when you have been infected.”

        More sheer lunacy from you. I await your expertise or knowledge in biology.

        1. To you, lunacy is not accepting the lies we’re taught. Simply because known liars use words like “science” to justify their quackery, doesn’t make it so. Do you believe in the Coronahoax because known liar (and Jesuit, but I repeat myself) Anthony Fauci tells you it’s real?

          If not, then you are apparently a loon. Apparently to you, anyone who tests what we’re told, and finds facts and logic wanting, is a loon.

          Why are you on this site then? Doesn’t it primarily exist for us to discuss the obvious lies we’re fed by the official mouthpieces of “news”, and “science”?

          Or do you just come here to insult those who disagree with you to make yourself feel better?

          1. No, I insult lunatics like you who have not the slightest grasp of basic science or reality. Try going back to remedial Kindergarten.

          2. cgh, you have repeatedly proven that you are an imbecile, incapable or unwilling to engage in reason. As such, I will mostly ignore you go forward as it is pointless talking to a half-wit like yourself.

          1. I know how it sounds, and before the Coronahoax, I believed what you probably believe. But then I learned that all the scary looking viruses you see in magazines and on the “news” are CGI images.

            All of them.

            And then I learned that no virus has ever been isolated in a lab.


            Instead, they simply changed the definition of “isolation” so that they could continue making that claim.

            And if no virus has ever been isolated, then all their claims about how they develop vaccines to counter viruses falls apart.

            From there, a long journey began into the history of the germ THEORY, which has NEVER been proven. And once again, the usual suspects appear who make “discoveries” that turn out to be 100% lies.

            Not honest attempts and failures to find truths, but 100% BS from Day 1.

            This is the same type of illogic as claiming that maggots kill people because they’re often found eating their decomposing bodies. In the same manner, viruses only appear once a person has been poisoned. Like what happens after one has been injected with ANY vaccine, aka poison.

  10. If India is so technologically advanced that they can send a rocket to the moon and land there why the hell are they considered a developing nation that is allowed a pass on eliminating their coal fired power plants? Yet huge Canada with it’s tiny contribution to carbon is punishing it’s citizens daily with carbon taxes and other climate change bulls*it. Is there any sense left in this world anywhere?

    1. Aid is provided by Canada in the areas of food aid, project financing, infectious diseases.

    1. Would you react similarly if India claimed that it had successfully landed on the Sun? Or Pluto? Or Betelgeuse?

      What if they claimed they had made contact with aliens and are returning with new technology?

      What if they claimed that these aliens provided them with the technology to cure the Coronovirus, and all future viruses, and we’ll soon be getting new vaccines to take?

      With that in mind, I have nothing but disdain for those who push this BS.

        1. Something very similar to that just happened, and simply because you are demonstrably an idiot doesn’t qualify you to label others as such.

      1. Well, aren’t you special? Flat Earther too? Anyway, you’re just another one to scroll on by when I see your handle.

        1. No one starts as a “flat earther”. Though it’d be helpful to first understand what a “flat earther” believes before dismissing it. There’s a plethora of disinfo, such as at the controlled-opposition site “theflatearthsociety” coincidentally referenced in a speech by Obama.

          And I’d further state that “flat earthers” don’t “believe” in a flat earth per se, they’ve simply poked through the lies pushed by those who back a heliocentric view. There is no testable science that validates their positions. And there are many tests that you can do yourself that prove this, requiring no special equipment.

          Or instead you can trust the “science” of Foucault’s pendulum…

          1. F=m1*m2/d^2=m*dx/dt.
            Trust the science of ballistics.
            Quantum electrodynamics has been tested to 12 decimal places, and you can do some pretty easy stuff in your basement to test it to 2.
            General relativity is used for GPS, but I’m sure you have personally built GPS systems, so you can tell us its simply triangulation.
            Or I guess you figure that all the worlds powers are using ultra-secret formulas to decide where their missiles will hit, how much fuel to put in an aeroplane, and that sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, Plank, Carnot, Schroedinger, Dirac, Boltzmann, Euler, Euclid, etc were all fakes.

          2. Neither ballistics nor GPS require general relativity in their equations. That said, Hollywood will keep pushing the BS of snipers and artillery requiring rotation of the earth factors in their math. That is not true. But it is important for their audiences to believe it’s true because they heard it in a movie…

            You will also surely have heard of the problem of time differences between different floors of a building solved by Einstein’s theory of relativity. But you have to take the word of the same people that solved a problem that there was ever a problem to be solved.

            No added complications are needed for any of the items you mentioned. Only the pretence that added equations are required.

  11. Funny how the UK, France or Germany are unable to do this or keep the lights on, in Germany’s case. Yes, lets make fun of the Indians. I hope they got China’s complete attention anyway.

  12. Reading these comments reminds me how hard it can be to remain sane in today’s world. People who automatically trust everything the authorities tell them are still in the majority (most Canadians would have stood outside naked in January all day if the TV told them to during the pandemic). On the other side are the people who have become so paranoid and pathologically skeptical that they begin to imagine *everything* is fake — such as the fake moon landing people here, flat-earthers, etc.

    I’m 95% certain that India landed on the moon (and that NASA went there 50 years ago). I’m 90% certain the vaccines were a massive fraud. I’m 10% certain the globalists tried to intentionally kill millions of us via the “vaccines”. I’m 99.999% certain the earth is not a flat plane.

    1. A few years ago, I would have agreed with everything you wrote, Steve. But a few years ago I realized that the world IS a flat plane.

      Once you realize that very powerful people have orchestrated a hoax on such a grand scale, and that these same people are tied to every position of power and influence on earth, then you become very sceptical of everything pushed by those that who pretend to speak on behalf of “the people” or “science”.

      And I believe that to be a very rational and sane reaction.

      But unless/until one takes the red pill, nothing will change. But once taken, there is no going back.

      Once awake, you’ll recognize that Freemasonry isn’t just a club of weirdos with secrets. Roman Catholicism isn’t a branch of Christianity. Jews don’t have anything to do with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and specifically have no relation to the tribe of Judah. That much of history and the timeline we’re fed is false. Etc.

      Once you discover the world as it’s presented is false, the tapestry begins to unravel regardless which thread you pull. Continue to pull and the whole thing falls apart. And so those in power must ridicule, censor, and worse those who are awake, because they threaten the whole house of cards.

  13. As the old saw goes:
    Foreign aid is poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries.
    At least, pre-1918, the psycopaths who rule us had a classical education, and most of them were humble before God, if nothing else.
    There exist people who think we should re-open the draft to save the Ukraine. Nuff said.

  14. Jesus Christ that was an entertaining thread of comments!
    I can’t wait to read what’s written when we rocket Juthtin towards Uranus.
