16 Replies to “Graham James, Call Your Office”

  1. Reading that Hill article, I’m astonished to see that the gay community would consider red states enacting laws to restrict child grooming as some kind of threat to their personal well-being and safety. Hyperbole much? That’s a little too much rhetoric for me to swallow whole. They’re making Florida sound like Taliban-led Afghanistan.
    I’m just wondering if the Canadian government has such travel advisories against countries like Iran and Pakistan, but rest assured that Crystia Fraulien assures us that these advisories are not politically motivated.
    Yeah, and I’m sure that Trump’s indictments aren’t politically motivated either. /sarc

    I’m wondering what Progressive Pat has to say about all this.

      1. Yup nor Iran nor any of a dozen other countries.

        It’s because the community is about manipulation, power and money.

        They really don’t care about their own. Just the narrative that 1/2 of us are bad.

        The headline should say; “Foreign affairs joins democrat campaign against alt-right Maga.

    1. Why do you think they have a problem with the government interference in their ability to groom?

    2. I saw on an Instagram post a father discussing how pedophiles gain access to children. His observation was (based on discussions with pedophiles) is they gain access by looking at the family, particularly the father. If the father is perceived to be a threat, the pedophile passes; if there is no father on site, then the pedophile walks right in. Single mothers are a ripe environment – they are usually busy with jobs etc, and like the fact that their son might have a strong role model. The father also noted that there seems to be a lot of people these days who are strangers to a child (including teachers) who seem particularly interested in the child’s sexuality and they exploit that including telling the child that if they are trans it is OK, but keep it from the parents. In the olden days (like last year) that would have been called grooming. No stranger or even a casual friend, neighbour, or relative should be quizzing a minor child on their sexuality.

      I know many gay/lesbians and they are appalled by what is happening in the trans community and how trans activists are keen on getting access to children and separating them from parents or other adults in the child’s life (aunts/uncles, cousins, grandparents etc.) for the sole purpose to put them on the road to transition. And unfortunately we have a lot of non-profits and governments that are fine with excluding parents from a child’s life.

      1. Another thing pedos might be looking for: Parents that take their kids to drag time story hours or “family-oriented” gay pride parades (complete witt sex toys, doggies and pin the clitoris on the vulva). I mean, I know why fithy pedos would infiltrate drag time story hour at the local library, and their enablers that work there. But why would parents take their kids there?

    3. “They’re making Florida sound like Taliban-led Afghanistan.”

      Works for me.

      If certain people stay away from Florida, that’s more room for me and my family when we go down there every year for our holiday.

  2. From the first link:

    “In April, the St. Petersburg-based LGBTQ rights group Equality Florida issued a travel advisory of its own, warning both domestic and international travelers to Florida that the state “may not be a safe place to visit or take up residence” because of new laws that target LGBTQ people, restrict access to reproductive health care and relax firearms restrictions.”

    Wait up… if Florida is so dad gummed dangerous, why are they still there in Florida? Evacuate now!

  3. “Anti-LGBT” laws aren’t actually anti-LGB, they’re anti-pedophile laws. If the LGB’s don’t want to get lumped in with the T’s, they need to separate themselves.

    1. I made the remark last year, while undergoing yearly pronouns/inclusivity indoctrination. Courtesy of the Federal government. The presenter, who could not wait 5 minutes to tell the audience he was gay, made a crack about that being verboten in Florida. I corrected him (xir?) by stating the law does not contain the work “gay” and is aimed at restricting sexual material being presented to minor. And if he had a problem with that. And if he would continue to spread disinformation on the government dime.

    2. Well, the LGB have put in place that Gestapo that will cancel anybody questioning the agenda. The Ts are just making their nest in what others have created. I remember well what they did to opponents of Gay marriage, trying to ruin the live of people that just… disagreed. They are all lumped under that groomer flag as far as I am concerned, the same one that was flown under the PM’s window this week.

      1. This. All of this “Oh, I know so many LGBs who are aghast at the Ts” – do you all have the memories of goldfish? The Colorado bakery lawsuit? The first married gay couple in Canada promptly suing the Catholic priest who refused to marry them? LGB activists explicitly acknowledging that gay marriage was solely lawfare to use against the Catholic church and religious conservatives? The push to define p*d*ph*l*a as a distinct sexual orientation to hide the prevalence of same sex m*l*station?

        It’s the constant leftward ratchet.

  4. I think it is interesting that LGBT groups willingly admit that anti kid grooming laws go against LGBT agenda.
