What do you call one-third of one per cent?

Ding ding ding! The amount of power output Alberta’s wind farms were putting out at noon on Tuesday. But the feds want us to get rid of all coal and natural gas power generation! And it was like that for around 10 hours! Whoo hoo, more wind!

And from the other side of the spectrum, the development of lithium into a potential multi-billion dollar industry in Saskatchewan continues apace, as Hub City Lithium announced test results from its second well north of Estevan which confirmed numbers from the first – and that one had the highest concentrations reported in Canada for lithium brines. But there’s a curious wild card here – it’s right beside the Viewfield Crater, an astrobleme from 190 million years ago. There’s only a handful of known craters in Canada, and this is one. Discussion in the story.

26 Replies to “What do you call one-third of one per cent?”

  1. Where’s Jenn? Sweet FA, over and over and over again. Or was that, again and again and again. Either way…

    1. You believe in the religion of Globull Warming & the sanctity of renewables & EV’s and I’m the weirdo?

      Try harder.

      Oh, and don’t flatter yourself. My interest in you ends at the inanity that spews from that hole under your nose.

  2. Coincidentally, one third of one percent was the estimated percentage of people who identified as transgender as of ten years ago. The number has doubled since due to the ongoing grooming campaign, but still not a number anywhere near big enough to explain how corporate offices have bought into the mental illness.

  3. I am constantly amazed and discouraged at how supposedly intelligent people can’t do high school math. Our engineering societies (I am an engineer) should be screaming about the stupidity of “renewable” energy, carbon capture, net zero and every other unicorn fantasy. We are eventually going to suffer the same fate as Texas did a couple of years ago but our potential loss of life is much greater. This is in addition to the thousands of jobs we are going to lose as our average electricity rates triple from where they were just a few years ago.

    1. Our engineering societies (I too am one) are completely captured by DEI, Net-Zero, and the like. They will not speak out about any of this but will instead slave away trying to execute the impossible. Actual technical execution of work has not yet been terribly impacted by the societies’ ideological capture (or should I say surrender; capture implies they would have fought against it!), but give it time …

      1. It’s so discouraging. I realized years ago that progressives will eventually take over any society/association that has the slightest political influence as political power and influence are the only things that matter to them. As soon as they are able, they will only allow like minded progressives into the group until they have entirely taken over.

        That’s how you end up with completely captured professional societies in “conservative” provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    2. the “leaders” of most management societies are fully on board with the “renewables” on the basis that the energy is “free”

      They don’t believe in TANSTAAFL, even though the laws of physics support it fully.

  4. “What do you call one-third of one per cent?”

    I call it “What’s left of my take-home pay after taxes.”

  5. I hope those lithium wells are productive; Jenn needs it badly.

    Seriously, 259 mg/L is only 259 ppm. That’s considered “ore grade” for lithium? What happens to the water, and all the other salts?

    1. It’s three times what is considered economical in Alberta. Everything else gets pumped back down to the same formation to preserve pressure, or to a disposal formation. But I think the first option is preferred.

  6. Provide evidence for your claims? do you have any evidence that it makes sense for the perspective of engineering, and/or efficiency, to add renewables at grid scale?

    From a political point of view, it will be the biggest infrastructure transformation in history, resulting in the first generation in a long time that will be poorer than the previous one. As usual, politicians won’t pay any personal price for their wrongheaded actions.

    Can you show with evidence how wind turbines, a technology that is over 100 years old has overcome it’s fundamental flaw that it cannot produce when there is no wind?

    Can you show with evidence how solar panels, a technology that is over 100 years old has overcome it’s fundamental flaw that it cannot produce power when there is no sun, a condition that happens every day for multiple hours?

    And that doesn’t even take into account the working lifespan of the energy production facility, which at best appears to be in the 20 year range, compared to a traditional thermal plant that can last decades longer…

  7. “You are so boring and unoriginal. And you refuse to learn about clean energy. ”

    Learn what? That it is a fantasy, believed in and promoted as our salvation by well-meaning but hopelessly gullible people? We already know that, thanks.

  8. “Clean energy”. Except for the plastics, rare earths etc. etc. that go in to supposed clean energy, how about the tiny amount of power it produces? Until the supporters of this agree that they will disconnect in time of shortage, I will remain opposed. I will still be opposed, but the amount of gene pool cleanup the freezing to death of all these morons will accomplish may be worth the cost.

  9. This Jenn chick is an ignorant arsehole.
    I met a brainiac like that once – she told me the ice age was millions of years ago.
    O&G permeates every aspect of just about every f–king product made/used on the planet including sunshine and windy things.

  10. Jenn

    Do you realize that by heating your house you are heating the planet?

    In other words, contributing to climate change.

  11. There is no such thing as clean energy.

    Wind and solar require lots of mining. Mining, and processing ore, is not clean.

    And the gang greens have opposed every hydro-electric project on the planet.
