39 Replies to “Don’t use that dishwasher!”

  1. Capacity and demand are pretty easy to calculate using simple math. This shouldn’t happen.

    1. The green shirts live in an alternative reality where electricity is good or bad, depending upon how it’s generated. Like the Pope and contraception, they are not opposed to electricity generation, only to those methods that work.

    2. Canadian engineering associations and power system operators have surrendered ideologically to the greens. They didn’t even put up a fight.

      Alberta & Saskatchewan -WILL- experience brownouts & blackouts in the near future if they don’t stop this madness. Nova Scotia isn’t far behind. Not sure who’s next, but of course Quebec with its massive hydro capacity will be just fine, meaning they, and by extension the feds, get to sit atop their high-horse and wag their fingers at everyone else.

      1. Biker
        Climate change is destroying the greening electrical grid.
        No Wind, no coal, No Water, No Solar Power after Dark.
        HOW DARE YOU !
        Supply and Demand is hard for Morons.

  2. I remember the good old days before the turn of the century, when power shortages were reasonably predictable. We could see hot weather coming, what generation was available, and what we could purchase (if any) from the neighboring utilities.

    We would inform all the interruptible customers by 8AM, and if it was really close, even shutdown our own nonessential offices. Everyone understood, and normal customers would even voluntarily cut back too.

    BUT! You could only do it so many times a year, before you lost goodwill.

    We had to do this once in May one year (as opposed to July-August), we were late in announcing the interruptions (an hour notice!) and the next year, a lot of interruptible customers did not re-up. That cost the utility serious money, as they had to buy a lot more long term power contracts that year and the next.

    We had ticked off too many people, too many times.

    1. What did we use for lighting before candles? The Moon
      This is why traditional popular festivals are on a lunar calender.

  3. I have some relatives in Orange County California, they run the dishwasher and do laundry later at night as their electricity prices are tiered, it’s cheaper in the evening or at night..

  4. It’s not a wind problem as much as it’s an AESO problem. Their Net Zero Emissions Pathways statement reads like an energy suicide note and doesn’t bode well at all for Alberta residents so expect more of the same.
    Just sayin’.

  5. Danielle smith could end this tomorrow, by reversing course on this easily demonstrable fraud that CO2 is a thermometer for planetary temperature.

    And no, putting a temporary hold on large wind/solar projects is not the action we need.

    Demonization of the miracle fuel known as hydrocarbons must be halted.

    We got in this giant mess by having those who had the ability to do something, play footsie with the issue (hello Mr Harper).

    Smith has a 5 year majority – time to start governing and advancing policy at the rate and speed the NDP would be.

    1. I remember back about 10 years D Smith was actually questioning the CAGW narrative. While being part of a televised focus group, she was belittled and denounced. It was but a few days when she recanted and fell in line with the climate cult. Gang Green and their media are ruthless and our politicians will not stand up and prove the alternatives.

        1. Uh-huh. Ask her about biological males playing in biological females sports & see how much pragmatism you get.

          If DS wasn’t in agreement w/ the Globull Warmists, she’d stamp this shit out immediately & kick the asses of her MLA’s who do believe in it. She has not done so.

          Like all politicians, she needs to be managed & kept on a very short leash.

    2. Ward
      The people you are pointing to are BIBLE POUNDERS. Who go along to get along!Full stop!

  6. Yesterday I checked my NavCanada aviation weather website account to see where the atmospheric pressure isobars were. The nearest one to the west was a tiny thing around a small high. To the east, there was another in Manitoba. To the north, one ran across the three prairie provinces. To the south, the nearest one was on the border between Montana and Wyoming.

    Later today the isobars will bunch up a little and we’ll get some wind.

    Isobars are lines of equal pressure. It’s the pressure differentials that cause wind, and when the isobars are close together, the pressure gradient is steep and we get wind. When they’re so far apart, we get not wind, or maybe some random light and very brief breezes caused by thermal heating of the air by the ground heated by the sun.

    So, again, high-pressure atmospheric systems bring no wind, and they also bring hot summer days and cold winter days right when we need that wind power.

    I wish the governments would start consulting people that know stuff like this, like professional meteorologists that haven’t been fooled by the television propaganda. It’s always the TV, isn’t it?

  7. Facts and economic realities do not matter – we are not pushing back with the same intensity the radicals.
    Canada could dissappear of the face of the earth and atmospheric CO2 would be reduced by about 1/5th of 1 ppm annually.


    I would propose that we simply mirror Chinas energy policies in regards to GHGs – when they reduce output we will mirror that, if they increase output we will mirror that. If feds disagree, ask them why are we committing economic suicide and their political masters are not.
    Make them answer that question.

    1. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yGHQF8td1cQJ:https://www.scmp.com/business/article/3232574/china-coal-power-spree-continues-frantic-pace-300-plants-pipeline-despite-2030-carbon-pledge&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

      China coal power spree continues at frantic pace with 300+ plants in pipeline despite 2030 carbon pledge, research says
      Excessive permitting points to a lack of enforcement of policies meant to keep China on track to reach its decarbonisation goals, report says
      Most new projects are in areas that do not lack power capacity, says report from Global Energy Monitor and Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air

  8. AB has 1100 years supply of coal, and there is sits. Some is exported, but I bet some entrepreneurial type could burn some of it, boil some water, and make some electricity to sell.

