How Dare You Notice Things

A tale of a schoolgirls’ tennis team, a locker room, and a cross-dressing coach:

The reprimand mentioned above – or rather, reprimands, because, well, what’s behaviour without a pattern? – did not seem to deter Mr Yates. Nor did the provision of private changing facilities, typically used by sports officials, including coaches. Direct appeals from the girls also failed to discourage him from parading around their locker room in a bra-and-panties ensemble and various states of undress. Such that the girls were left in little doubt that their cross-dressing coach was, as one board member put it, “still fully a man.” And all while seeking out details of the girls’ menstruation cycles and their preferences in underwear.

I think you’re supposed to pretend it isn’t happening.

11 Replies to “How Dare You Notice Things”

  1. Captain Kirk..
    Scottie a woman has been murdered, YOU have to remember, Your life depends on it.
    Captain I’msorry, The only thing I can remember , I had to have several shots of Bourbon because She was the Ugly’s woman I’ve ever had to drink with.

    1. Imagine the scorn they hold for these upstarts? In their day they had to hide in an outhouse basement to get this stuff. I suspect some still prefer the good old days.

  2. I’m one of those people that can’t hide the way she feels or what she is thinking because my face gives me away. When someone disgusts me I don’t have to say a word to articulate that disgust, I am sick and tired of the left telling us we have to believe in their perverted version of reality.

  3. It is difficult to imagine an uglier mess. Equally difficult to grasp is why this nutcase hasn’t been removed from the school. Total woke nonsense protects him. FFS!!

  4. He makes mockery of real women. He is not a young man and yet even if he believed he a women he dresses like a teenage girl. Plus his attempts at conversations with the girls is inappropriate for anyone. No female coach asks questions like that. He’s a pervert who is taking advantage of the current fascination with trans.

  5. My daughter played on a select competitive softball team. The hetero woman coach announced she was bringing a lesbian on as her assist. coach. The team travels and stays in hotels together. I informed the coach that my daughter would no longer be on the team. That’s it. No muss no fuss. Goodbye. No speeches. No posts on social media … just … goodbye.

    Does that make me a biggot? Or someone who didn’t want his 12yo daughter … groomed?

    No loss. My daughter was a much better soccer player and was captain of her college team.

    1. So it was “My way or the highway” and Kenji said, “Road trip!” ;o)

      Nice to hear it all worked out very well, Kenji.
