8 Replies to “Put Down The Cookie”

  1. I think a lot of people don’t drink enough water.
    I feel sorry for people who don’t/won’t/can’t eat magical bacon.

  2. Re: cookies and bacon. I’m a meat guy. On a whim not too long ago, I asked Mrs. Google to find recipes for desserts containing meat. Among the recipes she found for me were several for chocolate chip cookies containing bacon.

    I tried one recipe, of course, and the cookies were very good. However, even though I fried and then crumbled a full package of bacon (375 g) for a recipe that made about 4 dozen medium-sized cookies, the chocolate overwhelmed the bacon flavour. Next time, I will use a pound of bacon and cut back somewhat on the chocolate.

  3. Reminds me of that very old African American woman who ate bacon every day. She lived to 110 or something like that. There are so many variables that these studies are mostly worthless.