    If that was permitted…

    In the larger picture of how things have become, the shortage of electricity as most things in short supply have in common is the result of gov’t regulation.

    If you’d like to have your voice heard, phone your MLA or MP and tell them to pull their head out of their butt and get with the program.

  9. The bottom line is that governments are spending billions of dollars to make electricity more expensive and less reliable. The electricity system was better at performing its basic function, providing affordable and reliable energy, before a single wind or solar farm was built. The electricity system needs wind and solar like a fish needs a bicycle.

    We need to return to the previous mandates for electricity production – reliable and affordable baseload power. Green, renewable energy should be required to produce the same level of available and dispatchable power as traditional power plants. If they can’t, then maybe they should be required to buy electricity from reliable power generators too offset their unreliability…similar to how large emitters are required to buy carbon credits.

    1. Bottom line is its genocide they are after.. Forcing us to turn to “Renewables” is akin to an EMP event..

      1. It’s feudalism they’re pursuing. The creation of a system where the elites aka the Lords get all the reliable electricity, automobiles, air travel, secure communities, etc. while the peasants only get those things by demonstrating their fealty to the Lords on an ongoing basis, and even then they only gain temporary access to them at the whim of the Lords.

      2. I find it odd that a policy that has failed everywhere it has been implemented, replacing reliable baseload with unreliable wind/solar, is still being expanded and defended. It’s the poster child of a failed experiment. Cut our losses and quit sinking money into a bottomless green energy pit.

        Canadian electricity production is already” clean” compared to most countries in the world. And, while the rest of the world moves to natural gas as a cleaner transitional fuel, our federal government is trying to phase it out and make it unaffordable. Alberta and Saskatchewan should get the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government to explain why natgas is accepted as a clean or cleaner fuel in the vast majority of countries but Ottawa decrees that natgas is a “dirty” fuel for the Canadian prairies. Looks like malice and spite to me.

        Ask them what happened to the idea of a social license in exchange for the carbon tax, too.

  10. The proles need to become accustomed to doing without electricity from time to time. First short intervals but gradually longer intervals. Conditioning for the Net Zero future.

    1. The same principle should be applied to sending oil and natural gas out of Alberta to the rest of Canada…..in January or February would be good. Maybe for two weeks at a time.

  11. Alberta is apparently on the cusp of bringing 3 new projects on stream which will ease the problem.

    The Premier says prices will come down in the not to distant future. I guess we will see. Power bills are wicked here right now.

    1. That is correct. Cascade Power is finishing commissioning 2 x 450MW combined cycle units and H R Milner is finishing repairs on their 300MW combined cycle plant that had a fire last year. Suncor is currently building an 800MW cogen which should start up next year and Keephills 1 & 2 are being replaced with combined cycle plants that will commission sometime early next year. This will give us a considerable increase in baseload generation and hopefully bring the power prices down.

      The parent company of Cascade Power is in the permitting stage of a 1400MW combined cycle plant to be built near Redwater to hopefully start up in 2028.

  12. I’d run absolutely everything between 4 and 7 , even open up my refrigerator doors after I had put everything into coolers. We need to buckle this up bad each and every time.

  13. abtrapper – if I take the bottom line cost on my electricity bill and divide by the usage, I pay about 25 cents per kilowatt hour all in, in AB

    Next door in BC the same usage would cost me about 11 cents per kwh

    A bloody joke. Someone is getting rich.

    1. Hydro is always controversial until it becomes established, but then it’s high density energy. Human progress and prosperity is based on the continual adoption of higher density energy. Mandating the adoption of low density energy is the opposite and will lead to impoverishment, essentially regressive taxation. It’s really that simple. If the greens wanted low carbon energy along with prosperity they would demand Gas to Nuclear (N2N) power. That they don’t tells you what they really want. It’s their way or not. Compromise with them (the Conservative way) means dragging out the decline.

    2. By bottom line cost, you mean all the fees that are heaped onto the power itself. B.C. has hydro power….according to the Energy B.C. website…..” As of 2016 B.C. Hydro charges residential consumers based on a two tiered system. If daily averages remain less than 22.1918 kWh consumers pay $0.0829 per kWh. Anything above that falls into the next tier of $0.1243 per kWh.”

      Currently on my plan in Alberta with ATCO Energy, the power cost is a flat $.0849 per kWh.

      1. Art. You are not including transmission and distribution charges. Take the total of your bill.

        In my example I used the total bill. In Bc you pay for the energy you use and not much more.

        In Alta, the electricity portion is about 1/3 of the total.

  14. I’m already going through genocide to save Mother Gaia. It’s never enough for these environmentalists.

    And a word of advice to our ‘leaders.’ It’s in your best interest to keep the power on so the plebes can be entertained by the teevee, sportsball, pron and their phones.

    Much less miss out on your lies from the ‘news.’
