The energy transition in real time: brownouts threaten at suppertime

With brownouts a possibility, Texas issues another electrical grid alert on Tuesday, its second in three days. Alberta issued one yesterday. These are the most energy-rich places on earth. What is going on?

UPDATE: 3:08 p.m. Aug. 29.

At 2:25 p.m, the Alberta Electric System Operator has not yet issued a grid alert on this date, but put out a tweet alluding to one, imploring Alberta citizens to reduce power consumption.

20 Replies to “The energy transition in real time: brownouts threaten at suppertime”

  1. I think it’s beyond time to admit the obvious reality.

    All of our politicians, from both sides of the aisle, are insiders of the game of gobbling up the money thrown around to build wind and solar.

    To just say that coal is dead is to say that they don’t care if the population dies.
    Cheap electricity builds economies.

    They’re all in on it and we aren’t

  2. Actually, Dallas-Fort Worth area has gotten electricity alerts every day for the last five days at least.

  3. L – If Texas and Alberta risk brownouts of electricity. It means
    whoever set their energy generation policy, over the last 20 years,
    was blackout drunk with power.

    Secondly, for fixing it. Here’s a hint, hiring on anything less than
    competency, only gets you were you don’t want to go.

    Hiring on affirmative action gets you to infirm and no action.
    So does voting on based on the same.

  4. Like the rare street dwellers in the early ’80’s, this too will become the norm.

    Our brilliant NDP government here in B.C. is forcing builders to install electricity as the prime source for all energy needs, natural gas is verboten. Same with renovations, NG is out, electric is in and they’re pushing on demand electric hot water heating. The cost for me would be upwards of $10,000 to have the on demand HWH installed. There’s new tax on gas water heaters, and you’re discouraged from buying one, though they will sell it to you if you’re firm.

    We simply don’t have the infrastructure to go all electric,and the move to electric cars means most of us will not be able to own one, or charge it at home even if we can buy one.

    Cooking time will soon be restricted, wait for it. We’re in a transition from the free old days to the new environmental tyranny, and no election is going to fix it.

    1. In the early ’70s, when electricity was cheap, Ontario Hydro had a big push on electric heat for new home construction. Fast forward 20 years, hydro in Ontario is the most expensive in North America and the cost for homeowners to convert is astronomical because there is no duct-work. I would never consent to electric heat, or an electric car for that matter.

  5. Nothing bridges the political divide like sitting in the dark.. Then the pissed off people go outside and start burning things?.. It can get ugly, fast..

    1. It’s not going to get ugly. Cities in Western Canada are just as full of Safety Karens and Virtue Signalers as Toronto or Ottawa. I mean, for chrissake — Saskatoon, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, and others ban the use of school bus flashing lights and swing-out stop signs when loading and unloading kids. Because the flashing lights give “a false sense of security”. Do you really think that the people who think up stuff like that, and those who implement it, and those who follow it while nodding and saying “I am a good person because I am thinking of the children”, are going to “get ugly”? I mean, they’re already ugly — but they are not going to get ugly in the way that you mean and in the way that we need.

      Now, whoops — look at the time. Just after 4:00 pm. I have to go shut everything off and unplug anything that might be drawing power on the down-low.

  6. Hahaha … I just got moderated … for using the word: re a m ed … as in what PG&E are doing to the ratepayers. This is becoming not worth the hassle.

  7. One glorious cascade of incompetence.
    Starting from energy on demand cascading to intermittent energy for which there is no demand.
    We will have to force these fools and bandits to live as they preach,before their misery will make them reassess that ideology.
    I am coming to believe in a “sharing community”,those who share the idiocy of our Dear Leaders,can share the results.
    Those that don’t can banish these dangerous fools.
    Gang Green is a death cult.

  8. We are unwilling participants in this ill-fated Children’s Crusade led by Juthtin the petulant with enabler Jagmeet Quislingh.

    It probably will end worse for us than Juthtin.

    Tis the usual pattern with the odd historical exception. Hardly anybody puts Canadian exceptionalism on their bingo card so don’t get your hopes up.

  9. Hey, Jenn: Again and again and again…

    Got a full tank of propane for your grill? Gonna need it to cook your vegan meal. ‘Course, you could always just belly up & mow the lawn. With your teeth…

  10. At times like this I’d support remote access smart meters. Anyone who voted Librano or Dipper would be the first the have their electricity shut off. A bit of a twist on freezing bank accounts based on political beliefs.

  11. Possible Black Out? Some advice.

    Fill up your freezer with ice cubes and bulk ice. I freeze water bottles, and the heavier refilled Gatorade bottles are great. That will keep your refrigerator and freezer cold longer. And don’t open the door!!!

    Cool or heat your house a few extra degrees.

    Check the generator and get extra fuel. You do have a generator, don’t you?

  12. Way to sneak in & get yer cheap shot, Jenn. Long after the party has broken up. So brave…
