Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Sam Cooper;

Mayor Brad West, arguably Beijing’s sharpest critic in Canadian politics, says he was provided evidence the Chinese Communist Party plotted to run a candidate against him in British Columbia’s 2022 municipal elections, and CSIS warned him that diplomats in China’s Vancouver Consulate were concerned West’s political trajectory could “represent a real threat to their aims and objectives.”

In an exclusive interview, the two-term Port Coquitlam mayor disclosed to The Bureau that CSIS is aware of posts on WeChat suggesting Beijing tried to unseat him in last year’s election.

While West doesn’t know how CSIS has assessed the case, he thinks Canadians need to know the details, in part to hold Ottawa’s feet to the fire as attention wanders from Beijing’s federal election interference, and the Trudeau Government remains inactive on Chinese threats.

West said weeks after he was acclaimed mayor in October 2022, several Chinese community sources delivered records showing that pro-Beijing figures tied to Chinese diplomats in Vancouver used WeChat in August and September 2022 — albeit unsuccessfully — trying to recruit a candidate “the Chinese community could get behind” to defeat West.

6 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. They seem to be quite open about it in WeChat, but my mandarin is lacking…

    The liberals won’t do anything about it, because it benefits them and they are worried about the ghost of maurice strong haunting them…

  2. The Spawn-Fuhrer will continue to obfuscate on the CCP’s participation as they are very likely an integral partner in the LPC/NDP/MSM/CCP hegemony. The former three being the Eloi in the relationship and the later, the Morlocks.

  3. Why would the “Chinese community” in Port Coquitlam be inclined to support a pro Beijing candidate? Their distaste for the Communists is probably the reason most of them emigrated to Canada.

    1. According to Terry Glavin, most of the recent Chinese diaspora are now investment immigrants who are inseparable from CCP control of assets, relatives etc.
