14 Replies to “Let’s Check In On California’s Permanent Drought”

  1. You silly. This is Prog, evidence-based “science” at work. It’s because Globull Warming has been taxed into submission. Throw in hundreds of billions of taxpayer-subsidization for renewables and EV’s into the mix, et voila. MOAR!!!

  2. Not to worry … the State Dept. of Water Resources will dump all our reservoirs into the sea.

    As a reminder … our reservoirs were just as full in 2019

    1. Kenji, When are you going to accept that endangered minnows are more important than humans?

  3. It’s just water after all. Not like it’s the life blood of human civilization.

        1. Methinks a few of these beaurocrats could use a good drowning, “pour enseigner les autres”.

          And those that don’t learn the first time around could always serve as a supplementary object lesson for the remainder…

  4. All they did yesterday was b!tch on national TV about that nice rainstorm they had.

    I guess there’s no pleasing some people?


  5. The Colorado River this year is FULL. Completely FULL as last winter’s massive snows continue to melt; but be assured that is only an anecdotal observation, and those don’t count when they support normality of climate. Anecdotal observations only count when they support the absurd belief that the planet is boiling (another arsonist set multiple forests on fire…must be Global Warming…and so on and so forth).

    1. Fleeing Natural Disasters.
      I don’t really understand the end of the video, showing all the vehicles stuck on the freeway: unless it is documentation of all the people who are moving out of California.

  6. California stopped building dams in the 1970s under Governor Jerry Brown.
    The population has doubled since then. Agricultural use has also exploded. So there’s less wiggle room during dry years.
