More Pavilions At Folkfest

Because imported Liberal voters might not vote Liberal from their street tents.

Is immigration a factor in Canada’s housing crisis? Last week, the Trudeau Liberals were downplaying ties, the government’s supporters saying that making the link was nothing more than a dog whistle to racists.

This week, as the government holds a cabinet retreat focused on the housing crisis, several ministers are saying the links must be explored.

24 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. It takes some serious doublethink to think importing X million people without building houses for them doesn’t cause a shortage of housing.

    1. It’s called evidence-based logic & only works if yer a Prog.

      In addition, their “dog whistle to racists” claim falls flat if you ask them what would change if they imported a million whites every year.

  2. Hmmmm, this canada, winter is coming, how many “covid” deaths can we expect with those frozen to the sidewalk?

  3. L – Recently, I had a conversation with a recent immigrant from North Africa. He’s an employed tradesman, married and the father of a toddler. He expressed frustration with the cost of living in Canada, especially that
    of rent/home ownership and high taxes.

    I explained that given the federal Liberal gov’t. bringing in a million plus
    immigrants per year. That policy has been in effect for a number of
    years. Thus it was simply impossible to build enough housing
    of all types to lower the cost to a level where working Canadians could afford home ownership, ever. Clearly, this family didn’t know the
    situation before moving here.

    Being in a construction related field, he understood the problem to
    be unsolvable under current fed. gov’t. policies; and it would take a
    long time for housing costs to become affordable. Also, that fed. gov’t.
    policies raising the price of heating, electricity and transportation fuel
    only adds to the problem.

    Most of the mass migrants are family oriented. They’re starting to see
    a life in poverty in a nation of cold, ice and snow for more than half the
    year; this is not what they planned on. Those with either the money
    and/or global marketable skills are now looking at their options:

    1. To relocate to a nation that is more family oriented?
    2. Or they could kick out the Trudeau regime and see if Canada can
    revive it’s self in time, for them to afford to raise a family, here.
    3. C.P.C. policy on immigration only slows down the problem slightly.
    4. What is true for housing is also true for “free” health care, too.
    Then add in the collectivist nature of health care in Canada…

    1. @Larry – “Most of the mass migrants are family oriented. They’re starting to see
      a life in poverty in a nation of cold, ice and snow for more than half the

      Gee wiz, don’t tell them that their public school teachers will talk their kids into secret transgender operations, or that grandma might get a long good night needle for a free health care check-up – or they might really start to worry!

    2. Larry

      Don’t forget to tell them that if they don’t like it here there’s always the MAiD option.

    3. I’ve got a free visit to an opthalmologist in 10 months time. Yippee I can’t wait!

      1. I used to get my eyes checked once a year plus a day, OHIP coverage. I had to pay for other tests directly. The government changed that from 12 months plus a day to 18 months for the OHIP covered portion.

  4. Why? My house is paid for. If I sell it and take the cash I still need somewhere to live and have to pay an insane amount for rent. If the housing market collapses and my house loses half its value the house I buy as a replacement also lost half its value so I’m no better off. The only thing stupid house prices mean are that my kids will never own a house until I die and they can inherit mine and the city figures can jack up my taxes.

    1. @Rusty Shackleford – ” If I sell it and take the cash I still need somewhere to live”

      Exactly – Also factor in an average 6% Realtor fees to sell, and 5% GST to then re-buy (Canada, newer property’s anyway) along with any moving costs & legal fee’s. Those selling/ purchasing costs start at $11,000CAD per each $100,000 value of home.

      To sell and then re-buy a $600K home of equal value costs an average of $66,000 in base fee’s alone. You need to downshift quite a bit to break even, and a whole neighbourhood class of living to make any actual profit.

      1. @See here – “Well duhhh genius. I sell and retire to a small town with cheap houses.”

        Bye bye!!

        Whew the neighbourhood just up-scaled a notch!

  5. So the government is holding a cabinet retreat to discuss a problem that, according to Justin, isn’t a federal responsibility to begin with — typical liberal “thinking”.

  6. I don’t see any love for Turdo in the comment section. I wonder how many voted for him.

    1. @Thomas – “I wonder how many voted for him.”.

      They voted with supporting +8 billion CAD tax dollars to Ukraine……and friends.

  7. Only matters if you sell it and then where do you go? Florida? You should see house prices there! In USD. A housing bubble is never a good thing. The crash hurts everyone.

  8. “Trudeau Liberals were downplaying ties, the government’s supporters saying that making the link was nothing more than a dog whistle to racists.”

    Obviously Liberals think that legal non-white immigrants don’t get a say – or their racist.

    So where are the referendums asking Citizens of all colours whether they support the unchecked Liberal immigration policies?

    1. Labelling critics of Liberal immigration policy as “racists” is an admittance by the Liberal/NDP Party that their immigration policies are inherently racist.

  9. @See here – “I like my house price to be high”

    Unless your selling why would you want increasing property taxes each year for nothing?

    That’s how governments displace old people on fixed incomes in cities who have lived and worked to own and die with a piece of property they’ve lived & loved most of their lives.

  10. First World Problem :
    “Is immigration a factor in Canada’s housing crisis ?”
    First Nation Problem :
    Is housing a factor in Canada’s immigration crisis ?

  11. Demand drives prices more than interest rates.. Grid lock drives prices more than interest rates.. Its not a game, very few want to spend 3 hours + a day commuting.. 15 hours a week.. 60 hours a month..

    Every month has 5 and a half weeks of work baked into it.. What would you pay to get a week and a half of work handed back to you?.. As much as you could..

  12. The only solution is to increase immigration to bring in construction workers to build the needed housing.
