43 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

      1. They underwrite risks they don’t understand, biased to higher premiums, like earthquakes, climate change and pot.

    1. The only problem with life insurance data is that it leaves out what may probably be a pretty large portion of the population. Not everyone has life insurance or can even afford it now.

      So, in reality, the numbers are probably much worse.

      If 1 million “”Canadians” died in a year, 1 in 38 people, would people really notice?

      1. They’re looking at deaths across the entire population, not just the insured. Based on the entire population’s life/death figures they set the rates for those who do purchase life insurance.

  1. Our government is out to reduce the population. They know they are doing it. They know the jabs are killing us. They don’t care. Killing us is the point of what they are doing.

  2. I posted this last night but it would seem more relevant here.

    “August 26, 2023 at 10:58 pm
    I’d like to re-iterate again that Western governments have screwed the retirement system by wasteful programs that they could not afford. As a result they find themselves bankrupt. The theory that retirement age of 65 employed by Western governments was developed along the lines of 45/5 years working retirement theory, based on the historical concept that the general life expectancy was three-score and ten. Seventy years is/was the accepted life expectancy when the governments implemented compulsory contributions to social security and old age pensions back in the Forties and Fifties. Fast forward to today where life expectancy has passed the three-score and ten. There aren’t enough new contributers to feed the social security system now that life exspectancy is passing the three-score and ten. The 45/5 equation has been changed to anywhere from 45/10 to 45/25 or greater. In other words the present governments cannot pay social security and old age security benefits out of a diminishing purse. The solution would be to return to the historical three-score and ten. The problem is how to accomplish that. Hence the ‘injection’ to have the population voluntarily accept a mass culling of the ‘non-productive eaters’. Problem now being in those famous unintended consequences that the injections are killing and disabling more than the ‘non-productive eaters’. The unintended consequences are decimating the producers by their excess deaths, and we sit idlely by and wonder why all these producers, doctors, nurses, athletes, working blue and white collar professionals and children are dying in these unaccountable numbers. Don’t look behind the curtain because you will not like what you see.”

    For the many here who don’t understand the math, you know who you are, don’t bother responding as I’m too busy to try and explain it to you.

    1. …hence the mandates for government workers, who all take retirement at 65 (or earlier) and then enjoy a sweetheart pension for 20+ years, which is no longer affordable. I saw that one a mile off, your math solidifies it.

    2. Antenor, I just replied to your post of last night. Perhaps I should also re-post my reply here.

      “Good post Antenor, But, Although factual, things are much worse and way darker than the inability of governments to pay promised and earned pensions.
      What I perceive is the thug elite working to preserve the planetary resources for themselves and their offspring.
      They, being extremely wealthy, will never have to need or suffer like most of the population, so the introduction of “climate change” and covid fear mongering, is being done, plus attacks on food production, supply lines, arson etc is what they have agreed to, amongst themselves, attempting to push us useless eaters into mindless fear, thus making us easier to control and manipulate, therefore turning us into vaxxed Lemmings will solve this resource threat to their well being and future. We don’t matter, and they do, a simple equation and solution from their perspective!

      I just hope enough wake up to this new reality before their “final solution” is implemented.”

      1. GerryK, you cheated and looked behind the curtain!

        One thing that you overlooked is the concentrated effort now underway in the last redoubt is the confiscation and outlawing of guns. American Democrats are hell bent on removing the one vestige of the Constitution that formed the backbone of the Republic. The Global elite, TPTB, cannot implement their plan of total control unless and until Americans are disarmed. After the Hungerford and Dunblane shootings the Brits surrendered their weapons and the right to self defend. Similarly the same confiscation and buyback occurred in Australia. The process is happened in Canada with the ban on handguns and the redefining of a ‘military assault weapon’, main purpose is to remove the ability to self-defend. The ability to self-defend is not strictly limited to protection of one’s person from physical assault, it also applies to being able to resist government applied force and coersion imposed against the governed. Now underway in America is the criminalization of many gun dealers, thus removing the ability to buy guns and ammunition for the average American.

        If the average citizen cannot see the concentrated effort that TPTB are engaged in across Western Society and act accordingly then we are truly finished.

        1. Antenor, As a serious firearms collector and shooter for over forty years including IPSC, I am in full agreement with your post. As an aside, I am prepared. I also watch and follow the efforts to remove firearms from both the US and Canada, and am fully aware of the need of the WEF and TPTB to disarm us all, before they can control us all.

          Simply put, an armed society is a polite and civil society, whereas a disarmed society is an emasculated society.
          I would also submit that TPTB are too late to “completely” disarm North America, because they showed their true dark colours too early.

          However, they will never stop trying, and we must remain vigilant!

  3. I would have read this as recently as two years ago and rolled my eyes. It’s still difficult to accept in any capacity. But, when I speak to relatives who are “escapees” of mainland China and residing legally in the US they tell me the consensus of those like them in the US is that China very purposefully released the Covid virus in an effort to cull those members of Chinese society that no longer contribute (elderly, sick, etc). And, that was an effort paired up with the Social Credit program that began in 2014, but was greatly enhanced in 2020 such that individuals could be blacklisted by the government barring them from transportation, property purchases, and even employment. Also, China’s “one child rule” has backed them into a nasty corner where the current younger (producing) population cannot keep up with those in non-producing rolls (once again, elderly, sick, etc.)

    1. Orson, Agreed about the Chinese government having no qualms about releasing the covid virus, they are without ethics and morals. Just look at how they treat their own people. However, we must also realize the back channels are open between the Chinese and the west in general. Those in control, the PTB worldwide, are working together in unison with the WEF, UN, WHO, etc, etc, etc. We, the useless eaters, we are the target. The CCP want to dominate, and the west’s elite want to decimate. I’m fairly sure they are working together and learning from each other. I suspect, at some point, when or if, each have completed their immediate goals, they will then turn against each other for control of it all. I’m not sure who will be the victor in that war, but we won’t be here to witness it, if they have their way!

  4. Data schmata, Godfather Fauci and Anderson Cooper are the only authorities I need to inject government goo into my veins and they only want what’s best for me because science and Orange Man Bad.

  5. For anyone here that still enthusiastically supports the vaccines….can I have your stuff?

    1. Given that the vast majority of Canadians are coward sheep who only obey, I imagine there will be lots to go around.

  6. Interesting, but without further research it’s impossible to conclude anything.

    Some will blame COVID vaccines I’m sure, but that’s just one possibility out of many.

    1. Do you ever wonder why they won’t investigate the effect of the jab? That’s the one thing they refuse to investigate. If that doesn’t give you pause you’re retarded.

      1. There have been hundreds of scientific papers from around the world that have have investigated the effects of the COVID vaccines. Almost all have concluded that they are both effective and acceptably safe.

        So I don’t know who told you that they have not been investigated, but they lied to you.

        1. Ahh yes the peer reviewed papers. Put together under peer ( $$$) pressure.
          My wife developed heart issues after the 2nd jab. She had not been wuhaned.
          No meds for either of us.
          Over 1.5 yrs she was on meds because of this jab.
          Still not back to ” normal “.

          Tell me Marmot….why is her general & specialists hesitant to report?
          Has this been investigated? They would all smile and lie through their fking teeth.
          They have golf course memberships, and homes to pay for.

          Investigated my ass.

  7. Campbell talks about excess deaths due to COVID. What he really means is death due to a current COVID infection, usually from pneumonia. But COVID often did damage to the heart, liver, lungs, and brains, and this damage can presumbly cause excess deaths months or years after the infection has passed. It won’t likely be recorded as a COVID death, but it was due — at least partially — to COVID just the same.


    1. KM, you must be overjoyed there is a new variant, Eris making the rounds, but miraculously, there is a two shot vaccine ready as of Sept 15th. Serious question. Will you get yours as soon as you can?

        1. I am not informed enough to comment on long term damage from Covid infection. I do note you dodged the question, it is a simple one.

    2. I have had Covid twice. Unvaxxed both times. Caught up on a ton of reading, gave myself two months of recovery time, taking it easy, and then slowly and surely got back into my sports.

      Now wearing suits I last wore in my 30’s, and doing PR in chinups, pushups and running. Doing long hikes and clinbs at high altitude again.

      Take your vax and shove it up your ass with a wire brush, scumbag.

      1. I have this image of you typing that as you pound back Chettos in your mother’s basement in a pair of sweat pants you haven’t take off in three days.

    3. If the spike proteins are found in the affected organs on their own, it’s proof of vaccine caused. If the spike proteins are found with other virus proteins, it’s likely COVID damage. Campbell covered this when he presented results of a bunch of German autopsies.

      1. “If the spike proteins are found in the affected organs on their own, it’s proof of vaccine caused.”

        It’s evidence that the vaccine MIGHT have caused it, but it doesn’t rule out other causes.

  8. “Excess deaths” ? I suppose we mean reduced life spans. The death rate is still one each, so the scoring of win/lose is a decided on who goes first.
    One of my personal goals is to piss on the graves of two Prime Ministers Trudeau, then hope to be gone before they install the third.

    1. ““Excess deaths” ? I suppose we mean reduced life spans. ”

      People tend to forget the real definition of ‘excess deaths’, since governments, the MSM and other vaccine pushers have hijacked the term to mean COVID-19 deaths. Excess deaths actually include everything from cancer to homicide to car accidents, and the annual flu was *already* factored into the ‘expected’ number of annual deaths. COVID-19 being little more than your average flu it was *already* accounted for.

      (and yes, I’ve already contracted it once…and despite being in at least two ‘risk groups’, it was much ado about nothing. Honestly, I’ve had worse head colds)

      I pay little attention to the ‘doctors’ and ‘scientists’ who write these alarmist papers, their *pals* who pretend to ‘review’ them, or the journal editors who selectively pick-and-choose which papers to publish, all FOR MONEY. They are scum.

      Grifters gonna grift, I suppose.

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